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Dec 2018 · 291
Burns and Aches
Damilola Victor Dec 2018
We get a lot of apologies
For being kind and nice without consideration
Consideration for the aches and unprecedented pains
Our hearts falls apart and we cannot let go of sudden impossible  
Repetition of sweet memories turns sadness upon its recall
We keep begging our lots for a wrong cast.

Still when we claim strong,
We are pressed aside like a weightless wafer
Tossing within its shadows of hopeful belief
Pungent believe of fainted strength
We wonder at how slow time moves;
So our healing takes forever.

There is no snooze!
Bad, bad, bad, no good turn
Who in this world can understand the spring of these tears?
The body beside me has no clue of the burns
I’ll always be awake staring at the candle beside my curtain
Waiting for it to burn it off... And me, so we all burn!

No more life
No more price to pay love and its grave shackles
After all, the heart is burnt to dark shafts
And it holds no more memory, not even functioning.
Sided by the remaining time
Left for us to watch others burn in the same pains and aches.
* I don’t know what to write again

— The End —