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1. an arrangement of words written or spoken: traditionally a rhythmical composition, sometimes rhymed, expressing experiences, ideas or emotions in a style more concentrated, imaginative and powerful than that of ordinary speech or prose; some poems are in meter, some in free verse.
2.anything suggesting a poem in its effect.
Webster's New College Dictionary,  4th Edition
Is it colluding if you get wind
Of the evil deeds of others
That will ultimately help you,
And you don’t try to stop them-
You don’t actually OFFER to help,
But you DO stand by and let it happen
And then reap all the benefits from it.
Is that “colluding by proxy”?
And OJ Didn't do it either, did he.
There  once  was  a  writer  from  Laughlin
Considered  a  poetic  boffin
She  wrote  corny  verse
That  couldn’t  be  worse
And  thus  wasn’t  read  very  often.
now who could I be referring to?
The cygnet scorns the swan
And swims in ever wider circles.
Downstream roars the waterfall
And overhead a falcon swoops.
Ahh the perils of a teenage daughter spreading her wings.
The moon’s still high In the dawning sky
And the streetlights cut the gloom.
I go for a walk and a mental talk
That sweeps my mind like a broom.

The desert air, to which none can compare
Banishes all thoughts of doom
I walk the street to an eager beat
Like a Bride on the way to her Groom.
Every morning I walk.  Once in a while I rhyme.
At every forking of the road
I took the one less traveled.
And then I found to my dismay
The reason it was bypassed.
Life is a harsh school teacher.
I’ll be there when you call
I’ll be there if you fall
In you I’ve found my future
I’ll be there, I’ll be there.

I’ll be there when you fly
I’ll be there if you cry
In you I’ve found my answer
I’ll be there, I’ll be there.
A song I never quite finished.
I still pine
       for what I’ve lost
               the promise and

I still search my memory
                for hidden fragments
                                 of that treasure.

     Time has covered
                some of them in
                            shadows of nostalgia.

     But the flaming pain
                        still brightly burns and
                                      tears will not extinguish it.
Sometimes I feel like a broken record.  Healing much too slowly.

Clouds that look like something
           A novice wedding baker
                    Would pipe onto a cake

Spread themselves across
      The distant mountain tops
                   In swooping shades of
                            Peach and cobalt blue.

The sheet cake of
          Remaining sky
                Resembles Blueberry Yogurt
                        Swirled with apricot jam.

As quickly as this
         Wondrous dawning scene
                               Appears, it fades

To ordinary morning
          Clouds, and sky that hints
                      Of rainstorms and

What did I do yesterday
          That earned me
                      This reward today.
I don’t know where it went
  I just know it’s gone
    I don’t know how it happened
      I just know I did it
        I don’t know what it even was
          I just know I miss it
            I don’t know where to go to find it
              I just know I have to try
Ever feel like there's something missing in your life?  Every day.
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