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 Nov 2018 Solus
Masha Yurkevich
like there's no tomorrow.
like you're on borrowed time.
like you'd never been heard.
like you'd heal the world
it not very fair.
and live,
      ­                                 care.
 Nov 2018 Solus
n0iπ çlßs
you may be the one that is left
but that means
i will be the one who is right
 Oct 2018 Solus
n0iπ çlßs
 Oct 2018 Solus
n0iπ çlßs
close the dusty box
puzzles always lose a piece
that cannot be found
 Sep 2018 Solus
Life is Dull
 Sep 2018 Solus
I look for the sun,
And see darkness everywhere,
Where is the sunlight?
Just a short one.
 Sep 2018 Solus
 Sep 2018 Solus
I didn't choose this.
I didn't choose these crushing walls around me.
These walls that "protect" me are just another source of my pain.
I stand at the doorway and watch as a lifer is swept away.
I hear a crack;
My heart it throbs.
I didn't choose to be this way.
My ideas, my worth, forgotten.
My skin defines my future.
Keep your eyes down, don't speak up,
Don't seek pity and NEVER disobey the law.
I didn't choose this country.
Bombs and gunfire fill the sky as kids scream.
We huddle in a building, praying.
Not knowing if we will get clean food for tomorrow.
I didn't choose that night.
The night that he touched me.
I tried to escape, but he hurt me instead.
The bruises and the scars ache as I remember.
The pain, the aggression, have forever tainted me.
I didn't choose this world.
The pollution, the divide.
A masterpiece burned, scarred, destroyed.
Family and friends **** each other.
The issues stack up until they crush us.
I didn't choose this mind;
Plagued by self-hate;
Debating if it's worth it.
Truly it must be better than this.
We didn't choose these things,
but we can choose to break free of boundaries.
You do have a choice.
I know it's kinda cheesy at the end. Oh well
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