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When I drift off to sleep
stillness fills my limbs,
tranquility wraps my spirit,
as my dream world begins.

Soft and beautiful colors
fill my peaceful sleep,
visions of beauty and love
then begin to seep.

Soft and gentle touches
moving through time,
causing the pink of auras
to magnificently shine.

Tender enchanting tones
play softly in my ear,
a melody of song
so calming and dear.

Our essence of love
seeps into our dreams,
causing soothing sleep
until the first of sunbeams.
Dream of me
I am real...
I am where smiles are made
and tears fade away
Where hope springs forth
Away from the darkness
of the earth

I am the glow of the moon
and all the stars in the sky
those who seek the light
shall have me as their guide

I am the red bird or butterfly you see
Just keep your eyes open... to find me
I am where tomorrow is coming
and hope always holds on
My darling
I am never truly gone....❤
I have been dreaming of my mother lately and do not want to wake up because it feels so real and I miss her so. I wrote this from her perspective writing to me
                          ­    Cannot
When I’m in , I’m in .... No two ways about it, true love never complicated..... The unfaithful People Are ... There are no shortcuts to love , but so many too often turn a blind eye!
Karma, Karma
hateful heart in trouble,
***** deeds of action
will now simmer and bubble….

That surge in the stillness of air
vibrates leaves on every tree,
the truth laying below deceptive layers
where you think you’re safe to be.

That tingly feeling on your skin
the spark of fire within your eyes,
a surge of deception fills the air
as light flickers in the sky.

An eye for an eye
paybacks can run deep.
Do you think yours are any different?
Karma really does SEEP!

Be careful where that energy roams
Karma pays back in triple,
for that ***** deed done and lie told
can devastate, destroy and *******.
Wrong thing done for the right reason
or so you may think, is still the wrong thing,
you never know the consequences to yourself
that ***** little deed can bring.

So many people hurting each other.... Will we ever learn that our actions always come back at us?
that yellow and black butterfly
I would most assuredly
not flutter around awaiting my return
to pound my wings dance in circles
around my mere countenance

I'd more rather follow the violet
girl into the hills
and encircle her head stutter and prance
wildly aloft on the winds gentle

or set sights on the red rose's open
caress in the glow of the morn'
on some meadow's green
and take chances
on wing

through a sunlit tree
touching each
limb and leaf to
gather more friends
in my brief
These words are not intended
To condemn nor confuse
This is not an attempt
To spread fake news
In fact it's nothing
That absolutely
Needs to be said
It's merely the poetry
Beneath my breath
Simplistic my rhyming
In aesthetic waves
Soothing, freeing
New life on the page
I am a keeper
A giver of words
We are the receivers
As poetry gives birth!
Traveler Tim
Meet me in that place
   where the clouds
                    greet the trees,
   where swaying
                         on dark shadowy dreams.
That beautiful place
              of shining light
                     and ever loving grace,
              that place free from fear
                     filled with
                              peace and love,
                              of  eternity
                                     that never end……
Far away from the hum-drum
                                     of life,
                     far from the place
                          where anger and hate
                            cut you like a knife.
That place where the stars
            sing sweet songs of love
               where the sun and the moon
                      dance passionately above.
Meet me under that big willow tree
            shaded by
that place
           that was always meant
                          for us to be free.
That place for you and me....
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