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 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
muta cupido
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
it's her smile, her smell, and the way she draw a line
her knife, his wrist, and the mark on her palms
the smooth curves that would heal sores
a touch that cures
his world tangled in her curls
the music that moves him
the way he's moved with her style
dumb desires
and the boy is caught in a whirlwind
never to return to his old life
arrows stuck on his heart
he never felt so alive
the entirety of his life
about to be consumed-
dumb desires
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Lillian Harris
You can't escape a nightmare
When it lives inside of you
And you can't run from the shadows
When the darkness is yours too

You can't hide from the monsters
That chase and claw and tear
When you look into the mirror
The real monster is there

Behind the surface of your eyes
Inside your very head
The demons make themselves at home
And fill you up with dread

Nowhere to turn when daylight dims
Nor when the moonlight glows
No solace or escape to find
As the fear inside you grows

No warmth to be had when the cold sets in
No relief from the pouring rain
No end to the aching inside your heart
No release from the infinite pain

Trapped within a battered cage
Fashioned from flesh and bone
You desperately cling to the fragment of hope that
Maybe you aren't alone.
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Delaney Marie
Undress... your mind.

Expose your explicit thoughts.
Bare your soul's deepest secrets.
Uncover your darkest sins.
Scatter each insecurity outside of these
bedroom walls.
Leave every fear to die on the cold floor.

Unmask your make-up free face.
Show off your natural glow.
Strut your never-ending legs.
Flaunt each curve as your shadow
glides across the candlelit room.
Unveil every inch of skin he was too busy to kiss.

Undress... you're mine.
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Noah A Baker
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Noah A Baker
I have a story. But it’s going to sound like a bad one.
I know I’m not good at them, I make them boring and start to ramble on and use run on sentences but that’s just because I don’t know how to say what I’m trying to become --
Like that.
But yeah. Here goes-

I was lost in a crowd. This crowd,
of, onyx and granite, thieves and bandits and hopeless romantics,
and I was beginning to become one of them…
my voice was losing it’s sound.
But in this crowd of blacks, grays, and whites,
something stood out, this shining light
of green
and I didn’t really know what to do
(as you can see, I’m not too good at explaining things)
That green just so happened to be you
And the way this story goes, you pulled me out of that crowd,
and saved me
from a brief eulogy.

But let’s say, in our story, that green went away
and left me in a state of… disarray.
So I’m watching that green step foot on a different land
with my mind repeating “until we meet again”
Not knowing what I’d do without a yin
to lend a hand to my yang
As I felt the metallic tang of regret, pain, and hellish heartbreak rise in my main vein and artery --
I’m rambling.
Long story medium, I went without the green
and the sun shined a harsh light. The sheen got to me… I was growing crazy.
I had to leave.

I was at a train station, in a bustling crowd
full of gray faces, and black sounds
I couldn’t hear, it was so loud,
But I could see.
And I saw a train stop, doors open, and a ray of green
And that green just happened to be you
And all I remember thinking was
********, you're beautiful.
a sister poem to the poem "until we meet again"
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Roisin Sullivan
Well, darling, we've surpassed 3 a.m.
And 4 a.m....5 a.m....and 6...
Talking about our life together,
Only theoretically of course,
And I haven't freaked out.  Even when
You said the word "marriage," I didn't
Blink an eye and I took it in stride.

And when you said "children," I smiled;
An image of dark haired babes screaming,
Us two standing and laughing because
We just don't know what the **** to do.
My hair would be frazzled, hoisting one
On my hip as I sing lullabies.
And our toddler would be sitting
On your lap, chattering as your eyes
Widen, overwhelmed with her questions.
How I love your dark beautiful eyes.

I don't picture a white picket fence
With a manicured lawn and flowers
But I envision the two of us
Becoming older and sassier.
We are infinite for a while
Until I wake up one fateful day
And I realize that you have passed on.

But I gather the grand-kids around
And with a glimmer in my eye, I
Tell our story sparing no details
Because someone has to remember
When I am dead and gone from the world.
And when I close my eyes for the last
Time, I smile and say: "Remember,
Darling, when we were just pretending?"
And my soul will depart my body,
Find and join yours in our own heaven.

So answer me and please be honest;
Baby, will you live this dream with me?
Buddy you are moving way too fast
Its a happy New Years Eve
           But Sometimes the grass is greener, the wine is sweeter, on the other side of the hill.

Turn your socks inside out like a Brody
Its time to find Jack Straw...

The secret to a Wild Man's heart
Is to Bribe him with your food.

I learned what Paul Simon meant when he said he blew that room away
I learned what J.D. Salinger lied when he said he would do it anyway

Bruce Springsteen said to Terry Gross every Rock'N'Roll song means one thing:
"Pull your pants down."
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
I've forgotten your touch
And the fabrication of your skin
The tired sarcasm in your jokes
Has somehow escaped my mind
I don't remember the structure of the jaw
I once was able to trace
In the middle of the night with tired eyes
The last time I looked at your picture
I could still pinpoint the raspy, dry tone of your voice
I've realized that the spark in your eyes
Was not ambition, or the stars
It was the lights of a town that will soon burn down
Your shy smile has stopped being a metaphor
For a knife in my chest or a bullet to my head
Is this what I'm supposed to call "recovery"
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Proximity gets tighter and tighter. I walk by twice so your eyes can catch me. They do, but they don't match mine. "I wonder what he's thinking of—"
"Probably nothing."
Probably something, but nothing of me.
I go home and listen to a sad song that I'll probably end up showing you.
I wonder if I'm okay with that.
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