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Dec 2017 · 204
Left Format
There it sat,
To my left,
A great big heft,
To carry the middle,
Not the right,
Left grew to a widdle,
It's bones very light,
Even with all her might,
She couldn't take flight,
But she can still fight,
Her muscles still tight,
If you put her in the air,
She could be a kite,
In her sight,
All that was left,
Was a back to the corner,
The background paper white,
The light was so bright,
It shone to a new height,
Even in the night,
She stays to the left,
She never goes right,
Because there is nothing left.
I LEFT this poem for people who like left format.
Dec 2017 · 201
Is it allowed for someone to like a friend,
A friend that upon you depend,
A hand that she will sometimes lend,
When I am felling down and with a frown,
I could give her I shiny crown,
Because she is the Queen of me,
Her eyes is as far as I can see,
Her double ear piercing just makes her cuter,
I'm thinking bout' her as I type on this computer,
If I went deaf I still couldn't mute her,
Her soft tone won't leave me alone,
Wait though hold the phone,
If I try again will she hate,
But maybe she might even date me,
Although she could reject me,
And that could really affect me,
I have nowhere to avoid her,
Cause' her songs defend me like a lawyer,
Against the stress and anxiety,
Oh dear what's wrong with me,
This feeling doesn't belong with me,
I will never get to help her through,
Whatever she needs and where to go to,
I am her puppet that's set,
She controls me in her sweet net,
I am glad that she's who I met,
And seriously there is no bet,
That am just an outlet to her,
Not something for warmth when she may shiver and stir,
In the cold of this world,
If asked out she would have hurled,
And then at home I would have curled,
Into a sad little ball,
Depression in my home's hall,
Should I text or call,
Or should I say it in person,
Because she might think there is nothing worse than,
But what can I say except she's pretty and she's witty and she is funny in tune,
To her I must be a buffoon,
She is just a full-on cocoon,
Of laughing and wondrous moon,
I see her most days at noon,
I have looked at many websites,
For advice and how to be "cooler" many nights,
For advice at how to a good friend,
For a friendship how to re-mend,
In case my worshiping fails,
My heart is broken with hails,
And you know what,
That might be ok,
Actually no...that kinda wouldn't?
I don't know.
What's your opinion?
Dec 2017 · 280
Middle Format
Oh Middle format,
What is it like,
Does it purr like a cute cat,
Or does it stab with a pike,
Oh Middle Format,
Where are you from,
Do you sit with the forest,
And sing a nice Hum?
Oh Middle Format,
Does your writing look fat?
Do you change the "Hello" on the mat?
Is in the middle where you sat?
Are you as small as a gnat?
Do you eat Kit-Kat?
Do you play with a rat?
Do you wear any hat?
Sorry for the questions,
But in the middle of figuring you out,
What are you about?
I am in MID decision of what format is best.
Dec 2017 · 440
How do you know?
How do you know,
If someone likes you,
And you like them too,
How do you know,
That dream won't be real,
That alarm you might feel,
How do you know,
That you can see the future,
That a pet you can nurturem
How do you know,
Who you really are,
If reality is really far,
How do you know...what to be in this world...if you want to be many things?
Well I'd be doctor,
To stay nice and healthy,
So I can live longer,
And be a little wealthy,
Then I will be a pharmacist,
To create medicines to help not age,
Then maybe a physicist,
To get a nice medical degree page,
And then after that,
I want to build that,
Robots galore,
Turn me into one?  Sure!
Stamping around the floor,
I am now immortal,
Is that an alien portal?
And then I woke up...Dang it!!!
For fun I guess.
Dec 2017 · 177
Try again?
What do I do,
If she makes my brain coo,
If her singing calms me,
Breaking through my ADHD,
Her beauty is a sight to see,
Her personality is my heart's key,
I may be only 12,
But into her heart I wish to delve,
And make her feel like a goddess,
About her I can't be modest,
I friendzoned myself...I thought I would fail so I texted can we be friends... she said you don't have to be sorry for liking me.
Do I try again,
With all these cooler kids,
The decision is in mids',
I could say I love her,
There is no girl above her,
Her sweet voice is a lure,
And I am the weird fish,
With her as my wish,
She doesn't judge me,
My heart slows when she will nudge me,
She makes my life have a drive,
And I will compliment her if I am alive,
Her name is cyrille,
I need her for real,
Hug me if you will,
I will only go still,
How I now feel,
Is I need to know,
Will she just be a bro,
I'll be "Ok" if she says no,
But her eyes,
They don't tell me lies,
They are true happy in disguise,
I would tie her shoe ties,
She represents blue skies,
I never liked anyone really,
To be truly honest,
So of her I am fondest,
When she sings,
The stress no longer rings,
Her voice,
I must say isn't just "Noice",
It's the diamond made of crystal,
Pure and nature whistle,
I want to try again,
I might be made fun of by my peers,
Insults in both ears,
She might not just want to be known,
As the girl that made ME not alone,
As she sits on the throne,
...I just sit as that one traffic cone...,
Tell me if I should try,
Or sit alone and cry,
To her I might not fly,
If you don't like my offering,
All ask is...why and what's wrong with me.

So...should I try again?  Please say if I should, and if you know her don't tell her about this...this is personal business.  I don't want to just ask her for a kiss, but if she needs one I can help.  If she needs homework done I can help.  If she needs anything (almost) I can help.
What do you think I should do?
Feb 2017 · 376
I have legos,
I have toys,
I have videogames,
I have food,
But barely any is what I need or want.
I am spoiled,
I am insulted,
They are kind,
Then they are sour,
They are ok with me
Then they hate me,
My parents,
My aunt and uncle,
They adopted me,
I don't know if the care for me,
They give me stuff,
The reason to shut me up,
I wonder if I just need some attention.
Maybe a childhood.
But no.
It's too late.
My life rate: I can't.
I won't.
I don't,
Because I have my future in mind.
Leave everything behind.
I'll be an author,
Maybe a poet,
I haven't actually tried to write deep poetry,
I just make little rhymes,
Telling my troubles,
But why should anyone care?
My kindness and hate are both not rare.
Life isn't fair.
Saying that doesn't make it better.
I am definitely not grateful for what made my life go like this.  
But at least I didn't experience some types of business.
Life, destiny, fate, god, myself, everybody else.
I am not grateful,
If you made me as dead inside as I am.
All I have left is self-pride.
Even that's corrupted and terrible.
My ungratefulness is unbearable.
Why do people think it's still careable?
I don't understand
Feb 2017 · 260
It is Valentines soon,
I am alone and feel like a buffoon.
I am not lonely for friends,
I am lonely for ends that bend, trip, criss-cross, and fend.
Romantic books,
make it feel easy,
but in these days,
it's not lemon squeezy.
My friends have talents that make girls barely balance.
I am romantic as war is to peace.
I can't and I won't.
Words to express are caught in my throat.
My heart does not float.
This is truth that I have wrote.
How do you get a girlfriend when you're 11? Probably really hard to do.  For people who relate, don't give up.  Keep trying!!
As it begins,
The wolves may howl,
As it burns and soaks,
The cheese grows fowl,
The problems creep,
The changes keep,
And the world’s,
Is a bullet proof vest,
That will calm predator or prey,
That will calm moon or day,
This is about,
A rhythm in colors,
A sun in a moon,
A soothing cocoon,
The item is itself,
Inside your mind,
Repeating itself,
This is a sign.
No matter what,
when down don’t frown,
write a poem,
and count on the sound!
This is a pretty serious poem.
My light star bright,
Taking me through the night,
You are my spotlight and the string in my kite
Moon and Day,
I wish and I pray,
You think of me and I think of you.
For you are the poems,
All are true.
You think of me and I think of you.
I got friendzoned anyways so yeah.  I'm 11 years old and this is the best I can do.

— The End —