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 Oct 2013 Ayeshah
Nik Bland
Lie on my lap and I'll tell you a story
Look in the dark and smile
Know that these tales of bravery and glory
Will stay with you all the while

All the monsters have been lulled to a coo
Boogeyman scared away
Safe and sound here in your room
Dream until the day
 Oct 2013 Ayeshah
 Oct 2013 Ayeshah
My tears flow back to the sea
Whilst my soul aches
and my hands shake
across keys which make words
into more than just a moments thought
Keep me safe here
Hold me tight
Because I thought I was safe
My heart hurts and I want someone to hold me close
Just for a moment
disguises  are falling apart
I will no longer lie to myself
I stretch my love across time and distance
I held on too tight
To something I had already turned to dust
The horizon is screaming me forward
Please release me
Please let me go now
For what more am I doing
Being untrue to myself
I loved you
But I never gave my all
Because I wanted to hold on to my senses
I held you
But in the back of my mind
I didn't let go long enough
To trust you
We never saved each other
We never shared our tears
Our fears
You never really knew me
Denial is such a suffocating condition
In this moment I realize
There's no one who needs to let go here
But myself* ....
on nights like these we forgot the work of love
and loosed the chains that tied our hands to our hearts
we jumped and groaned in the rough outline of satire
that left us rolling among the sweet aftermath of our decadence

on nights like these I found my brothers
because no one is closer than troops before battle
and afterwards we were each other's father and son
because we fought like our hand was forced and maybe it was

on nights like these it was all for the boys
for the past we invented and the future we never believed
the world had died and we toasted it with cheap wine
we laughed like animals at jokes beyond men

-GKN 1999
So I met this ***** that was lerkin like a cool,
chic head up angled like she was aiming for a fool *****,
                       Looked like a ratchet who da hell would snatchet unless ya faith is sappy
cause that girl hella *****,.
        Bend down to light a halfy,
                            Cut shorts **** snorts wreak smoke
           Might choke Taahaaa she broke no joke,.
                             Brain tied Boy lied Needa hero,.
                             On time,**** lime,she know she be a zero.
Ghett heals wet meals not real done deal,.

(sais the white girl that want's to be a rapper :)
 Sep 2013 Ayeshah
Where am I?
I don’t recognize this dark place,
Where cold arms have embraced me,
Clutching at my heart. My body’s inner-most core.
I have issues breathing,
This simple action I did without thought before has now become a painful challenge.
It feels as though I am drowning, being pulled deeper and deeper, where the water just gets progressively colder.
My chest is tight, my lungs are straining.
Once things were so simple.
Where have I been brought to?
I don’t remember heading for this place,
Nor even have the slightest memory of wanting to travel here.
No, not the smallest fleeting memory.
Tears are a constant threat now.
Always there, ready to burst free from their bleary prison.
My throat, being squeezed from some unknown source,
Gives me hardship when I attempt to speak.
To say out loud what it is that ails me.
Instead, I am unable to,
I refuse,
To allow someone in.
The fear of being ridiculed at the tip of my mind,
While forbidden thoughts and longings are stored in the back.
There are no words, can be no words,
To express this immense confusion.
This lack of direction…
Where…am I?
 Sep 2013 Ayeshah
Stefan Rock
Suicide of the brain,
Self inflicted pain.
Nothing left to gain,
Want to end refrain.

The constant struggle of finding self worth,
You don't belong here, you're no good on this earth.

You always ask questions like why me? What did I do?
You've learned to live with the pain, it's nothing that's new.

You hurt through the day, you hurt through the night,
Just put on your mask like everything is alright.
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