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Angel of Sin Feb 2016
Caught beneath the curse of genetic abomination
I am the final inheritance of my line of disease
**** my seed!
So that I may not spread my contamination
End my line!
I am an insult to those of purest blood...

**** me now or share my pain
Fettered in chains of my desolation
Make me fall before I rise up
And give power to my miscreation

Bound in shadow
I am the progeny of disease
In a world of beauty
I am an infection, festering and rotten
I am a scar, wishing only to be forgotten
Angel of Sin Nov 2015
So proudly we stand by liberty's side
She's fraught with lividity
With no life in her eyes
We are plagued with insanity
So we can't see this disgust
So blinded by grief
That this is what has become of us!
Posing the corpse of our beloved mother...

Searching for an answer that cannot be found
Too reluctant, too proud to put her corpse in the ground
A picture is taken, we smile so wide
You can't even tell that liberty has died

Cursed is the seed of our creation...
Our mothers not too rotten for manipulation
We try to conceive an infant nation
But a dead womb can only host...
A carrion infestation

"Why mother, why did you have to die?"
Too much malediction had poisoned her mind
Abused by strangers to create a home
Thus killing the only mother we've ever known
How is a nation that claims to be free
A nation of lepers, of beggars, disease?
Because of insanity we cannot see the disgust
Of this Mourning Portrait of America!
Angel of Sin Nov 2015
Snuffed candles sigh
At blackest midnight
When death comes depressing
With his pallor descending
Upon her corpse gently resting
Amidst my grief and obsessing
Over my dead wife and my...
My unborn son!

Oh if only I...
Were able to die
My vampirism immortal
Plagues me on this night
For these hunters, they came
Not under calming moonlight
But rather they waited
Until the dawn crested bright
They ***** her
They beat her
They drained her of life
While I...
Espied from inside
Still unable to fight
'Neath the wretched sunlight
Where my child and bride
Greeted their heinous demise
With their sorrowful cries
As they were put to the knife
I then wandered the halls
Of my manor, distraught
Locked in a maze of sweet memories
And of furious thoughts!

So with death here, depressing
Her corpse gently resting
A pallor descending
Upon my sorrow unending
I had sworn by her body
As I buried them in silver coffins that night
By mourning shadows that danced in the light
Cast by my guiding white lantern
Their names carved in stone
"Be you safe and at peace, you're no longer alone"
With a vindictive volition
A murderous mission
I illuminated a path
That would lead to the last

For my wife and my child
Whom I could not defend
I shall make sure the hunters
Come to an equivalent end...
Angel of Sin Nov 2015
Again, you came, and love is what you seek
I seek
Again, you left, and love is what you stole
I need...

Our love was Faustian
And I was your Lucifer
I gave you my world
But you struck me down
And cast me out!
Was my light not bright enough?
Was my flame not hot enough?
To illuminate and thaw your black and frozen heart?

I believed in you

My shining star, you fade so violently
My world has descended to grey
My future has disintegrated
All because I believed in you...

— The End —