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Betthia Mae Aug 2019
I’m sinking
your sand washed up
on my veins

blended with my blood
we’re thicker than honey
but you never tasted sweet

never cared about my ocean
polluted by your sand
you consciously scattered
with your hands
It happens
Betthia Mae Aug 2019
There she is
Hidden behind the veins

She got lost
Searching but she forgot

Who was she doing this for?
A blood clot

Clot of mistakes
Clot of dates
All because she thought this clot was fate

Boy was she wrong
She bled out and drowned

All except her heart
That one was stayed shut with a clot
Betthia Mae Aug 2019
Tomorrow is not today
But I keep waking up to yesterday
My thoughts are borrowed
This really, really, really
looked like something that happened tomorrow
Late night tings
Betthia Mae Jul 2019
Once upon a time
                  I did love you
                            but that story ended
Betthia Mae May 2019
You’re a ghost
Haunting my thoughts
When I look back
You’re there

You’re a ghost
Haunting my nights
When I try to sleep
You’re there

You’re a ghost
Haunting my heart
When I try to love
You’re still there

Haunting the soul that let you go
This is my pain
Living on numbered days
The new type of “ghosting” see what I did there
Betthia Mae May 2019
Give me my sanity
The piece of me you took with you
You control my thoughts
The part of me that once spoke freely
Forget my routine
The fragment that allowed sleep

I let you go
You’ve come back to haunt me
Betthia Mae May 2019
I’ve decided
To feel this pain
The one I’ve put in a box
I’ve realized
Keeping this pain
Is keeping you
I will let go
Of all of you
Even the pain that keeps me
Gotta keep feeling till I can let him go
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