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291 · May 2020
I can feel you
I can feel you
but not as I once did
Absent is
the intertwining passionate
euphoria of two
minds, bodies, souls,
in energy, in ecstasy

I sense you withdrawing
piece by piece
Your essence, your brilliance
growing dimmer
I struggle to hold you
grasping wildly
for any shred
I can catch, and feel, and hold close

Conversations and innuendos persist
but in them lies a hollowness
A new space between us
our depth moving upward to the surface

I watch you fade from me
You no longer call me by my deity
Once so attuned
Words rendered unnecessary for understanding

But now
I beg for some connection
and don’t even receive a reply
178 · Jul 2020
Your Aura
I consumed your aura
A specter invading my psyche
So that pieces of you
Bled into the viscera
Becoming a part of my DNA
Unable to die
169 · Jul 2020
All or Nothing
Your words rush forward
A tangled web of bitter wounds
attempting to ensnare me with pity

A precisely calculated labyrinth
Willing me to make my move

“It’s All or Nothing” you command
Imploring me with red-rimmed eyes
lips trembling in fear

You know I’ve no interest in games
but challenge me and I’ll surely win

I’ve warned you countless times
I won’t surrender my autonomy
So you should know my next play
Know your rancor will never triumph

But in desperation you contrive
to guilt me into your ideal
A hopelessly devoted queen
atop a pretty pedestal

But I don’t need to be needed

So I will play my final hand
My answer to your pitiful command
is, “Nothing”
168 · Jun 2020
My mind plays tricks
My mind plays tricks on me
As I revel in my fantasies of him

I analyze his every word
Scrutinize each enchanting smile

A fascination turned obsession
How do I make him need me?

I agonize and strategize
Trying to breach his impenetrable walls

But he will never want me
He will never know
The way I ache for him
164 · May 2020
I am a vandal of hearts
I am a vandal of hearts
A collector of the souls of men
Stealing away, for all eternity
Your ability to experience
the tenets of conventional love

My essence, an intoxicating elixir
a cataclysmic force
You will drink of me
I will ensure it
A succulent addictive poison

I will destroy you
Your notions of love and lust
passion and bliss
will be wholly obliterated
once you have experienced
my power, my hunger, my eroticism

I will never commit myself to you
but you will never free yourself of me
My taste
My touch
The storm in my eyes,
My roguish smile
Will haunt your every moment without me

But I will continue provoking chaos
in the hearts and minds of men
To appease my hedonistic desires
for connection, for unconventionality,
for unconstrained passion

The evil temptress incarnate
163 · May 2020
Haiku 2
I don't want to be
a doll on your pedestal
unable to crack
157 · May 2020
Your Strong Agile Hand
Your strong agile hand
slides up my neck
I feel each skillful finger
clasp around my throat

“You’re mine”
I hear the whisper in my ear
Your lips graze my collarbone
Teeth on my neck

Heating the currents of my bloodstream
Sending storms pumping through my veins

My knees begin to buckle
I am weak under your control
I lose command of myself
My body surrenders to your will

The magnetism of your seduction
a tidal force that draws me in

Setting my body aflame
154 · May 2020
3 Haiku of Unrequited Lust
A taste of his lips
May satisfy my desire
Curb tonight's longing

But would just a taste
Satisfy my burning want?
Or would the need grow?

I yearn for his touch
I ache for him in silence
He will never know
153 · May 2020
He Sees Me
He sees me
Stripped down
Naked before him
My quiddity storms all around me
Chaos and Lightning
Thunder and Mercury
On full display
He doesn’t turn from me
doesn’t even avert his eyes
He- the steadfast guardian
to my wild tempest
He walks easily into the gale
and he alone can withstand the storm
Watching me with unblinking eyes
He alone can see me
144 · May 2020
The Moment You Depart
The moment you depart
a longing so fervent engulfs me
that I am lost
adrift in my senses-memories of you

I am drowning in need
For but a breath of your essence
Your sentiments
Your intellect
Your body
That sweet elixir
A desideratum for my very existence

Time nor distraction wash away the ache
It is you, and only you my love
Who can calm the stormy seas

You who at once
Ignite my most fiery passions
and quiet my greatest fears

It is only you who can keep me afloat
Can quell the ardent sting of your silence
So I beg of you, my love
Stay with me tonight
137 · Jun 2020
Haiku 4
Why is contentment
Such an illusory state
Slinking out of reach?
136 · May 2020
An Overwhelming Force
An overwhelming force
Rises from my belly
A fanaticism flows through my blood
As your words
Are delicately etched through my skin
Plunging deeper
Permanent marks
On my muscles, my bones
Seeping into my marrow
Bonded to every cell
A new conciousness is formed
A new heartbeat
My very essence eternally altered
Because I love you
136 · May 2020
My Heart Beats
My heart beats
rhythmically with yours
Limbs intertwined
Skin melting into skin
My eyes closed
The salt of you on my tongue
Your breath
Hot and sweet on my neck
As I dissolve
into that exquisite contiguity
of corporeal rapture
and ethereal ecstasy
134 · May 2020
A Tidal Wave
A tidal wave of ecstasy
pulsing rhythmically
through every inch of my frame
Exultation unmatched

As the protracted swells of pleasure overtake me
I am struck with a sudden burst
of pure exquisite sensation
An electric force so fierce
My entirety is transformed
to an unalloyed fervor

Each nerve
Every fiber of my being
On fire
My whole body set ablaze
With only the softest touch

Your lips on my skin
Blood rushing to meet your teeth, your tongue
Shockwaves of climactic bliss

Every axon tastes its own sweet release

There are no thoughts, no words
Only sheer and utter rapture
Erupting from every pore
120 · May 2020
A Torrential Maelstrom
A torrential maelstrom of fervor and flame
flow through me like mercury
Tiny tributaries circulating through every crevice of my mind
An amalgam
of heat and touch
of hunger and tears
of bliss and sorrow

Heat, emanating from my skin
Smoldering at the sound of your voice,
The taste of your lips,
The sight of your smile
Burning with a ferocity
That can only be quelled by your touch

Hunger, savage and wild
Laying in wait to consume you wholly
To be overwhelmed by all that you are
To fill myself of you
Until I am bursting forth with bittersweet tears

Bliss, pure and unending
Ecstasy turned delirium
Washed away by time and edicts
Into an intractable sorrow

The molten chaos and mercury
gliding through my veins
The zenith of what we are
of what we could become
of what we will never be

I am utterly consumed
112 · May 2020
A Vivid Vision
A vivid vision of your velvety dark skin
A visceral reaction violently running through my veins
I am my voracious appetite
A vacant vessel longing to be filled
A vast void only vanquished by your essence, your substance
The vandal that annihilated my naiveté
Invading my mind, body, soul
My insides burn
A volatile explosive eruption

— The End —