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DrabRoses Apr 2020
The memories are vague but I'll try my best,
To write them all down and forget the rest,
I'll hold them close and never let them die,
Rekindling my pains, forever I shall cry.

I just can't forget all the things we did,
The memories of the past, since we were kids.
Our laughters, our tears, all our crazy desires,
Our coldest nights and all our greatest empires.

It was all so pure, the pain and the joy,
I'll also even cherish our last goodbye,
I know you had to go but where are you now,
I wanna see you again, i wanna hear you now.

Even though all the memories were all too good,
But it broke my heart when alone I stood,
The memories I cherish, keep breaking me down,
Why did it all happen, when did I become a clown.

I don't know why you came or why you left,
All I know is now I'm empty, there's nothing left
You took it all and just went away,
I used to be so strong, why did I sway.

I know remembering all that now is just a mistake,
Your smiles were wicked and everything else was fake,
But it'll turn out fine and I'll be alright,
Cause I have my own pride for which I'll fight.

Don't think that you left me with scars on my heart,
Dont think all that you said would now tear me apart,
Just cause you threw me to the wolves,I wont be back,
Soon I'll be right at your doorstep, leading the pack.
It's a poem about no matter how much pain one feels now he somehow soon finds the courage to get up again and get back in no matter how many times he breaks hoping that one day the flower blooms.
1.0k · Mar 2020
How Could She
DrabRoses Mar 2020
"How could she do this, after all I've done
She didn't love me, I was only just for fun"
He screamed it all on the top of his breath,
Wishing he had never met you, wishing he were dead.

He left your doorstep with a stabbing pain,
With teary eyes and a soul covered with stains.
Swearing never to come back to this wretched town,
Never to love again and once more become a clown.

You broke his heart, his soul, his will,
You were a demon getting ready to ****.
You trapped him and he fell in love,
You gave him a stain he could not shove.

He sits in his room and cries in the darkness,
Scared of this pain he knew not how to harness.
He writes all you've done with eyes all wet,
How you treated him as if he were your pet.

With death wish in his mind and teary eyes,
He recalls all you said, all those pretty lies.
He awaits his time with your thought in his head,
Wishing you farewell, he goes back to his bed.
Its a poem about how broken love can really leave a person
872 · Mar 2020
Every Joy And Every Misery
DrabRoses Mar 2020
Every joy and every misery,
How can I forget the lot,
Every tear and every treachery ,
Everything for which I fought .
I might forgive. but never forget,
All the pain and misery ,I felt,
When you left me to die alone. ,
Just leaving the broken words,turning me Stone.
I will remain the same till.
I feel my body go still
When my mind just goes, ****, ****, ****,
Drop by drop the blood will fill
Your empty sugar mill,
Where you took me, and my will
Breaking it apart, leaving me still.
Bit by bit I feel my life turning dim.
The only way to be safe,
Would be to let go and forget ,
All the mischief that you bred
All the lies which you fed,
To me, till I died in a bed.
Now you want me to let go,
All the things that we went through,
All the rain and the snow.
Although I have a very few ,
Moments to remember or forget.
I dont have anymore tears to shed,
You made me dry,
But I will cry,
Even without a tear to shed,
I won't forget.
Every joy and every misery
All the details of your treachery.
It is a poem about how love is a bittersweet sensation that can turn out to be a deadly poison slowly eating upon you.
677 · Mar 2020
Please Don't Wait For Me
DrabRoses Mar 2020
"PIease dont wait for me", they're her last words,
Just as that last flight, she boards,
Leaving me all alone in a state of poetic trance,
She didn't even try to give us a second chance.

The love she showed and the promises she made,
Broken in mere seconds in that dreadful raid,
Lost in the past, loving someone who was never mine,
With wet eyes I write and it happens to rhyme.

Slowly dissolving into the world of hate,
I thought it had always been my fate,
To be broken and be left beyond repair,
Just reading my work in awe and despair.

But everything changed, an old friend arrived,
Knowing my scars, to help me she strived,
Maybe happiness wanted to give me another glance,
It turns out maybe life did give me another chance,

Helplessly I fell for the same trick again,
In hope that it'll cleanse that old stain,
She ensured she would always be there,
"Just trust me,"she said," I'll always be fair "

With time my fate eventually started to change,
All that had happened,now didn't feel strange,
I thought She liked me and we'll get along,
I thought our bond would always remain Strong.

But time is very cruel, it never remains the same,
I guess with me, it always loves to play this game.
Just as everything seemed better, he came along,
A distant-cousin who thought all this was wrong.

He asked her to mercilessly cut-off our old bond,
Unwillingly she did so,for of him she was long fond,
Not knowing what to do she asked me to understand,
For I cared for her, I silently waved my hand.

I thought I was strong enough to forget,
Everything that happened from the day we met,
For she loved him and would be happy with him,
I waved her goodbye, even though I would get dim.

But she stopped me from going I dont know why,
She said she wanted to say something other than goodbye,
She thanked me. for undustandlng and being always there,
I suddenly went blank and gave. her a long stare.

"I didn't do anything that I can compare,
With what you had done during my nightmares,
You helped me. recover and showed me a wau,
I really wish I could've; made you stay.

But you know I'm not that strong,
I can't forget our old cherished bond,
I'll always be. here if you ever come. back,
I'll wait for you even during the all black. "

I knew she had to leave but I gave it a try ,
And I guess it was futile for she said goodbye
I saw her turn back and just walk away,
From that moment I felt my life turning grey.

She left me all alone with this great pain,
I guess it all happened to me once again,
For ln the end She said "be happy wherever you may be',
But I wont ever be back," So please dont wait for me
It's about how people still cling to their feelings after their breakup and jjst don't move on.
120 · Mar 2020
You're Never There
DrabRoses Mar 2020
Standing by those beautiful lights,
Surrounded by friends but looking for you,
Looking around in that bright night,
Still I cant seem to find you
Oh darlin‘ You're never there.

Playing along with the world,
Oh so loving and carefree,
Yet I look around to find you,
But never can I find thee.
0h darlin‘ You're never there.

Going to those wonderful parties
Enjoying the views, the meals,
Yet I look around for you,
But you never seem to be anywhere .
0h darlin‘ You're never there.

Wandering past you're house and you're street Looking here and a little there
Yet you never seem to be free.,
0h darlin' You're never there.

Why aren't you there when I need you,
Why do you seem so mad,
I only wanted us to be together ,
Why does it all seem so bad,

Although we both didnt confess,
But I guess we both know how we feel,
Although cause of us, the world protests
But I thought we were bold enough to be carefree

Although I cant even get you out of my mind
I still gotta go and leave you behind
I wish somehow you could've known,
That I always waited for you to show up,
But you my friend never showed.
0h darlin' You're never there.
It's a poem about how people even in the most colorful places still look around for the person they love and try to find them
DrabRoses Apr 2020
I've learnt to hone the vast darkness,
The dark fate thrashed into my hands,
Cursed to feel the crowded loneliness,
I've been forced to grow on barren lands.

The dark soul with which I'm cursed to live,
Its cause she gave my heart to the darkest devil
She gave it while it wasn't even hers to give ,
I guess behind that mask was hiding such an evil.

I've learnt to foster this darkness, turning it into hate, Full of fear, yet still clouded with a lust for revenge,
I'll slowly progress towards our dreadful fate ,
And remember this, my heart I will surely avenge.

I've learned never to trust anyone again,
For all they wear is just a resolute mask,
Not knowing behind which the pitiful coward lain,
Who'll do anything even the most resented task

Once so full of light, now trying to look for a way out,
Once so full of love, now finding a person to trust,
Although I'm quiet but trust me I want to shout,
I want to know why, why did our bond ever rust?

Pierced heart and broken bones,
The pain with which the soul moans,
The body's thought of being a stone,
Melted to ashes and left alone.

The hate and darkness that lurks in deep,
The faith all lost in an eyes blink,
The person she loved is now a creep,
My elegant body now bound to stink.

I guess I'll just retire from the worldly griefs ,
I'll just be patient as to what fate has in store,
I'll forgive your crimes and all your mischiefs,
I guess l really don't want to live anymore.
113 · May 2020
He'll Soon Be A Roar Again
DrabRoses May 2020
He walks alone daily,all the way back to his home,
While one day infront of that old bell shaped dome,
He sees her standing there, just waving her hand,
The one who had silently sunken in the time's sand.

They both cant believe that they really meet again,
To re-live their glory days and together bear its pain,
They both become really close and unwillingly fall in love,
By being together there's nothing that they can't shove.

He waits for her by the shore just like he always does,
Wearing a nice jacket and his hands wrapped in gloves,
He gets a little impatient but she finally arrives,
She arrives short of breath and with tears in her eyes.

She cant catch her breath and neither do the tears stop,
He tries to calm her down and gives her a tight hug.
She tells him that her parents would soon leave the town,
That today is the last time they'll hear each other's sound.

On hearing this a chill runs down his teary face,
His heart beating fast and mind running a maze,
He just cant accept the thought of being left alone,
Having no one to laugh with and no one to mourn.

He looks at her face and cries back at her,
With their bodies all wounded and their souls hurt,
She cries in his lap knowing they cant go back,
0h why oh why,for nothing did they lack.

He sees flashes of the times when they were still kids,
But now he has to cover all those flames with lids,
For she has to leave and wont ever come back again,
They wont see each other or play tag across the main.

She wishes she could stay or just take him along,
Although the tears dont stop but they do have to be strong.
Nothing can make her stay and that he has to accept,
Everything that was between them,he must now forget.

No matter how much he tries, he cant forget her,
So as a last goodbye he gives her a loud whisper,
"Please be happy wherever in the world you may be,
I'll always be here if you ever want to come back to me.

Remember our tears, our laughs,our love,
Remember me in you prayers;my sweet little dove,
I'll also try to accept the truth and harbor this pain
And trust me when I say I'll soon be a roar again".
112 · May 2020
Too Soon
DrabRoses May 2020
Although I know it's too soon,
But trust me. for I have to leave,
Never again will we meet one another,
And just the thought of that makes my heart seize

I really hope I could've stayed longer,
But I guess our story was destined to be short,
Now I have to leave you and the thought of you behind,
Cause keeping in touch, would rip me apart.

Its my fault that we spent a little time together,
I believe if I had forgotten all the things in the past,
And met you earlier than I actually did,
Things would've been better and this might had last.

Now I guess the story of you and me ends here,
Its hard to believe and impossible to forget,
We both had our reasons but we still couldn't confess ,
I guess the time wasn't on our side and now my diary is all wet,

I really wished you weren't so busy In your life,
And that you spared some time for me to remember,
But now I'm all alone and you're a thousand miles apart,
I wish l could've told you, "I love you with all my heart".

— The End —