Bored poets write ennui
Sad poets psalms
Bad poets penning's
Are made into songs
Silly poets write limericks
And limericks they read
Drunk poets write scribbles
Drunk on their mead
Angry young men
Write rants by the hour
Wide-eyed young girls write
Of bunnies and flowers
Idiots write nonsense
Off the seat of their pants,
Got news for you, scoffers!
So do savants!
Gays write of rainbows
Saints of sonnets of old,
Storytellers write
pirate plunder and gold.
Broken poets write humbly
Strong writes unadorned,
write of roses
Bleeding poets of thorns.
Soul Survivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
But what makes a true poet
Is simply when
They type on a keyboard
or hold a PEN.