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Bohemian Mar 2019
Run errand like you never have
You wouldn't be chased,I promise
But where would you escape to ?
It's just the time that may pace you.
A very common note.
Bohemian Mar 2019
I could hate my acquaintance
And love the unacquainted
Isn't this idea too tainted ?
  Mar 2019 Bohemian
Addie Kay
A part of me will always love you.
I’ll probably always hate that part of me.
I didn’t need that part
  Mar 2019 Bohemian
Satsih Verma
Why the naked cells of
heart- were fearing exposure
of blood pain?

The poem at midnight speaks itself
without throwing signs unto
the moon.

The night slaughter,
of beautiful dreams begins
in the hands of the
dead light.

There was no myth
of mercy. You cannot exonerate
yourself for not jumping
over the vipers.

The venom spreads
slowly, reaching the distant
thoughts which were buried
in wet eyes.

A red scarf
covers the blue lips.


Longing is as good as intimacy
Crying is as good as laughing
Separation is as good as being together
Fall is as good as rise
Far is as good as near
Down is as good as UP
Valley is as good as mountain
Abyss is as good as Apex
Spice is as good as sweet
Salt is as good as sugar
Limited is as good as infinite
Worldly is as good as UNIVERSAL
Earthly is as good as COSMIC
Rock is as good as water
Black is as good as white
Summer is as good as winter
Monsoon is as good as spring
Thorns are as good as flowers
Night is as good as a day
Darkness is as good as light
Moon is as good as the sun
Words are as good as silence
Sadness is as good as joy
Tears are as good as smiles
Death is as good as life
Despair is as good as elation
We is as good as "I"
Lonely is as good as alone

Life is as good as LOVE

  Mar 2019 Bohemian
Hey God girl
Tell me where we're going

Where are you
Me and you

Tell me when we're going
Are we falling

My fallen angel
I think you'll fade away

Don't come down
I feel your voice
Your heavenly hands graze my skin

Your wings
burn so bright

God Girl
Tell me are we going

I love it
I love it

I'll tell you

You're fading into me
I love it
Fall into me
I want it

I'll make you feel disgusting
feel emotions
make you cry
make you sad,
crave it like a human

You will hate it

then you're late
so fallen

No return to heaven
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