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Nov 2023 · 158
Final verse
Sarangi Nov 2023
Final Verse

Apologies, my love,
I find the strength no more,
Perhaps in a life, reborn anew,
We'll dance with fate once more.

Promises of a pain-free love,
Yet you wound me, ever so.
Perhaps without intent, or conscious thought,
Yet the hurt continues to grow.

My heart, it throes in agony,
A weight too immense to bear,
Feels like the world collapsed upon my chest,
I find no solace, no air.

A farewell, we must bid,
Apologies, once more,
The pain, it's overwhelming,
Breath escapes me, evermore.

You were right, my love,
Changes, they were in me,
Expectations, hopes, and dreams,
Perhaps a glimmer of possibility.

Forgot I did, my own self,
The origins of our tale,
So, let this be our final verse,
A toast to us, a love that's frail.

The intimacy, a symphony,
Never before such pleasure found,
The gifts you showered, no less than treasures,
After him, only in you, such generosity was found.

Memories, a cocktail of emotions,
A farewell, we must declare,
A toast to us, to all we shared,
In this drink, our stories pair.

I shall drink for us, my love,
After your game, you do the same,
Celebrate the love that was,
In joy, in pain, in game.

The best man, indeed you were,
In my life's unwritten tale,
Gratitude, from the depths of my heart,
In this final verse, our love's detail.
For the man where I found happiness….have to bid farewell…
Nov 2021 · 225
Sarangi Nov 2021
If I couldn’t stand rejection, I might not have loved you enough
Loving you doesn’t mean that I deserve your soul
You have right to find what you deserve
If you did not find what you seek for
You can leave, you have the right to go
the gate is always open
If you decide to stay and cherish what we have
You can come inside. You are very welcome.
Love me or love me not
I won’t blame you.
A love shouldn’t end with a steaming hatred in heart
You might have not loved me enough
There is no laws, no theories would say that the people we love should be belong to us
If you are happy somewhere, that's enough.
Love you unconditionally,
I let go my ego to own a space from your heart
Here onwards,
No struggle to hear your voice
Nor to see your handsomeness
Nor to feel your warm breaths on my lips
I made my peace
I don’t need ears to hear you or eyes to see you
I immersed my self in our small but sweet memories
So I could rejoice them
In a blink of an eye,
Have a walk on the beach
Sun drowning
Little water splashes
Wet clothes and two hot souls
Igniting desire
Beautiful butterfly flew away
Leaving  a tear of pleasure in her eyes…….
Nov 2019 · 143
Sarangi Nov 2019
The time I lost my self
With love
Nov 2018 · 251
Future self
Sarangi Nov 2018
Close your eyes
listen to the nature
within few seconds
see your future self

Do it again
and again
and again
and many more times...

You wouldn't see the exact picture
again and again...
see carefully
something might have change
at least a bit

We can't predict our future self
even in the daydreams  
it's never the same
how could we control it in real ?
Stopped planning life and started living it...
Future????? I am just letting it to come to me..
frustrated by questioning and answering my self..
now i let questions come find me, and then only I will decide whether to answer it , or to take lifelines or just to pass it to next..
Jun 2018 · 329
Sarangi Jun 2018
New chapter fresh start
Empty page waiting to be written on
I wished for words
I got a  perfect song
La la la la laaaa.....
Made me dance on the floor

Out there,
It was darker
I wished for a lantern
I needed lights
Ha ha ha haaaaa...
I won a  moon in my life
I can't stop
I can't stop smiling
Wake me up
Am I dreaming???
It's too good to be true....

PS : I love you
I am in love with you
Jun 2018 · 224
Sarangi Jun 2018
We fight on it all the time
This is not a miracle
This is just first time I am saying it loud
From all I call “MY”, I like you the most
Sweet and kind, Kangaroo caring
On top of all
Awfully handsome
Which freaks me out sometimes, knowing that everyone will call me

I know it was not easy,I was a lot to take in
However, you took it all in
You took all of me
You did it in a really good way
May be I look like I am tough and brave
Believe me, I am not
I am scared to move on
I am scared to hit the bottom again

When I am with you, I can sleep without a Mosquito net
Its not easy for me to sleep while knowing that other insects might sleep next to me
But with you I fall a deep sleep
With no fear
Presence of you make me brave, Make me comfortable
With you I feel my life easy, which is highly unlikely

I know I have told these lines earlier
Still I will repeat it again
You make me feel like a princess
Hope you got it from your King and Queen
I am soo blessed to have you in my life


Speaking from my heart ....
This is for you Shamal..
The Love of my life
Jun 2018 · 187
Sparkling smile
Sarangi Jun 2018
Give me a smile
All the sadness,
Will fly away

If your love is mine
If your heart belongs to me

Stop hurting me
Give me a smile
A sparkling smile
# I love you..# I can't stop it..#
# no matter how hurtful it is #
Jul 2017 · 236
Right to L❤VE
Sarangi Jul 2017
You tell me
That you love me,
And I say I don't
You get disappointed
Though you don't stop trying

You don't know
I am dying inside
On each time you say "I love you"
Cause I can't say back to you

I don't have it,
I don't have My right  
To love someone,
Who loves me more

Stop killing me
I love you more.....
# Love killing me slowly #
Jul 2017 · 289
Sarangi Jul 2017
What did you do to me?
My heart is aching
I can't breath
Am I gonna die???  
Save me
I am drowning
Take me in your arms..
Make my sabbatical
With the name of love
I want to be in love
With you
I want to live my life
with you.


don't be sad,
It is true....
He can't help you
Its been years now...

Your heart is not aching
Its just ice cold
Last breath of yours
Been taken into air
Long ago

Are you gonna die..??
You are not.
You are not drowning either
You've been sank for years
You are dead

Love can't save you
A friend might can
A fly away from home might can
A breakup
Definitely it can

Choice is all urs...
Its all me.. Wrong choices.. Wrong person..
Now I am living the wrong life ...
There is no savior for me
I have to save my self..
Yeah I can save my life... The problem is am I willing to **** another person to save my self??
who ever the person who made me..
Shouldn't have make me so selfless..
Love gave me pain. Breakup is no choice. It gives me more pain. Knowing that there  are people who love me more .. I wanna **** my self and rebirth for them.
Jul 2017 · 358
Sarangi Jul 2017
I am alive
Live each and every day
Until the day I die

Who told me to live
Do I live by my choice
Who forced me to live
Do I need to be alive

Do I ever have done
What I need to do
I followed orders
A thousands of orders
To live my life
In a way that others want

Ahh please I am fed up of this
I can't even meet a person in my interest
Dozens of people arise against to it
Telling me not safe enough
Who told you that I need to be safe
If I am not afraid Why you bother so much
You don't love me
No one does
Found this in my phone... something I saved to read ... cause it is about me...
Jun 2017 · 369
Sarangi Jun 2017
Show me
Silver ray
I promise
I will stay alive
Until sun rise
Over the clouds
May 2017 · 239
To her
Sarangi May 2017
Oh baby
It was you
From the beginning
It was only you
I love you baby
I have said that a thousand times
And I will tell you more
Until I take my last breathe 
Still, I regret
Did I tell you enough 

Oh baby
I promise you this
I will make a castle 
It's for you my princess
Every brick of that castle 
Made with all my strength
Will tell you how much I love you
Bring light to it my darling
Without u my throne will be nothing...

Oh baby
World is huge darling
You are so tiny
And the sky isn't calm
As it seems
I know you love flying
And I am not stopping you love
It's just your feathers,
They're not strong enough 
I am afraid 
You will get hurt
wait a little ....
We can fly together
You will be in my eyes  close
And we can start a long  journey
Journey  of our love...

Oh baby
Its been years now
Might l have been little  busy
But I never stop loving you
And your heart is safe with me darling
Since the day you gave it to me
I locked it safely in my heart
Promise love
More than anyone in the world
I know how bad it hurts
Single  tear of your heart  burns my soul
Oh love.. I know how it hurts
I promise
I won't  hurt you darling

Oh baby
now please
forget this sad talk
Come to me...
We can make love
I am waiting  to see my red rose
Come down darling
I am waiting  in the car for you
Lets make our night special .....

Love u...
Haven't been lucky enough to hear these from the man I love.. Have you ??
May 2017 · 643
Sarangi May 2017
Me   :                 You
                   Limitless sky
                   watching you  
            taking the fruitless effort
                  make a ladder
                I can't reach you

He   :                Love
                 stop worrying
                    watch me
                  stars falling
                  in the night
This comes from a Sinhala song I was listening recently.

If a falling star reaches the earth in the night, sure it gonna burst most of it.
nothing good will happen.

On the eve, go to a beach. watch the horizon. You will realize what a beautiful lie it is.
May 2017 · 300
Wrong relationships
Sarangi May 2017
If you feel lonely
While being  in a relationship
Trust me
you are with the wrong  person...
May 2017 · 268
Do you care ???
Sarangi May 2017
He said "I love you"
I gave my world to him

Time never stops
world kept moving
So does he..
"I love you" became
Secrets got along

Now I don't see
A future Together
Is it my fault ??
Where  we missed  our path
To find each other

I don't know...
Do I care ????

May 2017 · 333
To him
Sarangi May 2017
Give me love
I will stay happily
In ur golden cage
leave me
Give back my feathers
I will fly away

Playing in between
I have a heart
it hurts
Because it's been a very long time since I felt your love ....
May 2017 · 414
A_ _ _ _ A
Sarangi May 2017
gave a life lesson
with a deep scar
Which took months to heal

So please
no more lessons
no more scars

I know
you have a lot things going on
but I am not asking you for a lot

give me love
I will give MY ALL to u
Ps: I love you
May 2017 · 434
Friend Request
Sarangi May 2017
A new hope
Endless chat
Stole the golden key
buried deep down
In a dried ocean
Ocean of love

It took
Two sleepless  nights
To find her dying HearT
Then he let the rain began
The love rain. .
her HearT start beating softly
he showed  the world to her
he was so close
To unlock the golden cage
She kept her HearT in


Heartbeat changed
Key was there
Lock didnt open up
Love rain didn't  stop
But she died inside
Love rain came with a friend request....poisoned her with the touch of fermented juices, which she was allergic to.....

— The End —