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mt May 2022
Earth abundant with Oh Mys,
Oh my belly, oh my thighs
Oh my sensory surprise

Oh my hips, oh my lips,
Oh my palm, oh my wrist,
Oh my action, oh my whips
deviating from the script
More Oh Mys than I can fit

Or maybe this multiplicity
Crossing all with all
Simplifies to one love

A universal go, cosmic come
Cosmic to, a universal from

These Oh Mys meld
Do not be deceived
Feel the universal energy,
But oh my!
do not leave
mt Mar 2014
The unfaithful wife
(Just 7 years of life)
feels the faithful knife
through flesh,

true flash,
red light burns,
Blood screams
On a field of white snow.
And children with sledges look the other way.

Bleed her red light out,
This unfaithful wife.

Tears stream
From big brown eyes.
Scream and scream,
This pain
Tearing, deep into being.
Peeled back skin,
serrated separation.

Legs wrapped,
Around a tortured mother.
Quiet sobs,
Looking for soft love lost
In the name of lust.

Bound now,
To this blade.
A cold cut through soft beauty,
A ghost steel, wedged in
Still tied to raw skin,
Reslicing with every step.

This day,
I am found now,
Now I stay.
This way,
I am bound now.

Ice cream,
Numbs that burning pain, a bit.
A smile to a child's face.
Back to play,
This unfaithful wife,

Too young,
to know her luck.
back outside now,
White snow,
and white veils,
in the blue sky,
back outside,
back playing brides
in dresses stained in red.

And still with a smile.
This practice is in my mind an atrocity.
mt Aug 2011
You my cure,
a painkiller, a drug?
Delirious consumption.

Being around you
Let me forget
From thought, to happiness
I immersed myself in you
But the illness progressed

No plateau
No recreation,
As I sipped your words and tongue,
I was slipping
Sliding your syringe
Piercing, my skin
Everyday, of every week
The obsession would spiral,
But never peak

And everyday was a day away,
From the antidote I seek

I stole the timbers of my life
To fuel the fire of my addiction
And as everything crumbled,
And became less
My illness still progressed

I lit it,
And it flamed,
My pyre

But the beauty of your fire-lit face,
Engulfed my world,
And left me higher

What is the difference between love and addiction?
So little, but love seems the greater affliction.
2007 *then*
mt Nov 2015
Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the biggest city in the world.
Amidst all the turmoil of rooms being booked to make the most efficient use of time and space.
This place got overlooked.

I'm in an empty classroom,

The empty chairs,
A quiet reminder,
This place is used to more.
But I'm in an empty classroom,
And my thoughts are my own.

I feel illicit.
And excited.
And inspired.
I feel like becoming, the people I admire.

The space is defiantly alive,
There's new stacks of papers each night.
I feel in touch with the beauty of society,
But safe from its vice.
I barricade myself behind battlements of books.

My presence will almost certainly go undetected,
No one will notice the slight shift in the desks and chairs.
But I feel connected.
There is a shared spirit, that lives in the air.

I breath in the ghosts of the day time,
Their raucous noise nothing but a whisper, now.
I don't dislike those ghosts,
I'm just thankful for this time to play alone with the possibility
Of creation.

Away from idle chitterlings.
Their whispering ghosts make me relish this stolen time all the more.
I've got until the sun sinks, sinks, sinks into the deep dark.
I've got a candle, I've got my heart.
until sunrise.

And hopefully someday,
someone will feel,
In the midst of their new delight
The spirit of
the ghost of night.

I'm in an empty class,
In the spaces left over,
I feel at home.
mt Oct 2018
I have a kinship with ghosts,
Sailing with echoes.
enthralled by permanence
And slow demise,
The illusions
Of paradise.

But Life was given me
Through livened eyes,

I would have wandered,
Through spiral stairs of stone,
Would my soul have a awoken?
Or would I have wondered, alone?

What is their else,
Than the look in the eyes,
Of another cosmic being,
Of this very cosmos, seeing
mt Mar 2019
I wonder if I can tell you how it really was,
laying in bed in those warm covers,
with a reading light above,
close to the ceiling, in the top bunk,
with love sleeping in the next room,
and tender good nights.
Pure comfort?
Pure safety?
Perhaps something like
A boy in the realm of gods.
I can't really tell you,
how it really was.
mt Aug 2022
A cup of coffee in the sun
A book, by a crackling fire
The wilderness, predicated on poetry
Renditions of Shakespeare
A game of sport
Beautiful gardens
That look in your eye
And a smoky measure, of amber gold.

All of these simple pleasures
But how simple, in reality?

For we are all connected
And woe betide he who forgets

These comforts, poetry even,
predicated on the hunt, or the farm
Long days, through the rain
Not necessarily true pain
But a certain kind of grit

What would you do?
No work, no food.

Do I really love the wilderness?
I love my view of it
And should not forget the giants
on whose shoulders we sit.
That grows in the soil.
mt Aug 2017
kiss your head
sweet dreams
sweet dreams. what more can i wish for you. i wish so much in these dwindling days. i would see your strength return. so broken. for so long. two people, and the cord between.

i would walk this earth with you.
hand in hand.
under an april sun.

sweet dreams
sweet dreams as you sleep.

i love you.
with my words i say i love
with my actions, i can say.
but then without words,
what is there.

just the is-ness of this.

i love the two of you.
conflicted cord.
by turns pulling away.
but when you push you cannot help but walk a little closer.

i think there is a germ of truth in there,
buried under two decades worth of ***** laundry
a festering pile.
as much as words can say the truth,
casting shadows on the wall,
an illumination that alludes to form.

should you clean it now?
should you clean it now?
you have both eeked out your existance in the dark.
Some rays of sunshine peeking through,
at times.
should you cast off the comfort blanket
the oppressive warmth of an unspoken history?

what now,
in the last light of this day?
mt Apr 2015
I lay at peace
in this warm dawn sun.
Birds sing of love
before battle is begun.

Perfectly held
cocooned by folds of land
in the life line
of a universal hand.

But death mounts
the horizon with the sun;
violence, blood rises,
it will be begun.

I throw off the warmth,
of my bundled feather down;
kissed by a cool breeze
as I cast my gaze around.

Terror rains
from the sky on either side
with no escape
from a surging tide.

But yet, and yet, a bird still sings his love;
harmony, as if he will find it.
And there's a song in my heart,
but I will die behind it.

I will fight,
and I will fight,
so that I might live to find it.
mt Aug 2018
Coffee strong in a cup leaves a burnt taste in my mouth,
some sort of waking.
Pressed, and pressured,
ground down into mud
union with blood.
mt Aug 2011
You can think 'til Kingdom comes
Or we're all fried inside the sun
You can take that time to think,
You'll never find the missing link.

If you take some time alone,
When you're the only one at home,
the time to sit alone and think,
and push your logic to the brink,
You'll never find the missing link.

Tie yourself in chains,
of cause and effect,
of what you've been told,
and what to expect.

Tie yourself in chains
and link by link,
clink clink think think
Where's the link?
Stitching your hopes and pains
You  sink.
mt Nov 2024
In need of a tidy day,
but did't take it.
So I sat in a funk,
and couldn't shake it.
It's all games,
but you can't fake it.
mt Dec 2022
Some moments seem eternal
to reverberate in my mind
-- and I use their memory
to light new fires that shine.

Tell me!
When my mind will drop,
(Like a pebble
To the lake of time)
Tell me!
Will the ripple stop?
What is yours?
And what's just mine?

Do I exist,
Outside these lines?
mt Aug 2022
Drink in this illusion of control
Momentary masters of our destiny
'Til mother nature turns it on
The look in her eyes says you won't last long

But that feeling
Like you just might
Be there when the bird takes flight
It's enough to keep you up at night
Keep you striving
For the light.
mt May 2022
I am an agent of violence
Or at least
I was
Overwhelmed, unconscious, tired, full of lust
I broke
with society's trust

Who's to say I won't again?
It's a dangerous game that we are playing

Not pure evil
But so much distress
Evidence of God's indifference
Definitely enough to push someone over
And it's enough shame to keep my head low.

Blessed are you, kind and considerate since birth
Keep going, dance on.

And for those of you like me
Agents of violence, in a moment of clarity?
Commit to the future, with a practice of ballet.

Go fast, if that's what you need
But go well.
Don't **** with your speed.
mt Aug 2024
If the people were new
but the patterns were the same
diving from a Cornish quay
Would you play the game?

The reassurance of Sainsbury's
Saturday night TV with banana custard
Rain on the car's windscreen as we drive along
Spring flowers
And sledging through the snow.
Starlit skies,
and Northern Lights.
Tell me where you go, alright.

Will I stay in this miracle?
As it warms and changes?
You taught me what I knew
As I am facing the new.
Old hearts, beat anew.
mt Apr 2015
How am I scared of a memory,
echoing through rusty pipes,
with other echoes, lost in time,
deep in the *****, deep in my mind,
leaving fresh scars in the metal on each pass
through dented coils in a spiral
closing in upon my heart?

This echo doesn't fade,
it climbs.

Now swarming buzzes fly on high,
one thousand wings as black as night,
until that dark, chaotic sound
spills forth into the quiet chapel of my future.

Thunder clouds
and heavy air,
draw blackout blinds on stained glass,
as they pass,
as they pass.
Will they pass?
Which phantom fingers play these keys,
as I kneel at the fragile alter of existence?
How am I scared
of a memory?

Thunder shakes the very foundations,
A primal pagan invader,
Shivering my bones as I tremble and cover my head.
Lightening illuminates the wings of dread.

I pray that thunder wakes me;
wakes the one who plays the keys,
I pray that I scream,
I pray that I scream
I pray the pain will break this dream.

So then through pain and tears comes rain;
the *****'s pipes begin to spray.
Streaming rivulets wash down black stone,
through cracked tiles,
pulling dark clouds
to the depths of the ground.

And now, a harmony of mist
hangs colours in the air
light tumbles lazily,
soaring to vaulted ceilings,
brushing my hand,
blessing cracked tiles with ****** grass.

Petals serenade
silent beams of sun,
as they come,
as they come.
They will come.
mt Apr 2012
Failure is fundamental
In welcoming success
There is no joy in winning when
Each time you win
The pleasure’s less

Flirting, failure left me wanting
Wanting more of idleness
And acceptance of my nothingness

I looked around and saw the world
And told myself the world was right
And told myself that happiness
Was knowing to give up the fight

And now I’ve lost, I couldn’t say
The thought of failure keeps me warm
I want to spin and hit the world
A hurricane amid the storm

I don’t want to sleep forever
Amid the pain,
and pleasure,
of past endeavour
To take my life and keep me sane
I write my life, to live again


I know that I will lose the fight
Death decay and loneliness
Are self imposed notions
Points of view without foundations
Uniting all, but stealing light

Everything is lost,
And everyone dies
By the hand of Eternity
That holds your soul
And shuts your eyes

But what now, of the miracle I am?
That survives the odds against eternity
Uniting the very essence of infinity
To feel, and stand
As from the Earth, comes Man

The purpose I will never find
But life, I know, has set me free
And to the meaning I am blind
But I should take what I can see

I will lose
Of that I’m sure
But on the way I know I’ll fight
To feel the pain the love and joy
To see the beauty
Bathed in light

And as I lose,
I know I’ll win
Because that it is to fight the cold
Is that it is, to let you in
2007 - last year of my A levels
mt Jul 2018
My past imperfect,
but my strength is real.
My creation isn't flowing,
but my heart can feel.

My strength isn't large,
but I have power left,
to order nature by love,
in beat with my breath.

I had been afraid
that I'd fail from the light.
But now I'm more scared,
that I'll sleep through the fight.

So hear now as I call to you,
Walk through your fear,
and do what you can do.
mt Dec 2024
Wherever you are: Find love.

I was blessed that my fruits fell from above.
But if you have to look right
or left
find love.

With whatever strength you're blessed
find love.

For a future sweet goodbye,
find love --- where time will fly on swiftly by
and love will teach you how to cry
But here we are and here we find
our family within mankind

So don't give up upon your search
Worship at our love's one church.
Look up, below and all round
for love upon this earthly ground.
And peace inside it's silent sound.
mt Jan 2021
Looking down a dread dark sea
an infinite horizon holding space.
The billowing surface,
for unknowable depths

And, yet, she dove.

Well, she was shocked
by a cruel shove in the back.
Eyes wide and body arched,
an unintentional start -
But when you look how the tumble turned to art,
It's hard to say fall.

in unwilling plummet,
from kindred souls,
We all gazed for a moment
At the foundation of space.
And to my eyes, at least
she was looking to Grace.

Tumbling in her fear she found
an Olympic diver in her heart -
First with polished fingernails
the aftermath had yet to start.

hypnotic waters gently parted
body followed, diving true.
steadfast and strong hearted,
On a course it looked she knew.

Night time now,
and still!
Gently, the great depth
and gently,
the soaring height
touch palms, so
lively eyes see stars

But the illusion offers no clue,
What might lay beneath,
When we break the glimmer
Of the dread black mirror.

Is this the same sea,
I will tiptoe to in dark
wading until my lips
can kiss the stars?


When i want you now I'm weary
to probe those impenetrable depths.
so i look to beautiful heavens
to catch my breath.

But perhaps that dread sea
churns the blood from each spilled heart.
It's comforting to think
We can both become a part.
mt Aug 2011
I've got this smile I do
Where the corners of my mouth twitch up as far as they'll go
And I hold my lips just so
so that top row of my teeth are on show
But not the top gums, never those
And then of course
A little pull on those cheeks to get the dimples

And I brush furiously each day,
but I never look inside,
I never look past the 6 white teeth I show
to see the teeth beside.  

I used to have a feeling,
That laterally, they yellowed,
A furtive fearful glance,
saw shapes in the shadow,
but scared of what the light might show,
I never used to know.

Fear of what I might see,
Genetic imperfections, naturally.
So I brushed and brushed,
And then
I bit the apple,
And the chunks stuck in my teeth
And the chunks sunk down the crevices
and festered underneath.

And then I said so what: I flossed,
I took the chance to let the light dance,
And ignorance is all I lost.

I know everything.
And I wouldn't say they're yellow, more cream.
But as the floss delves down into the unknown crevices between my teeth,
It brought out some awful gunk that really stunk,
And I bled too, you know,
But I'm told those things are natural
The first few times.

And of course when it bleeds,
It's because of gum disease...
But it leaves if you can just see
what's ***** then clean.

So I made a policy decision,
not to shy away from imperfections,
as reminders of my human condition.
But instead to do the best I can
with what I've got, and all the love I can muster.

We used to do it for God,
But that's all gone in this age of science,
And meritocracy.
So I put my faith
in the healthy suspicion,
What feels right, is right.
That is, feeling is being,
Do you see what I'm seeing?

And what feels right is the best we can
The difference from man to man,
The one will live his life in fear
Of news he'll probably never hear.
The next will live his life light
Taking action, when he can,
So he might taste the world's delight.

And then of course I've got this smile
That I couldn't do a thing to hide,
As my mouth is open wide,
I've got no fear of what's inside.
mt Jan 6
Once bound
never lost
even as your body goes

adventures in time
but our repost
is a soul that knows and knows

And even memories
may fade
no one knows the words they said
But as much as we're bound to die
The Earth is bound up in the sky
Beyond the realms of you or I
Where purest energy can fly

So fly!

And fly!

Behind your eyes

The atoms passed up this surprise
a life we know, a life we ride
So turn to it
and do not hide
or yearn for it
and be the sky
within the realms of you and I
mt Apr 2012
Gaia is a part of me,
Her lakes, her leaves and every tree,
Everything that I can see,
Is caught up in my destiny.

And in return I'll grant her that,
Along with every bird and bat,
My destiny is firmly sat,
In her eternal beauty trap.
mt Nov 2017
i wouldn't recommend you spend your years like me.
No no.
I did learn a thing or two! It's true.
But looking back I was beating around off track.
Years with the machete swinging lethargically
For empty hours each day
Contented to sit and grow fat on red berries.

What could i have done to skip my fall tonight
through the ice of these memories?
Is it today that colours the yesterdays in my brain?
A dark arctic swirl.
Submarine windows, cracking panes

What could i do now to stop feeling the same.
Let those carcasses freeze over,
Breathe air on top

I would like to say I'm a caterpillar
Become butterfly.
But that's not how humans work.

As I look through windows to the past
I whisper that they're growing pains.
Can I love my skin, as I stroke my scars?
I hope these feelings do not last.
I'm not dead yet, is my refrain.
mt May 2021
Not rats in wheels,
but birds on the wind;
a spirit feels,
for a life on the wing

the gale holds her still,
A headwind too strong
but she soothes as she sings
For flight is her song
mt Aug 2011
1) The world scorns me
Without reason
No Blood, upon my hands

The guilt destroys me,
Without reason,
Thoughts fight, sense disbands

I am spinning
in the mist,
and Catching
glimpses as I twist

As spectres
smother my existence
Hiding joy
and warping distance,

are manifest
Drunk on self importance,
and all in white
I feel no light.

Hold me now and show me
I need a frame
of reference,

Joy, at times, will follow,
Let me know and
show me laughter

Show me love,
And tell me if,
Asking why’s
A dangerous gift.


2) We can never be free
Or unshackle the chain
Of cause,
and effect

We are never free
From the consequences
Of our actions,

We break free
from our mind’s archives
Of shame,
and unrest
2006 * then *
mt Feb 2018
Give me sky sports,
and a newspaper each day.
virtual reality
to while hours away

give me whiskey
and a plate of cottage pie
i'll eat greens to
delay when i might die

give me women
in front of my eyes
but a comfy seat
so i don't have to rise

you may tell
that i'm scared of my demise

i hope you don't notice
i'm more scared to live my life
mt Aug 2011
I live a half life
Hung up, on the thought of you
Every moment passing blurs
I don’t know what to do

Ever since I heard your laugh
And lost myself within your eyes
No one else has touched my soul
You’re are my truth, my life’s a lie

I cannot keep you from my mind
Fading nights, to day, tonight
I look to stars and think of you
I am no longer ruled by light

Lost, I follow all your signs
You are my night, you are my day
And the beauty of the world depends
On each and every word you say

If you whisper what I want to hear
Black clouds can crush me from the sky
You're beautiful, the day is clear
It’s clear for miles, and I know why

If you leave me wondering
Grey skies and rain are growing old
If I think that you have gone
The sun can shine, but I am cold

The thoughts I have of holding you
They blind and burn with ecstasy
The thought of you within my arms
It hides from view all else I see


My life’s been lost, and halved too long
I’ll take the highs but at what cost?
The lows prove optimism wrong,
And what of everything I’ve lost?

So **** stupid's how I feel
Have I let this last too long?
From when we met until this day?
Is anything we had, now gone?

There were reasons that I hesitated,
Left you alone to work things out
You didn’t mean so much to happen,
But now my mind is plagued with doubt.

I want to fill my life with you
And let you know I need you here
But if I have to let you go
At least an empty glass is clear…

So this is it
I fell for you

And fall each day
And I don’t know,
how good we’d be
But either way,
I have to see…  And you should know.
2006 * then *  This poem is about obsession.
mt Jun 2024
I'd rather not be enlightened
If my son has more pain
I'll let the sun shine.
But I'll sweat for some grain.
And I'll train
how I'll train
how I'll train.

Because you'll think you've ascended
And the rains will come
And the pain of the innocents
Will see you undone.
mt Sep 2018
I don't want to be the ballast
that holds you to the floor
as your balloon is swelling
and I see that you could soar

I don't want to be the deadweight
that drags you to the deep
You are a flying fish and I
wish that you could leap

I don't want to cut this rope
though it's begun to fray
I pray that I can have the strength
to start to set this straight


If you were to cut the rope
then i would understand
and as I sank into the depths,
I would try to rise, a man


Locked in, the heart of my weight:
a feather says fly,
Even though the the hour's late,
Skim like a stone, kissing the deep.


So this is my mission, to rise for me
and whichever way it goes,
i pray you will fly free
The truth is I want to fly
skim like a stone kissing the deep

I don't want to drag you down
the risk seems  almost too much
a beautiful heart, too delicate to drown
but i cannot let you go
mt Aug 2011
My World feels so small
As I am trapped by these walls
And the shutters are closed
And the ceiling, it falls

The scale of the tiredness
Far past,
the last resort
Has been growing
And growing
As the world will distort

Relativity takes a hit

The room tightens its grip, clenching
It’s crushing my bed
A vice of the void,
There’s no space in my head

The crunching timbers steal my breath
And crush what life they still can find
But I will wake, to live bereft
These cruel chains, are in my mind
2007 *then*
mt Nov 2016
let me carry your picture
  in my wallet,
let me carry your words
  in my mind,
let me tattoo these maps
  on my body,
so I drop anchor,
  this time,
  deep down into the fabric of reality,
a dead weight,
  holding my soul,
  strong chains,
  falling through these beautifully fatal waves,
  as winds bring wings to sweep me away
Let me hold your dreams
  in my heart,
Let me tend the deck you walk,
  lest it splinter apart.
For when this weather breaks,
  no matter light, no matter dark,
  we sail
when this weather breaks,
  we sail
mt Feb 2020
You were my bath,
On the cold Winter's day in my childhood.

Now as the water drains away,
I don't bathe lest
I'm slid to the vortex.

But risen I return
To dabble my hand in you,
In the spinning waters.

I think you feel my love,
And I yours,
As I walk,
And you swirl,
A dangerous game.

And I know you forbid me,
To approach your drain.

So let me enjoy my hand
in your current.
mt Apr 2012
Let your mind go
And trust yourself to realise.
Let the thought’s be free, and flow
When importance comes,
Just know, that you will know

Do not worry,
Do not analyse
Do not think about thoughts,

Be gentle with feelings as you caress them,
They are beautiful
But wild
And to cage a feeling
Is to lose a child

Let your mind go,
Let your thoughts be free, and flow
And let your feelings come,
Fresh shoots through melted snow.
Let your whole mind entwine, and grow

Do not **** this river flowing
Do not confine
The thoughts from growing

Feelings unite
Within your mind

Revel in their delicate play
as they slide by one

Think of your lover
But let her play and dance
and disappear
The thoughts will cloud,
But some days will clear,
And the ones you need, they're here

Feelings and thought
Will remain if they will
If they won’t
Then let them slide wonderfully into oblivion
Dive in.

You may find yourself one day
And if you don’t
Don't note what gets away

Do not write so incessantly,
Of your thoughts and your feelings,
Your fear that they will disappear,
Drives them shy

Fearful of capture,
They lay and hide,
And the River flows no more
****** and stagnant
in desert sands.

Let your mind go
And trust yourself to realise
Let the thought’s be free, and flow
When importance comes
You'll know
2007 - Last year of UK high school. I think what I was getting at was the sense that I felt in myself that I needed to achieve something big. I recorded everything for posterity. I kept text messages from girls I liked.  I wrote down every idea I had in case it was my one fleeting chance at glory, the only time I'd stumble across reality.
mt Aug 2011
If your ambition is to serve the world,
and unleash your creativity,
anything that presents itself as an ultimatum,
is just the cloud of our collective doubts,
waiting for a single shot of inspiration,
to slide into blue rain.
mt Dec 2016
I want your voice to take my thoughts away
I want your voice to lead me for the day

But I don't like who I am, when I listen to you.
I don't like who I am, nor do I like what I do.

For though your voice is melodic, and hypnotic,
  and far more artful than mine (moaning and neurotic),
the trouble is that you don't really know me,
  you cannot hear what I say,
and though your art goes on,
  I am wasting away.

As even though you write,  with body, mind and soul,
you're anaesthetising me,  and I'm losing control.

A billion voices in support of their cause
A billion voices firing without pause
Today I choose to turn you off,
  to forsake the never ending search

I choose the voices,  
  with which I can converse
I choose the voices,  
  that can see me getting worse.
Welcome to this presentation of rhyming thoughts. I have trie to make it so that I really do believe each thought I have written. It is not really poetry in any sense that I understand. Yes, there are a few tired cliches, but there is not much more in the way of imagery or lyrical expression. I think of it more as an aide-memoire. For the purposes of aiding memory, I hope that the rhyming and scanning helps. All that notwithstanding, I hope you enjoy.
mt Aug 2011
Memories haunt me,

Macabre slideshows,

In my mind

They twist and taunt me

The happiness,

That’s lost in time

The future looms

It’s soon to be,

Trapped within my memory

If it’s good I feel at ease

The outlook’s bright,

I smile.

Else I’m down

Upon my knees,

I drown in self denial.
2006 *then*
mt Dec 2014
A stream bubbles light.
Soda pop life.
Dappled leaves on thin silver trees.
Pegs in the ground,
we weave we weave we weave,
The strings of our reality,
Laughter. Laughing laughing
lafter lafter, after,
getting dafter.
soaked in the stream,
the bubbles bubble bubble,
just a dream.

My dad says if you get wet you should take off your clothes,
'Cos clothes is what caused the aboriginals to sneeze and cough,
And die,
That far off word.

So shivering,
As a breeze sneaks in from the edge,
We wait for mum to collect a naked boy.
He's crouched in his nakedness.
Instinctually hoarding warmth.
As the echoes of laughter
Are less sure of themselves,

Then mum comes to find the absurd.
A visit from another world.
mt Sep 2018
The cows are milked,
and now I search for truth.
I wonder if it's living,
or trampled under hoof.
mt Aug 2018
where will you go?
is the path clear?
Through the eyes of a hawk,
on the track of a deer.
What do you imagine
that may be done
what do you fashion
that may become?
If you cannot see how
to get to distant peaks
Let the cosmos move your body
towards the place that you seek
If your head is spinning
and you’re nearly dead
rise on your feet
to tread through the dread
feel around
with unsure hands
test your mind’s projection
to reality’s demands
pass your broken dreams
do not freeze by fear
foot by foot
the future will be here
with the heat of the rub
and the flame of the fire
us of the earth
but aiming higher
untrod paths
unknown law
the haze of the heavens
a personal war
bounding like a rabbit
with the tongue of a snake
crawl through confusion
for the dream you might make
mt Feb 8
I can* meet my gaze
It’s come
We are friends
--Come be the one
Upon who you depend.

Embrace yourself
With all your strength
Till death do us part
Hold tight to the end

I love you my child,
My chimp and my muse
Let’s hold on tight now
Because I have you.

Be not quiet. Shout!

To quiet your mind
Elbow intruders
To embrace eye to eye
The one who was born
And with whom you will die

To hold each other's body, heart and mind.
To have and to hold and to seek throughout time.

Love yourself,
And extend your love
For we’re all dust from stars above

And love yourself
A plant that grew
The knowledge and the one that knew

and tenderly
With all your love’s might
Embrace for all time and fight through the night.

Do not deprive the gift
of your sight
Come my friend,
Hold on to the light
Alternative title: Reunion.

And previous notes:
Do not give yourself away; do not betray your own soul's gaze. But do not crumble in the weight, of infinity as you prostrate. Not serious, but sincere. Return from there to gaze back here. Embrace yourself with all the love you know.
mt May 2022
I've always deferred to serendipity
Nature's feast!
In front of me

But as I bite down in lust
Atop my Google search
Can I really trust
This human work?

Providence was lost at sea.
Somewhere between the advent
of language
and the internet
The algorithm's changed, see?

What is this new beat?
Who's thoughts are ringing out
the sunrise now?
Who's words fill our dreams
at 3 am?
mt Aug 2011
Nothing worse than flushing it away
To see that it floats
To see that it stays

Nothing worse than toothbrush on tongue,
To sense that it's there -
it isn't done

Nothing worse than when you're trying to get clean,
and you're smacked in the face with the taste,
of failed hygiene.
mt Nov 2021
Oh lord tell me, is my mum with you
Why did you have to go
Will my dad come too

Oh lord tell me, why am i still here
Though i got a lotta her love to give
I've got a lot of her fear.

Oh lord tell me, just what I can do
Did i really do those terrible things
Or was that somehow you?

O ma thank you! for all of your skills
You taught me a lot of the tricks
That pay the family bills.

O ma, help me! whisper to the lord
I need him to light me up inside
And play his sacred chord

Oh lord show me! where i need to turn
I will look whichever way you say
Oh I'm still ready to learn..
mt Aug 2024
You had a dream, and it never quite came true
But I learnt to dream, because of you.

Here we're ******,
And I had a bite of heaven;
it might be enough, if you trust
Love's sweet taste.

We came from nothing,
And nothing goes to waste.
mt Sep 2018
I stopped running before the end
took a shower and put myself in a soft arm chair
Now they’re saying I have to start again
But my stiff legs remember the pain
and can only move me like a door on creaky hinges
I cannot imagine the speed I once obtained
and to me the distance now looks infinite
almost too big for my soul
14 March 2016 --- Evernote
mt Jul 2024
It’s all out of whack,
in the middle of my desk.
A lot of old papers
weights on my arteries.
And I don’t push them
To get strong.
And they don’t save the love song.

Clothes, papers,
Things, papers,
Ideas, papers.
All piling into a stack
That I stack
And i stack
and I stagger
Like that.

Someone help me invert it.
Crystalline, new to shine.
I AM the lens to focus the sun.

I’m the paperweight on top of you, things.
And I’ll let you all fly.
(Keep some
What might be mine)
(And lose some
In reckless abandon,
That could have helped us shine.)

But if it all stays
It’s all gone.

A wild chance comes along
As I march to the future
With a movement, rhythm

This IS a love song.
Play on.
Play on.
Play on.
mt Apr 2012
In trouble; forgot the milk in my girlfriend’s tea.
She’s angry, and I have to agree,
That was a little thoughtless of me.
mt Sep 2020
Skating on the thin ice
Of an ivory clock face
Gliding like the second hand
In a never ending race

Forget yourself and fall
Through the cracks in the ground
Deep down to the mind of time
Before eternity was found
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