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Desiree Jackson
Burlington Iowa    I'm Desiree I am 13 years old I've been writing poetry scene I was 6 it really specks to me and I hop you to …
Blind Distance
Poems, born in the heat of the moment. It is the way I like creating, without planning. You can be my mirror, and I can …
strong desire
los santos   
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, …
RJ Days
Pennsylvania    I live and I sometimes write poems.
Josh Bass
"Find beauty. Try to understand. Survive." -James Sallis Please do not BITE my work.
~Wonderland~    Christopher Poindexter is AMAZING!! Message me, if you want. I love talking to and learning more about interesting people. (and of course you're interesting, you're …
Just Jake
Louisiana    Nobody too important.
Limbo    Tick. Tock.
1.01³⁶⁵ = 37.8 0.99³⁶⁵ = 0.03 Lets give our best everyday We're getting better than we were yesterday.
Michigan    // Into poetry and classic literature , living in a town not big enough for my dreams and aspersions. Poetry is my way of venting. …
Jeff Dingler
Lone Wolf
Beirut    I were. I am. I will.
WendyStarry Eyes
Life to me is a never ending change! "Whose walking down the streets of the city, everyone knows it's Wendy!" —-██—— Put this on …
Shahad Alsaif
I sail through dreams , in my own fantasy I live . They say it's insane.. I say it's genus ..
Adron E Dozat
62/M/Columbia MD    I've written poetry all my life and have been included in several collections and have been published in a few magazines. My website is …
Switzerland    What an odd time this has been I wonder what I will think back about this Hopefully I'll be around a long time and have …
Dawn Maiers
Spokane, WA    I write to cleanse my mind of my emotional pollution.
xShadows Are Comingx
Prefer Not To Say...    Hey, I am xShadows Are Comingx, but you can call me xShadowx. The x's are silent. I follow back. <3 Current age: 14, 9th Grade …
Gracieh Nimmoh
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