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Nov 2024 · 51
Rain in a sunny hour
Oginni Damilola Nov 2024
Arguments like lightnings and thunder,
An unexpected hug, like rain in a sunny hour
the words died, and peace stayed!

Nov 2024 · 149
Calls from the wind
Oginni Damilola Nov 2024
The candlelight takes cover,
fearful of the voice of the wind,
trembling by the messages to be heard,
a tone sometimes full of truth.
It dies!
the truth is being said ALOUD,
it dies!
to be awaken by the one who is meant to repent!

Nov 2024 · 65
What a waste!
Oginni Damilola Nov 2024
A soul formed from the breath of the mysterious one
and a body designed out of the earth,
beauty out of the ******* is made,
sanity is drawn from the debris caused by darkness;
A walk in the most tranquil space,
and songs of worship daily sung,
the peace of the beasts undying,
the heavens and earth daily rejoices;
The atmosphere of purity,
holiness the air to breathe in,
what else is truly missing?
the greed breaks the eternal kiss.
What a waste!

Eden, Holiness, GOD
Nov 2024 · 33
Without God
Oginni Damilola Nov 2024
Again, and again,
there is nothing to attain
without God.
Say he makes million,
and dies a champion,
they would celebrate him,
but none would go down the grave with him
Again and again,
there is pain and anguish
that lies ahead
when he dies without Christ in him
Nov 2024 · 80
Somethings never change
Oginni Damilola Nov 2024
Up above the sky
lies a clear sign,
the heavens speaks aloud,
there is nothing new my friend!
Shifted my gaze to my own kind,
the ones who love from the outside,
but inside remains like the graveyard,
there is nothing new my friend!
A walk in the deepest hour of the night
the bleeding heart mixed with tears of fright,
somethings never change,
man remains evil until God's light.
Humanity, love, GOD
Jun 2020 · 138
Boxed In
Oginni Damilola Jun 2020
They told me to think outside the box,
They said I shouldn't be boxed in
I should free myself from chains of loneliness
And keep my mind and body at peace..
But, they don't know how I feel
I am trapped in my thoughts
there are no doors to escape this torture,
It's like my mind is on a tour..
Although, I crave serenity
And I want to be free
I once gave my heart to the world
to take perfect care of me;
but she stabbed me with her sin
And made me bleed within,
which is more damaging,
because the wounds I got are inside of me
and no eyes can see it nor heal me...
I'd better remain boxed in
And bury my thoughts within
For if I share my secrets with you
the crazy world would come for me
and this time,
more damage would be done to me!
The world is a scary place.
Be careful of your deal with her
Oginni Damilola Jun 2020
The earth had taken records of what humans had done..
wh­en, Man shall stand in the presence of the eternal Judge;
All these elements would speak of what he had done
Your heavy Lies exposed by the eyes of God;
The sun, moon and stars;
There are no secrets; nothing is hidden
from the creator of mankind.
Jun 2020 · 158
Stay with me.
Oginni Damilola Jun 2020
Behold, my mind!
Freedom is nigh!
The night, demons and hell
fear arising from the sight of the full moon;
The Shame of the sunny hour
face being hidden from friends and neighbours
like a deadly disease to be kept secret;

away from humans like a deadly weapon.

Be still, my mind, be still
Peace comes, when you're quiet
Courage Is born when you find the light
The book of the law will direct your path
Stay with me, my mind, stay with me
don't leave me in pieces
Remain still like an over fed baby
Abide in the grace of the Almighty
May 2020 · 138
Black Thirst
Oginni Damilola May 2020
Silent to the pains
Enduring the insults
Ignoring the unbearable acts
like we don't have blood flowing through us.

but for how long?
these killings increases our thirst for revenge
these handcuffs increases our fear of death

Who shall we call to fight?
should we wait till the whole race is wiped?

We must take a stand!
we must fight for our right!
Our future they shouldn't decide
Our children shouldn't have this life!
May 2020 · 202
Love, the undefeated
Oginni Damilola May 2020
A severe pain
arousing from within
impossible for the
eyes to see;
eating up the soul,
weakening the bones,
poisoning the heart-
slowly, till it beats no more.
A loud scream
out of the lungs
to ease the agony
that dwells within;
but it's no use,
as you can't stop the
dead leaves from falling off
its branches,
or the upper eye lid 
from kissing the lower one; 
thus, you can't fight
nor defeat love when she
comes for you.
One can only pray nd' hope
to find perfect serenity with love
and not to be
broken and shattered
into irreparable pieces
by her painful words and
unpredictable actions
May 2020 · 146
Our Father, Our Creator
Oginni Damilola May 2020
Our father, Our creator
help us in our sufferings
listen to Our cry
forgive our sins
take us from this hell
bring us peace in our soul.

Our Father, Our Creator
hear our Prayers
give us answers great deliverer
don't turn your back on us
keep us safe from our enemies

Our father, Our creator
have mercy upon thy creation
Calm every storm, rescue us
Save our souls from thy wrath

We pray to thee..
Our father, Our Creator
May 2020 · 120
My Chaos and her beauty
Oginni Damilola May 2020
My chaos and her beauty
A mess, and a bit silly
love knows no boundaries
A riot of emotions,
like colors that don't fit..

My chaos and her beauty
The calamities slowly unfolding
mixtures of two different worlds
our views and perspectives are never aligning
like two different political parties.

my chaos and her beauty
Something weird, something unique
my clumsiness hidden in her perfection
and my apathy overshadowed by her
never ending care.
Just like the world and man
it is a beautiful disaster.
May 2020 · 135
Oginni Damilola May 2020
A peaceful evening
up on the roof tops
Looking at the beauty of the full moon and stars
while the cool breeze gently sweep away our fear of the dark
and then she asked
"What do you really want?,
What do you care about?
My body?"
I was perplexed
weakened to the bones and marrow
never thought I'd hear such direct question in my life.
and then I replied,
"Your soul, I want just your soul"
That's the dumbest answer in the whole universe, I said within myself
and she asked again, with a smile this time
"My soul? that's new.. For what?"
"I want to mix yours with mine" I replied
"and then what?" she asked again,
shifting her focus from the beauty of the heavens into my eyes
then, I took a little air inside of me, to sweep away the fear looming within.
and I replied;
"I want to mix your soul with mine and create something unbreakable, something unique, something eternal and everlasting, even death would struggle to come in between"
She smiled, looking back up to the skies,
as if her next question is written up there.
and she said
"That's nice, but what if it doesn't go as you've planned?"
another terrible question,
it shooked my whole being,
my fear became anger, and my voice became louder.
"Then, I would keep trying! giving it my best each day, everyday! just to get it perfectly right" I said...
A promise had been made in sincerity
and the moon and stars were witnesses
we both knew it,
holding onto each other and looking at the full moon like it was our priest.
May 2020 · 133
I still go back
Oginni Damilola May 2020
I still go back
to our favourite spot
to understand what really went wrong
May 2020 · 123
Oginni Damilola May 2020
You say, don't go offline
Stay active, stay online
Don't disconnect me, no, don't go
I'd sell my soul just to fix up what's slow.

You say, don't leave me alone
Watch me closely like my foes
Say hello, like you've wandered into my soul
Let me miss you like you're gone.

You say, don't hang up on me
talk to me like your personal therapist
don't leave me! no, don't go
stay with me till we grow old

You say, don't go offline
stay active, stay up all night
don't sleep off on me! no! please don't
I'd sell my possession to keep our sleep away
Apr 2020 · 116
These Feelings
Oginni Damilola Apr 2020
I know this feeling,
this terrible emotions within me
You only get inspired to pen down when you feel pain;
The beast within, beautifies the writings
and my uncontrollable tears becomes the ink
but I have defeated this,
I have found a way to escape this prison;
Tis only by looking around
every blessed day i wake,
in the hot sun and disastrous rain,
to see and feel the beauty
the Almighty has made
Apr 2020 · 96
To the few
Oginni Damilola Apr 2020
To the few that can touch the sky!
To the few that are friends with the moon and stars!
To the few that can cover up their scars!
To the few that have a way to get to mars!
I ask you these; from the depth of my heart!
Do you miss the sand of the ground, when you try touch the sky?
Do you remember the rough stones, when you stare deep at the moon and stars?
Do you feel peaceful every time you try hide your scars?
Do you miss the beauty of the earth, whenever you go to mars?
This is to everyone
Apr 2020 · 113
Amateur Dancer
Oginni Damilola Apr 2020
Don't step on my toes" she said
I replied underneath my breath
"I hope I won't"
My hands wrapped around her
like an amateur anaconda
but she's never comfortable
where my hand's at.
"it should be around my waist" she said
but I acted like I didn't hear a word
we moved to the right and to the left
a little spin, around and around and around
gracefully, like the eagles in the skies.
Then I let go,
I got dizzy a bit
but she never did,
holding onto my shoulder
She bent over like a creature in
a horror movie,
then a full split, I could hear her legs screaming,
a little jump, and another big jump
landing on her toes like a frog.
A loud round of applause from the crowd
they loved it,
What a perfect landing!
So we begin again,
my hands wrapped around her
as she stared deep into my eyes
we moved to the left and to the right
moving to the beats like a dancing butterfly
and then she smiled
"You didn't catch me"
"What!?" I said in confusion
"you ought to have caught me in mid air"
Of course, I remember now,
it was the killer move we practised
but I was mesmerized,
by this beautiful being,
up in the sky, with invisible wings
and coming down, like she brings forth
a divine message from the creator of the universe."
Apr 2020 · 174
Lovers of the Night
Oginni Damilola Apr 2020
Title: Lovers of the Night

Oginni Damilola (Damithemessenger)

Together, we shall stand under the moon light,
Our hands never letting go as we gaze upon the stars in the sky.
Our passionate kiss shall bring tears from the moon's eyes
Her tears shall wash away our flaws,
Making us the perfect ones among all.
The wind shall whisper to us her love song
And the leaves of the trees shall sing along
Our feelings of love shall be made strong-
by the beauty of the night,
Whatever is wrong at this moment, shall be made right.
We shall walk side by side, nothing shall come inbetween
The jealous cold of the night shan't take over this feeling,
We won't be afraid of the dark, for the moon and stars would be watching-
Giving their luminous lights to our romantic journey.

— The End —