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 Mar 2014 LF
Nat Lipstadt
 Mar 2014 LF
Nat Lipstadt
Dear Sir,

I can't keep
up with
your prolific, delighting,

This must be
the third poem at least,
for and to you, I,
publicly address

the thought terrifying,
if you took a vacation,
and had really
some free time to write

I do believe man,
it's time for a unique,
reserved, deserved,
and as of yet,
unheard of special,
Hello Pradip Section
on this site

for this is yet one more
in a streaming video
of me acknowledging you,
Master of the Word,
Wright Templar,
Poet Extraordinaire,

Most Importantly,
Beloved Human,
whose vision sees the world
in ways that
I adore

S. suggests,
take a vaca
just to eat your words,
in the lazy, rushed fashion
they deserve

but tween us,
your secret kept,
your parrot and
street dog Hengloo
every other one,
cause no human could
thus excel,
without some help
of animal spirits
in between your beloved

Yours Devotedly,

An Exhausted Nat Lipstadt
 Mar 2014 LF
Nat Lipstadt
on fine paper,
quality paper,
deserving of thoughtful
care and consideration,
summon courage,
write for one,
even if too many will indifferent read

write for the one,
who will wait for you,
long after closing time
for the need to say
of thanks,
something that cannot go

write for the one,
who cannot say
what they needs to say,
and in their stumbling style,
fumbling unsuccessful reach,
says it better than anyone

write for the blind and
sing for the deaf,
be their guide,
be their intimate,
aid them to escape boundaries,
by granting them the saws
to cut loose binding emotions,
share with them your most
intimate courage

"Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things."

T.S. Eliot (1888 - 1965)
 Mar 2014 LF
Victoria Jennings
To be yours
Is to know bliss

Sweet and wonderful.
 Mar 2014 LF
he stares through those darling black eyes
without motion
letting the hot mug sting his palms
unknowing that i hurt for him too

he won't tell me but i know
he is seeing the breathtaking apparition
in the articles of clothing she purposefully left behind

Empty chairs
Empty little shoes
Empty evening gown crumpled red
Limp and invaluable

he stares and he stares and he stares
thinking of who once sat there

even if it all means nothing will come of it
i'll work hard

call his name
 Mar 2014 LF
Cassie Stoddard
I read through my poems and started crying and I am tired. I wanted to cry earlier when my youngest sister left but I couldn't. i don't want to be the strong one. I'm not the strong one. Why does life turn out so differently than we wanted? I'm supposed to be doing homework, but how the **** am I supposed to care about some **** heiroglyphic assignment when my world ******* falls apart every night? I've always been so open with my emotions and for the past 5 weeks and 2 days I've been hiding behind a facade. A smile and a joke and a laugh. Low cut shirts and hints to boys and talks about *** equality. And I just want somebody to grab me and say "cut the *******" and i just want somebody to pick me up at two in the morning because they know I'm awake. I just want somebody to care and somebody that I can laugh with but also cry with. I'm sitting here, crying alone and it's so **** lonely and I'd give anything to make it stop. Anything to make it stop. When is all of this gonna get better? I'm begging you to tell me. Please please tell me.
 Mar 2014 LF
Audrey Illena
She sings gravity,
And I relate.
You keep me down,
From a different state.

I rarely see you.
When I do it hurts.
Your invisible pull,
Makes it that much worse.

The force hash't caught you.
You're still in the air.
And I'm still wondering
If you'll ever care.
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