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  Dec 2024 Germaine
Harry Gione
I keep realizing that I'm not living.
And every time I realize that,
I realize that I die a little bit more.
And realizing that kills me
Germaine Dec 2024
When the light in her eyes would shine with fire

The Earth and the rain and the wind stilled quite

It was a sight that you never wanted to bare

And yet you see her see her everywhere

Her hands are the sun and her lips are the night

Carving flowers in the ground, telling stories out of sight

It is a dangerous day, it's a dangerous life

She is married to Space, to a husband as a wife

An elemental destruction, a chaotic price, to pay

For freedom, dismay

Come find her you shall see

A mirror of infancy?
  Dec 2024 Germaine
When it rains
Little branches get wet
And droplets form on them
Not falling
Just waiting to drop
Some want it
Want to fall to this puddle from which there is no return
And some love it up there

They will drop though
That's for sure

Will they be shaken accidentally by a girl taking a walk?
Will the water build up so much
And they aren't strong enough?
Will they evaporate?

They will all fall

Is that comforting?
Is it crazy?
I was the ******* the walk today, it was freezing and raining but it was great. As I type this my hands barely work :)

(This note was written by the branch that is a side character in this poem. He was hoping this was his time and wondering who will write for him a poem where he is the star)
Germaine Dec 2024
The mirror fogs up in the room with the heat

I fall to floor, I can’t breathe.

I claw at the tub of a bath half full

The walls rain down, it’s a gravitational pull.

I scream and I cry, for someone to hear me

But the pressure of the water drowns out my pleads.

At last I’m alone, as the blood drains through

At last I’m alone with a razor or two.
  Dec 2024 Germaine
It took me seven years
to realise
the words in my mind
were too deep for
my mouth to dig up
I thought it was easier
to open my skin
and let the truth
pour down my arms

It took me seven years
to realise
nobody should be allowed
to touch parts
of your home
or hold pieces  
of your heart
that you don't yet understand

It took me seven years
to realise
I will wear these scars
I'll carry them
through every smile
every kiss
every concerned gaze
I'll carry them
to my grave

It took me seven years
to realise
the pain carved
into the walls
of my castle
etchings of
attempting to disappear
are not a story of weakness
but a tale of
how I survived
  Dec 2024 Germaine
When some think of falling
They can't help but think of flying

And when some think of flying
They can't help but think of falling
Sorry I didn't have to time to be on HP yesterday! I might not have much today either but I'll try my best.

This poem was inspired by a line in the book "Reached" in the series "Matched".

(This note was written by the person that had one cat. I feel like everyone that has a cat has more than that. Me too.)
Germaine Dec 2024
You shattered me, my creator
I was built up by you, to be your muse

And you broke me, whole heartedly
your fist cracked through, and my nose drew

Crimson paint, that you then took
and painted away

On your new canvas

And there I am, at last, remade
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