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Dhruv Jan 10
The dew of morning leaving early in garden
Euptopia of fairy with lingering magic
Belief so strong with a spark of Amber
Red with violet, oh so lovely misty affair
Born with ivy,but giving a cold
You who captured this tyrant heart with innocence
Submitting my crimes as my letter of truth
With blood soaked tip and a stirred heart
Salty air with sunset dream's
Oh my lovely euptopia, with a olive heart
Forgive this foolish being,with a heart of gold
String soaked in red,tied to hands
My lovely euptopia always be mine
Dhruv Jan 1
Your lush green eyes filled with maroon
Oh, my is it a dream that I always, have you?
Waking up by your side, with your lingering scent
Citrus with a crust of ocean in it
I have loved you forever and always
be mine my beloved in this lapse
until the twist of fate intervenes
let me be the only fool to have your hand
forever and always be mine
Dhruv Nov 2024
A haze which diminishes as soon as it reaches the mist,
Like fleeting doubts, vanishing when touched by the truth.
A flare ignites, ablaze with bloom,
A fleeting passion that rises, then dissipates into the air.

Wings once admired now the cause of my loathing,
They carry the weight of regret, dragging me down.
A crass look with certain affix envelops the blue and green,
Turning purity into something stained, twisted by perception.

Enchantment of protection lifts the seal of the ballad,
Revealing the song of pain and redemption beneath.
I stand behind the fog of prism,
The world distorted, hidden from clarity, trapped in illusion.

A blink for a second leaves a scar full of nightmares,
The weight of time, etched into the soul, haunting the quiet.
Withstanding the dark with a glimmer of gold,
A fragile hope shining through the shadows, faint but bold.

Rosy layers with sweet enchantment,
One can't describe the entrances to a world unknown.
The blush of wind and serene of lake,
Forgiving the redemption within the being, a soft, silent grace.

Waiting for the clock to turn the wheel,
Knowing the length that the being has woven,
With certain exclamations into the poetry song of poets,
With redemption whispered softly, bringing hope anew.

Having the protection of the hue,
Making the unknown shiver with harm,
A force unseen, yet ever-present,
Guarding the soul from deeper scars.

The being, knowing whom protection was,
Having lifelong regret for not saying goodbye,
With tears falling from both eyes,
A sorrow that time could never erase.

Spirits blow the wind to guide the being,
Towards the end where the journey concludes,
Having the ballad of constellations,
A final song written in the stars, forever illuminating the soul’s path

— The End —