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 Sep 2013 Ayeshah
 Sep 2013 Ayeshah
earthworm of passion
burrow deep within my soil
enrich and enhance
Does one become more beautiful
after being broken?  
Could they be repaired with gold
until their heart and mind
are no longer numb?
Will the harsh voices
that caused each crack
into a billion pieces
as if never spoken?
If so,
please paint each crack in my heart
and stop.......
where this pain flows from.

Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
Please see this link
Everyone you meet
is broken glass, a
pile of a

Pieces of us lie all over the ground.
You have to be careful
where you step.
We have all been
dropped and cracked
and kicked.

We are all ******- some worse
than you. You at least tried to
pick up the mess
along the way. Most people
leave pieces
stranded. A fraction of
a soul as
road ****.

Everyone is stepped on and crushed
and dug into the ground,
soaked like red wine into the
off-white carpet.
There will never not
be a stain.

You handed me one of your
puzzle pieces,
a fragment of shell,
a souvenir.
I tried to glue you back
together, to carry you, to fix
you, my darling, because
we traded.

I tried to give you
my pain as well, heart shaped and
sharp like chipped bone. But
it didn't fit, and it was heavy,
and it was mine. So you
gave it back.
You unravel me pulling at all my loose ends
With that look that snatches every bit of me up
Holds me tight and stops my breathing
Leaving me with my head reeling trying to make sense of
These feelings
While light rolls off me
Much like the streetlights in the dead of night
When I’m walking right out from under
My one hundred and forty pounds of
Scar tissue ,
Heart breaks
Of tears collected,
Of pride swallowed,
Of being filled
Emptied and hallowed.
My one hundred and forty pounds of
Rubble from the walls I've torn down
And built again to stand
At an impressive summit of five foot eight,
A compacted version of all the will I make
And i'm left with only my essence
My sense of presence and a smile playing in my eyes,
I’m all mine
I’m all yours,
I’m all open and I’m not scared.
My naked truths all laid bare
I don’t care,
If later I fall to pieces or if I fall together,
I don’t care whether this is just in this moment or
If this last forever.
I feel so perfectly together,
with my senses of self,
With the mirror and my memories
With the things you do and
The words you say in your lovely smile.
I haven’t felt this kind of way
In  far too long a while.
 Feb 2013 Ayeshah
Infamous one
 Feb 2013 Ayeshah
Infamous one
Give my heart to someone else
Like you did
You found love why can't I
Your beauty on the outside
Damaged within
You told me secret so you could be free
No more caring the burden of broken trust
I believe in love not just a lust
A broken crush hard to trust
I tried to be perfect
while you let me down all the time
You say I do and wish you the best with the new
I'm glad to have known you
On my own on my way
My true love is my career
Being able to pave my way with out
Wasting my day but your never coming back
If she could go back and change anything
She would gather her courage and stand
Just half an inch taller,
And sacrifice the bits of her heart you already devoured,
For the chance to maintain her self respect.
What the hell was she thinking?
Head reeling eyes blinking,
Bound like she owed you more than
The every bit of everything she already gave you,
she made you more important than herself,
She must have momentarily forgotten she’s a
Little embodiment of humanity
Lost in love and insanity,
You are less of a man than any body
You jump at the chance
To lose your empathy, drive, your capacity
To experience your life
The “opportunity” to care for nothing.
But you were nothing less
Than selfish…
Cutting it close to a monster
You always hoped she would remember
Just know you are the mistakes that still haunt her.
She talks of all the times she should have walked
And wonders if you ever really loved her.  
You made her hurt so much harder but
Honestly shes tougher
And in the dark she doesn't cry
She often smiles, it took awhile but it doesn't matter,
you will never ever touch her
shes on fire,
the kind that turns heads and breaths laughter
and chases faster than hard liquor and starts
working  quicker than all the drugs on your brain.
Lazy attempts to numb everything.
She so much better, lighter brighter and burning hotter.
Its probably a hard thing admittedly
to be the dumb-*** that didn't want her.
 May 2012 Ayeshah
Sarah Wilson
They are strangers now, separated by their worlds and walls.
There is no chemistry, no spark, nothing special.
They are simply strangers, sharing a couch.

One is autumn, one is spring;
one likes talking, and the other? Listening.

If walls could talk, they’d weave a tale so tragic.

In the beginning, he was sun, and she was moon.
At the ending, she was running, but he was leaving.

In the beginning, there are many things.
There is music, and laughter, and broken strings.
They have cooperation, and commitment, and promises.
Her mom gives them glasses, his mom gives them dishes.
She has her charcoals, he has his guitar.

At the ending, close to the ending-
There is his guitar, her laughter, they’ve broken things.
And that is all that is left.

Promises and glasses, dishes and hearts.
A year of trying and losing is written on the walls;
the wallpaper- peeling, the curtains- ripping.

He clears his throat, she stills- hoping.
“I’m sorry,” she hears, and it’s okay.
“I’m sorry,” she hears, “that it’s ended this way.”

I’m sorry, she hears. I’m sorry, that it’s ended this way.
I’m sorry, she hears. That it’s ended this way.

“It’s ended this way?”
“I’m ending it this way.”
All life fear of fear

Never warning

Waiting ashore for what seas bring

Waves pull and

You fall under

Lost, engulfed, forgotten.

Endless night

Within this blackened land

A Kingdom of forever hypocrisy

And mass depression

No growing conspiracy

Bringer Of Dreams Unhappy

Commands what will be

See black, all clear

Anger, misery

Distribute pain to thee

As all shudder

With prayers unanswered

Fantasize for land of the free



His words-echoes of eternity-

If you dare to hear them:

Endlessly you shall

Lie in dementia.

Lastly you shall

Die in hysteria.
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