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Tokyo, Japan   
A new day means distance is not a boundary but a disturbance in the balance of happiness.
Bo Burnham
Megan H
27/F/Texas    Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. …
Said Person
My promise to all of you: I'll let you know when I start giving even a single crap
LA Brown
In a Hobbit Hole    I am what I am, and that's all that I am. ~ Mr. Pop Eye Quite possibly Dr. Seuss' love child.
John Stevens
Idaho moved to Texas    Retired IT Specialist who writes to maintain sanity. Raising two grandchildren and 1 who are a delight of my life. I began writing in the …
Ramsha Ahmed
In dreams    Most of the time, all I have are words.
Jordan Harris
Cosmogyral    Words are simply stars; for however beautiful they are individually, it is not until they are strung together when they create a universe.
Forrest Jorgensen
Fayetteville    How can I atone for the sins of a system, That riddles the world with sickness and victims?
Nicole Ann Sandoval
Kansas (will nvr b home)    You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better.-Anne Lamott I'm …
36/M/Japan    It's bad luck to be superstitious.
Spencer Dennison
The Canadian Maritimes    Truly, this world is a feeble place if we must make this meager shelter to hide our brilliance... My name is Spencer. Although this name …
Tom Leveille
VA USA    twitter: @avxlanche YouTube: booking inquiries: my book "down with the ship" is now availible:

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