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 Jan 30 Green
Sia Harms
Her steps were measured,
As if she counted each one,
Filling a quota.

Not too much, not too little,
She could not be too humble,
Nor ambitious.

But she could also not be too
Small and indifferent, or else
She would fail.
 Jan 30 Green
Sia Harms
We think of fainting spells
And red outbursts when
We hear the word
But often, it is more
Accurate to think of the
Silence of a cold shoulder.
 Jan 28 Green
 Jan 28 Green
how many more
          drying days

                              until your name is just

       recycled little letters

                           sprinkled in my
        lonely language?
 Jan 27 Green
Sia Harms
I am drying paint.

I sit back and watch

Myself grow less glossy,

More dull and emotionless.
 Jan 27 Green
beats are pulsing through lit eyes
that see amber
coated in a hand
that looks like honey
underneath the
yellow streetlights
a small head sticks out a
moving car window
on a still darkened evening
the only sound the
soft wind
the endless haunting unknown
"Everything Blue" from "Fauxllennium" gave me this one.
 Jan 27 Green
Sia Harms
They say our brains
Mature over the years.
But what if they only
Destroy themselves before
they can be fully formed?
 Jan 27 Green
Sia Harms
Anger—it is not exclusive,
But it is also not contagious,
And we are not disciples of
The hot, bitter emotion.
 Jan 25 Green
Syafie R
Seven minutes left,
a lifetime in a flash—
dreams, love, and peace,
woven as one.
Seven: a perfect cycle,
complete, then rest.
 Jan 25 Green
Sia Harms


So much


When they


Each other
Sometimes shared trauma is the worst connection point.
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