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  Nov 2017 Celaena
She stands in the midst of a vast meadow
A wind blows gently, it doesn't phase the widow
Only the rustling of the grass and flowers can be heard
Not a single creature lives here, the widow is alone

Before her stands a tall archway made of sunflowers
Each flower spiralling around one another in unity
To form two curved pillars that interlock at the top
It is a portal to an alternate reality: A gate

The widow has known about this structure for some time
She has examined it from every possible angle
But she has never entered it
She does not know what lies beyond, or if she can ever return

Finally, the widow decides to explore the world beyond the gate
She gathers her wits and steps underneath the interlocked pillars
To be greeted by a world that is not too much different from her own
But as she turns around, she sees that the world is engulfed in flames
  Jun 2017 Celaena
I wonder if shellfish are selfish
Or if the rain is already tired of falling

I wonder if the ocean is tired of being blue
Or if Mr. Cactus wants a hug too

I wonder if snows ever felt warm
Or if the words "It's cold!" ever came out from Mr. Sun

And finally, I wonder if God also prays
Just wondering..
  Apr 2017 Celaena
student a
something that most people have.
makes my hands sweat and shakes.
makes me tremble down the stairs.
makes me wants to be a shadow.
makes people think i’m not stable.
something that’ll haunt me forever,
and they don't intend to let me go.
  Apr 2017 Celaena
Glenda Lee Woodson
Change is necessary.

Change is a good thing?

Change is
Scary and confusing.

Change scares the hell out of me.
Change leaves me in a state of frustration.

Change can heal the soul and tear it apart.
Leaving little pieces scattered about.

But I must think of little caterpillars that turn into beautiful butterflies.

Change is necessary.
These are my thoughts from my morning commute. The city was tearing down a house I have passed by thousands of times. It was a landmark on my life path and now it is gone. Will the memories associated with that house be ripped from me as well?
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