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Dec 2016 · 274
Barista Confessional
Kyle Janisch Dec 2016
My job is a writer;
Coffee shops are just a hobby
I would rather be in the lobby writing
Than be behind the counter
Wearing green and black
Trying to convince every customer;
To cut me some slack
Because I accidentally messed up your drink
You now spew words of hate
Things that make me want to *****;
In the kitchen sink
Learn that I'm only a man;
Trapped behind this bar
I'm more than just the person;
Who hands you your drink;
While you sit in your car
So pass me the lotion;
So that I may show you what you are
No longer will you spew your words of hate at me;
No longer will I ***** in the sink
Learn to be a better person;
Now shut up and take your drink
Nov 2016 · 264
Blank Canvas
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
We are blanks canvases
Looking for someone to color on us
Share their wisdom and beauty
Lay it down on us
Turn us into something worth looking at
Put us in a gallery;
So that we may one day be admired
By those who understand beauty
Is something more;
Than what is just hanging on these walls
Allow us to dream
Be whomever we wish
We are more than just bank canvases
We are living beings
Who only desire one wish
So let us shout to the heavens
For they may one day hear us
Let the world around us know
That we are more than just a blank canvas
Nov 2016 · 206
Dark Entities
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
Never in a million years did I think I would lose what I believed to be the only thing that made me, me. Attached to me like a parasite, never to let go. It first became attached when I was young and since then my only choice was to grow around it.
Many years have passed and it slowly began to let go. To let me finally be free. I could see the light through the cracks and was soon consumed by hope that maybe one day this parasite would finally die.
Here I am today, a free body, free to do whatever I like and feel whatever I wish to feel. I am no longer afraid of my feelings and no longer possess a reason to be afraid. The parasite has left my being and after many years the light that poked through the cracks has finally broken through. I overcame my depression. I never thought I would, but yet here I stand. I never thought I would make it. I almost didn’t, for death called me every day and every night, not that I could tell the difference between the two.
I may feel sad and dark some days, but I know it will never be like it once was and I have everyone who has helped me over the years to thank. I am able to be me because of all of you. I love you all and hope that one day your parasites will vanish. Stay strong and never give up, no matter how much you want to.
Nov 2016 · 437
Irrational Fear
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
Are you a portal?
I wonder what is inside
Dare I open thee?
And take a peek at what resides;
Inside of me
Or perhaps somewhere else
A glimpse of what I truly am
Push and poke;
To open up
My bellybutton holds secrets
Tales untold
But dare I touch thee
To open up
I think not
These secrets must remain;
Always locked up
Nov 2016 · 291
My Favorite Season
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
Let me tell you about the girl I love
She’s something real special
Making feel things I never thought I’d feel
Always telling the truth, keeping it real
Not interested in the mass appeal
I suggest everyone get to know her
She’s a queen;
A real high roller
Evolving everyday
Trying to be the best she can be
With a higher state of mind
Third eye open;
She could never be blind
Ball of anxiety and sometimes a groaner
Stimulate the proper spot;
All of a sudden she a moaner
Inspiring me to be a better me
She’s everything I wish I could be
Nov 2016 · 195
Merely Existing
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
Slit wrists leaking deep crimson
Thoughts of suicide;
It’s only a matter of time
Until I do it
With no thoughts of regret
The only thing I look forward too
Has it happened yet?
I mean have I already died;
And just don’t remember
Body already cold;
Not even December
Mind is scattered;
Can’t trace the thought
Of being alive
Or perhaps I’ve been deprived
Of life everlasting
I can’t remember the last thing;
I did when I was alive
Perhaps I have lied;
And the outcome is
I had never died;
Because the truth is;
I was never alive
Nov 2016 · 249
True North
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
As the wind blows;
I already know
That you’re gone forever
Without a trace
Not going to look back;
At the look on my face
You didn’t care enough to tell me;
That this was goodbye
To wrap your arms around me
To wipe the tears from my eye
But as the sun sets in the west;
I know you’ve gone to the east
My love for you has gone too;
May it rest in peace
Oct 2016 · 616
I Am Nobody
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
I am no one and will forever be no one
I am but a figment of your imagination
Traversing through life unscathed;
And unharmed
You see me and you hear me;
But you do not acknowledge my presence
Ideas worthy of admiration
Yet you do not care
I change for the better
Unrecognized talent best describes it
Forever I will be a nobody
This is my fate
Please will someone acknowledge me?
Before it is too late
Oct 2016 · 255
Predator Mentality
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
It’s Friday night and I’m on the hunt
Out for some *****;
Looking for a honey with a big ****
Got the secret ingredient;
For my special elixir
Going to show up and dump it in her mixer
When she get drowsy I’ll take her home and “fix” her
Early morning regret;
Only for her
Because I’m a *******;
Don’t really care
People found out and now I’m on trial
But I’m a future all-star;
My actions won’t be held accountable
Set free and ready to strike again
Hanging out the homies;
Making jokes about how it began
She’s become depressed and paranoid
I’ve pushed her over the edge
Unable to push the past behind her;
She ends it all with a noose around her neck
I won’t change because society won’t make me
Is this how all women’s fate will be?
Oct 2016 · 540
The Rift
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
As time goes on, I can feel it leaving me behind. Caught in-between the rift I struggle to tell what is real and what is not. The world is a blur as I move at the speed of light. I am frightened that I will never catch up. I am frightened that I will never be able to tell what is real and what is not ever again. Why is this happening? Why am I losing my grip on reality? My days grow shorter and it’s impossible to tell when they begin. Immense pressure placed upon my head. It is being crushed by the rifts of time and soon I will perish without even knowing why. Time has consumed me with intentions of never letting go. Trapped in-between when I only wish to grow.
Oct 2016 · 237
Cosmic Explorers
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
Take me away to the land beyond the stars. Allow me to frolic among the cosmos with feelings of melancholy. Join me in unholy matrimony and gaze into my eyes and see the past, see the pain, oh how it never lasts. Listen closely. Can you hear it? The sound of new beginnings being erected in the distance. Quite lovely isn’t it? It makes you believe that things will be ok, that new planets will be found, and we will never decay. Hold my hand as we make our endeavor into the multiverse and know that we will never be done. Humans will envy us and aliens will wish to be as fearless. Blind to failure, we continue on, into the unknown we have grown very fond. We will explore all of the endless silence and the great beyond.
Oct 2016 · 228
Something In-Between
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
Cantankerous beings wishing only to travel
Hallucinatory drugs to help our minds unravel
Soaring, flying, dreams about dying
Can only tell the truth;
No need for lying
Universe held in the palm of our hands
Seducing the world with evil;
Was never our plan
Flourished forests with evergreen trees
Vast blue oceans;
Containing a variety of beings
We come to this planet;
With intentions of peace
A different breed we be
Not old and not new
Carrying new world ideas
That will move the world forward
Onwards fellow beings
Let us rebirth our lives;
Come with us will you?
Oct 2016 · 251
I Can Be Better
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
Translucent skin, take a look within
Does it make you smile?
Does it make you grin?
Can you sense my pain?
Agony and defeat
Virtual reality has nothing on me
My life isn’t real
Or perhaps it is
Never to be sure
This could be the end
Guess I’ll never know
Traversing through the void
My quest for higher consciousness begins
Sep 2016 · 311
Unlikely Enemies
Kyle Janisch Sep 2016
Abuse is worse
When it comes from someone you love
When they offer you a fist, instead of a hug
Never once did I think this;
How could they even offer?
Anything other than love is simply a bother
Swollen cheeks and busted lips
Fractured ribs and broken bones
For this place I reside is no longer a home
I have become used and abused
How can this be?
How can the person I used to love most;
No longer love me
Well they claim they do
They say that they will never hurt me again
False promises leak from the mouth of an old friend
“I love you baby, I won’t hurt you no more”
But within minutes I am once again a no good *****
Whose only place in this life;
Resides in the arms of an abuser
Who claims I am their drug;
And they are a user
But those who do not learn from the past;
Are destined to repeat old mistakes
Is that why I’m still here?
Am I given what I must take?
I do not believe so and I threaten to leave
“I’ll change baby, I’ll hurt you no more”
But I do not listen
I exit through the door
For now I begin a new life
A life without you
I am now stronger;
And the reason is because of you
I am no longer abused, bruised, or broken
That chapter is now over
I wipe the blood from my face;
And gently turn the page over
Sep 2016 · 298
Kyle Janisch Sep 2016
Carved out words, placed upon flesh
Sleepless nights curse me;
Yet there is no need for rest
My mind is heavy
For this is my burden
I feel there is no place for me;
In the world I was born in
Dark thoughts trouble my mind
Third eye wide open;
Yet I still remain blind
Upon flesh I place thee
Murals of regret
Hoping that one day
I will finally get rest
Aug 2016 · 246
Dear Best Friend
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
Dear best friend
I just wanted to say
I love you;
And you turn my skies blue when they’re meant to be gray
You make my heart beat faster;
And time begins to slow
You may not always know how much you mean to me;
And I want you to know
That you are my favorite flower;
And I will do anything to watch you grow
I know times are tough for you right now
You believe you have lost your way
But I need you to know right now
That I will do anything to turn your gray skies blue again
I will be here to hold your hand
For you are my little flower
But before anything;
You are my best friend
Aug 2016 · 631
I Am Me
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
Hello reader, it is I
The writer
I want you to see my world and how I see it
What it has done to me
I want you to know
How my father left me when I six;
Or perhaps I was seven…
Nonetheless he’s gone, never coming back
I want you to see how when he left;
My mother put down her free will;
The little that was left;
And picked up a crucifix, hoping a false prophet will provide answers
I want you to see how this pain inside me grew;
Turning into depression, a nasty beast it is
I want you to see the sharp metal I dragged across my arm
How it tore up my flesh and shook me to the core
I want you to see my thoughts
No matter how dark they are
How suicide gripped my psyche;
And how I wished to make it reality
How I wished to float;
No longer longing for gravity
I want you to see how I recovered from such nasty thoughts;
And how it was no small task
How I received no false courage from a bottle or a flask
How I learned to tame my demons
How I keep them at bay
How I use writing as a source of release
How I learned ******* myself without actually dying;
And how I rebuild myself every single day
Wishing to be better
I think I finally am
For I am no longer a child, but not yet quite a man
I am nothing special, or perhaps I am
This matters not to me you see
All I’m grateful for;
Is that I now realize;
That I am me
Aug 2016 · 215
I Hate That I Hate
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
I hate you, I hate me, and I hate us
I hate the way you make me feel
I hate the sun
I hate moon and the stars
The rings of Saturn, even Mars
I hate the Milky Way;
And every other galaxy
I hate how we say we’re ok, even when we aren’t
I hate the street and the cars that fill it
The people that drive them;
And the air and how it gets filled with smoke
I hate stoners and the word ****
I hate bass heads, metal heads, and those alike
I hate music and how it makes my insides ignite
I hate my feelings
I wish they would leave
Then I wouldn’t have to make a poem of the things I hate
I hate all things
I hate the way I write
I hate the day;
And I hate the night
I hate how this poem makes me feel;
It fills me up with fright
This is the end of the things I hate
I wish you all a goodnight
Aug 2016 · 260
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
I met this girl today
She reminded me of you
Long brown hair dripping over her face
Cold lively eyes brightening up her space
Ice runs through her veins;
And a fire burns in her heart
She inspires me to be a better me
Kind of like you
But you’re gone now
Unsure if you will ever return;
And now the space you held in my heart;
Is replaced by an ember that burns for truth
I met this girl today;
And oh how I long for her to be you
Aug 2016 · 611
Dominant Species
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
Happy faces and false smiles
A strong glare, promoting dishonorable intentions
Fake handshakes, not bearing truth;
And corrupt minds corrupting others
Ones that were once pure, stained with defeat
We are easily persuaded
Overthrown and defeated
We are human beings
Claiming we can conquer a planet
How can we do this?
When we can’t even conquer ourselves?
Aug 2016 · 260
My Dearest Son
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
Today is my birthday and to celebrate my parents have thrown me a party. Unfortunately no one came. I spent my day of birth, a rather exciting day if I do say so myself, by myself, it would appear that no one else would agree with my excitement. I thought I had friends, not many, but I thought that they cared about me. I guess not. I suppose I wasn’t completely alone for my biggest fan and greatest supporter showed up, a person I’m proud to call my mother, but where’s my father? Why hasn’t he shown? I asked my mother where my father is and she says nothing, but instead hands me a present with a card attached. I open the card to see a sloppily written paragraph of nonsense attached to it.
“My dearest son, I apologize I couldn’t be at your party, I’m sorry I couldn’t celebrate your birthday with you, I hope you’re not too mad at me. I unfortunately have bad news for you and your mother. I’m afraid I have left and have no intentions of returning, I am sorry my boy, and I hope the contents of this package help ease the pain. I need you to know that I am not angry at you and my leaving isn’t your fault. You’re a man now and I need you to act like one and take care of your mother in my absence, I love you son, I didn’t wish to tell you like this, but **** happens, right?
Signed with love,

Your father”

My heart broke in a millions pieces and I can see that my mother’s did as well as soon as I relayed this unsavory message unto her. She cried and ran off into the house, I sat frozen, tears rolling down my face, fingers trembling trying to open the present that was supposed to ease the burden my father placed upon my shoulders. I ripped the poorly wrapped package open and tore the box ***** open so that I may gaze upon my redemption. It was an old model train set, specifically the one my father had bought for me ten years ago on my eighth birthday, the one I had wished for, the one my father helped me assemble in the living room, the one that helped create the warmest of memories for not only me, but my father. How did my father think this would ease the blow? How could he be so selfish and self-centered? These were questions only he could answer and according to the card, I wasn’t getting answers anytime soon.
I no longer remained frozen, now a new feeling came across me. It was the perfect combination of cold and warm. It ignited my hatred and froze my feelings of self-love. I went inside the house and headed straight for my parent’s room, specifically aiming for the box in the closet, for it contained my father’s old .357 handgun. I went downstairs and back into the yard. I pressed the gun against my temple and shouted to the heavens “I’m sorry father for I have let you down, I am not the man you think I am, I must leave mother alone the same way you have left me alone.”
Holding the gun firmly with my finger on the trigger, I pull it releasing myself from the pain my father bestowed upon me, in the same motion I now bestow pain upon my mother, who now bears the pain of loneliness.
This wasn’t how this day was supposed to go, but hey, **** happens, right?
Aug 2016 · 465
Cold Hands and Warm Hearts
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
Standing tall, standing bold
Standing in the world of old
Charismatic and curious, I dare explore;
This mysterious realm
Confusing and cold;
For that is the overall tone
For its citizens remain clinging to the darkness that shrouds the area
What is this place?
How can I go home?
This place resents my presence;
It craves my soul
I begin to run, shout, and cry
“Dear lord, release me from this prison, please free me”
“He cannot hear you, he will not hear your cries”
The townsfolk chant as they approach
One grabs my head, as another cuts my throat
“You’re free to be with your god, no longer bound to this realm”;
“For now you may sit next to the man bearing the thorn helm”
They chant and sing as my body dies
My soul, no longer in my body, ascends towards the sky
Clouds open and light begins to disperse
Demons laugh and angels weep
Mother won’t understand and father cannot sleep
For now I am among the light
No longer in the realm of old
I am no longer charismatic;
And I am no longer curious
I no longer stand tall;
And I am no longer bold
Now my body may be cold;
But my soul forever remains warmed by the light
I am not in pain, no longer do I know such torment
Instead I now lay on a bed of solace;
Warmed with a blanket of love;
And caressed by the hands of the caring
I am now truly at peace
No longer looking for a release
Jul 2016 · 161
Unworthy of Paradise
Kyle Janisch Jul 2016
It’s dark and it only grows darker. The sounds of footsteps ascending the stairs now grow louder as they approach my door. A shadow appears from underneath the door, most likely belonging to him. The footsteps have stopped right outside my door and now a loud deep pounding begins, for he now knows where I am. Why is he here? Why has he come? I kept my end of the deal, just as I promised. I suppose that doesn’t matter now. He now begins his assault on the one and only thing separating him from me and I fear I do not have much time before my room is breached. I fear this may be the end of me…dear lord he has broken through. He stands in the doorway tall and shrouded in long black robes. He holds a weapon, it appears to be a scythe, but it is dark and I am frozen with fear. He draws ever closer, reaching out his cold boney hand to grab me. This is it. My demise is near and if you are reading this I want to make whomever is reading this aware that I kept my promise. My promise that my soul would be up for auction if I did not do everything in my power to save that child. I did what I could, even if it was not much. I didn’t break my promise. I. Did. Not. Break. My. Promise……I’m sorry dear child….I’m sorry my dearest daughter…
Jul 2016 · 200
Blinding Blackness
Kyle Janisch Jul 2016
Traveling down this road
No idea where it goes
Compelled to find out;
I blindly follow
This trail paved in blood and gold
Signs of others journey to success
Perhaps I too will find what I seek
But what is it that I seek?
I wish to be great, but also want to lead others to greatness
I must hurry without delay
Before procrastination plagues my brain
Halfway through the trail I begin to see
Something that wasn’t meant to be seen
Another traveler on their quest to greatness
They appear to be stuck;
In this thick black muck
I offer a hand and they refuse
Now confused I question why;
They refuse my help to aid them to the sky
“I am fine and I need none but myself’
For now I see that their self-righteousness is the cause of the muck
The traveler soon becomes consumed by the black;
And I continue on, for it is what I must do
Now arriving at the end of this road
I find myself dumbfounded
I did not achieve greatness
Perhaps I didn’t achieve greatness because I am already great
Greatness has always lied within me
It was the traveler;
The one stuck in the black
That made me now realize that too much self-righteousness will suffocate you
It will blind you from the light
Disarm you, remove you from the golden sight
Greatness is achieved by helping others;
And when I offered a hand
The muck blinded the traveler
I must now stay true;
To myself and my path
I am great;
And so are you
Jun 2016 · 176
Lone Traveler
Kyle Janisch Jun 2016
Here I come
There I go
Traversing through the universe
As a solemn soul
Don’t know where I am going;
And I have no need for directions
I seek no destination
Among the stars is where I belong
Out in the blackness
It calms my being
No longer have eyes;
For I use my mind to guide the way
Here I am, traversing among the stars
For this is my purpose
This is where I belong
Jun 2016 · 399
The Devil's Advocate
Kyle Janisch Jun 2016
Walking through a dark place
Not a care in the world
Unaware of your secret admirer
Observing from the distance
Checking out your skirt
Eyes gazing upon your thighs
Shins covered by thigh highs
He can’t help himself;
At least that’s what he tells himself
He grows ever closer, now you start to sweat
Stomach tight, head filled with regret
Now right behind you, breathing down your neck
Violently throwing against the wall;
Bruising up your neck
Now bent over, for he is fully *****
Pulling down your *******;
Forcing himself inside
Pain and agony fill your soul
Now wishing you would die
It’s almost over;
The world can’t see you cry
Now left in a puddle of tears and blood
The attacker vanishes from your eyes
Forsaken and broken;
Underneath the cold dark sky
You now wonder why
Was this my fault?
I didn’t mean to be the apple of his eye
I wish that I would die;
Or was already dead
My attacker’s face forever burned in my head
I am victim of ****, but it was my fault
I provoked him, looking like a ****
I am a victim of ****, perhaps it isn’t my fault
I did nothing wrong and my attire doesn’t matter
I am a victim of ****, I know it wasn’t my fault
Maybe someone should have told my ******;
**** is against the law
Now I have a message for those used and abused
You are strong, beautiful, and grand
Don’t let your experiences shaken your hand
You were ***** and it wasn’t your fault
You were ***** and it wasn’t your fault
Now go show the world that true strength;
Lies within your soul
Jun 2016 · 268
Enigmatic Energies
Kyle Janisch Jun 2016
We are spirits, simply floating through time
Searching for a purpose;
A beat and a rhyme
For these are our only sources of agony
Yet through destructive imagination, we have created more problems for us to endure
Why must we do this?
Minds so great, creating things so dark
Making life more difficult for all, not just us
Selfish intentions, greedy ambitions, and unfathomable destruction
This is the dream we have turned into reality
Paradise lost, for we are no longer looking
Perhaps one day we will gracefully pass through time once again
For now we must first find our footing
Never give up;
Never stop looking
Jun 2016 · 235
Queen of the Damned
Kyle Janisch Jun 2016
Your body is cold, bold, and covered in goosebumps
You’re a mess;
A wreck;
A hollowed shell of your former self
Throat is tight, forehead covered in lumps
You’re a sinking ship;
Only concerned with whether or not you remember how to swim
You are sinking;
You do not care
This watery tomb is now your home
Not afraid, no longer afraid of being alone
Reaching through the waves
Looking for a hand to hold
May 2016 · 191
Soul Symmetry
Kyle Janisch May 2016
My god you are beautiful;
And I just want to take you to;
A dark room with a view;
And sit there, in complete silence
Save you from the world
Oh how it’s so infested with violence
You are mine
I am yours;
And you may do to me as you please
I would do anything for you
Even worship you on my knees
I wish to please you, help you, take away all of your pain
Even if the burden slowly drives me insane
Come over here by the window;
And stare on down
See how to snow beautifully caresses the ground?
That is what I wish to do
Wrap my arms around you;
And squeeze tightly, until the pain is all gone
Now just enjoy the view;
And open your mind and your ears
As we begin our song
And hold hands as if nothing had ever been wrong
May 2016 · 192
Eternal Quest of Happiness
Kyle Janisch May 2016
As I fly high in the sky
Above the clouds
I see them swell with emotion;
And the sky begins to cry
Covering the ground in joy
The people below begin to look up
As they see the tears above
Leaking onto their minds
They slowly come out of hiding;
And they too begin to cry
Now providing the earth below with the joy;
That had been bestowed upon them
They soon begin to join me in the sky
As we continue our quest
To spread our joy across universe
May 2016 · 219
Through the Fog, I Shine
Kyle Janisch May 2016
We live in a world riddled with hate
Its rather easy for one to underestimate
The thickness of the fog that keeps us here
No wonder why most of us are filled with fear
I wish to be light, shining through
I wish to save the world, not just me and you
I'm not Jesus Christ, but I aspire to be;
The thing that truly sets the world free
May 2016 · 453
Forsaken Queens
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Sugar, spice, and everything nice
These were the ingredients to create the perfect little girls
But then a few extra ingredients were introduced
Sexism, self-hatred, and abuse
These were used to control these little girls
****, *****, good for nothing
Useless really
We are now creating a new reality
For these little girls
No longer so little
Stand not on the left or right
But were placed in the middle;
Of a war
To destroy who they are
Now grown women
Full of self-hatred
Need to be set free
A new mentality must introduced
In order to save all of humanity
May 2016 · 406
A Misunderstood Generation
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Born in the 90’s
A millennial I am
Generation y
The first generation introduced to modern technology
Started primitive, but began to evolve quickly
Music was great
With the introduction of grunge
We are a unique bunch
Starting off Saturday mornings with wonder ***** and Cap’n Crunch
Cartoons were well written, witty even
Then the 2000’s came
Destroying all imagination left in our brains
I tell you all these things
But forget to mention
Only 90’s kids will remember
May 2016 · 190
Through the Inferno
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Walked into the inferno, wishing to walk out a new man
With a new mentality holding my hand
But instead I got burned
The thing I feared most happened
I stayed the same, no longer seeking change
I suffered from the bite of life
Sinking its fangs deeper into my psyche
Forever becoming lost in the tide
My vision is lost, as well as my mind
I wanted to be someone else
Instead I ended up becoming me
May 2016 · 420
Free Mind Mentality
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Cruising through life
Enjoying the view
Oh how I would love to view it with you
But you’re not here and that’s okay
Looks like I’m by myself today
Started skipping down the bunny trail
Hands held high, free as can be
No longer holding on to the rails of life
Doing whatever makes them happy
Life is too short to feel ******
Headphones in, head nodding to the beat
Grass creeps between my toes
Shoes no longer imprison my feet
The warmth of the sun keeps my soul at peace
Today isn’t quite what I expected
But I’m glad I got to experience it
May 2016 · 274
Good Drugs and Dead Dreams
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Moving slow through the corridor
Saw some guy with a random *****
Excuse me I mean human being
Unknown to my seeing
Continuing my way to an unknown location
Mind wide open, eyes forged in gold
I see the truth
It lies all around me
How did I end up in this party?
How did I arrive?
Did I fly in on a Pegasus?
Perhaps on a griffin, flying through the skies
These people, I do not know them
I sense their pain, being drowned in drugs and alcohol
But this technique shall not show results
A waste of time
They waste their lives
Once having dreams and goals
Now only caring about the next unholy event to show up too
Never amounting to anything, remaining stuck
In this purgatory we remain
I was once a person with aspirations
But now I lie in here with the other rejects
Suffering is my only destination
May 2016 · 196
Be Yourself
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Here I stand tall
Leaves blowing in the wind
Searching for purpose
Not knowing my purpose is to exist
Be the best I can be
Show the world who I am
But who am I?
I am me and proud to be
You see me smile, blind to frown behind it
Demons reside inside me
But have no fear, these demons shall find absolution
Find the light
I shall no longer reside in the night
I’m not a god, nor do I wish to be
I am me;
And I’m glad to be
Apr 2016 · 235
Pocket Full of Daisies
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
I feel I haven’t written in a couple of days
Probably because my mind has been in a haze
Slowly stopping, coming to an end
Like a car with no business driving on a dead end
My mind is weak, numb, and fragile
I am no longer young, forgiving, and agile
I have grown old
My sanity is breaking
I no longer feel like writing
Perhaps my mind is dying
This whole time I’ve been lying
To myself and to you
To whom my affection reigns true
I can no longer go on
Join me, will you?
Apr 2016 · 193
Words for the Soul
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
Love yourself, love one another
Treat everyone as if they’re your sister or brother
Feed your mind with good vibes
Understand the daily grind doesn’t have to be painful
Step outside and let the sunshine become a part of you
This is life, not a revolution
Don’t let the noise of the world pollute you
Feed your mind, feed your soul
Know that silver is just as good as gold
Apr 2016 · 250
The Quest for Sunlight
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
How are we supposed to grow?
If the soil we are planted in is tainted and old
We cannot reach for sunlight, for the clouds block the way
Gone from green to grey
Our bodies, once full of life, soon begin to decay
We are a shell of our former being
How did we get this way?
The aid of evil beings are the cause of our dismay
Polluted the soil, blocked out the sun
Told us we do not need these things
To our heads they held their gun
But evil beings are not forever
We shall soon return to ourselves
I hope to be green again one day
To be able to reach for the sun
Apr 2016 · 248
Piece by Piece
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
The world will try to break you, forsake you, and degrade you
But it is this process that ultimately makes you;
Into a better person
A god of sorts
A stronger, wiser, smarter person
A much better being
An upgraded version
Let the world take from you what it wants
For that is what it will do
Because at the end of the day
Who is there to pick up your pieces?
Apr 2016 · 355
The Realm of Reality
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
Walked into the portal, entered another realm
Walked up to the king and took his helm
Now I’m the king
The world does what I say;
And I just want you all to know it’s going to be okay
I am a king of peace
I represent the new
Tear down the popular;
And represent the few;
Who don’t know who they are
But soon will realize
That we’re all stars in disguise
We will burn the brightest
Because we are the lightest, with miraculous minds
We hold the future and will bend it with our minds
Deal with daily life
Hustle the hustler;
And grind the daily grind
I am the new king;
And I will always walk alongside you
Apr 2016 · 229
Eyes of Truth
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
As the flowers bloom
My mind, once filled with doom and gloom
Begins to expand
It too begins to bloom
My eyes finally open;
And see the world as it was meant to be seen
I see people whose heart, once filled with love
Descend into darkness
For they no longer bleed love
Instead bleed hate and greed
It’s truly unsavory
It leaves a raw taste on my tongue
When will the world once again learn love?
It only takes one person to change the world
Will that person be you?
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
Woke up this morning and began to stare at the sun
“Hello buddy, you look like you could use a hug”
So then I jumped;
Stretched out my arm as I reached for the atmosphere
“Here I come, there I go”
Reached the sun and hugged it I did
Then I burnt to a crisp
Turned into ash
Began to float into to galaxy
I wish I never hugged the sun
But now it’s too late
Apr 2016 · 505
Invisible Man
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
I just want to know you
I just want to be friends
I want you to acknowledge my existence
Know that I matter
Feel the way about me that I feel about you
Notice me
You’re so cool;
And I’m so me
Won’t you open your eyes and see
That I’m someone cooler than me
It’s okay
I understand
I wouldn’t want to hold my hand either
I just want to tell something that my change your perspective
I love you
And I will always
Apr 2016 · 538
Home Sweet Home
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
Enter my mind
Tell me what you see
Does it enlighten you or frighten you?
For this is the question to be
I allow you to enter freely
To roam about
Please don’t bring your depression
For that is hard to get out
Do not bring negativity
In any shape or form
For I must ask you
To leave that at the door
This is my sanctuary
My place of peace
I would not enter your home
With intention of defeat
Abide by my rules;
And you may enter as you please
Forsake my soul;
And it will be yours that I eat
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
The Meaning of Life
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
What is life?
It’s whatever you want it to be
Its trigonometry, geometry, and philosophy
Its happiness, sadness, and every single emotion, you see?
Life is filled with excitement, enlightenment, and greatness indeed
But what is the meaning of life?
It’s whatever you desire it to be
Mar 2016 · 315
Brand New Day
Kyle Janisch Mar 2016
Woke up today with a brand new feeling
A new mindset is of what I’m speaking
Remove the dark clouds, let the rays pass through
See a life full of color
No longer feeling blue
A smile began to creep across my face
And the sudden feeling of remorse for the human race
Crept up my spine, occupied my stomach
Left me feeling something new
Perhaps we are not as bad as we seem
Maybe were better
Then the humans who are alive
To make others’ lives bitter
We possess the light within us
Now it’s time to let go
Let us show one another
That we’re worth more than gold
Mar 2016 · 256
Old World Blues
Kyle Janisch Mar 2016
Loud sounds, endless yelling
Pointless bickering is all I'm hearing
My life is too crowded, can I come into yours?
Yours is filled with love and laughter
My life has no place for me anymore
Mar 2016 · 174
The Little Things
Kyle Janisch Mar 2016
All she wants is for you to hug her and tell her she matters
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