Sweet sadness engulfs me as I walk into my favorite place,
the library; its been over a year.
Somehow I always find myself back here and it
seems to always be an important moment in my life.
When did this site become my personal blog?
Posting gentle reminders to
never lose myself.
Oct 16, 2018.
I am constantly reminding myself that I am not alone. 19-going on 20 year old me finds herself in panic mode almost every day and can't seem to figure out why.
I ask myself the question "What am I doing with my miserable life?" every morning and I keep expecting an answer to suddenly appear.
It's been harder to write anything with structure lately, but I have started experimenting with a more free-style( even though my work has always been pretty loose).
Today I feel like I am always struggling with a feeling of "passive suicidal" but it never gets so bad as to really affect my day to day living. My thoughts have been pretty dark though and I'm trying to work on it.
Started a new relationship not too long ago and am attempting to not be consumed by it (HA). It does make me very happy though. He seems to really care and I hope our relationship makes both of us happier and mentally healthier.