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I guess I'm doing something right.... poetry has illuminated me and now others seek my light.  Friends with problems, exes getting divorced, I've been inundated with pleas for help, insight.  With pleasure my friends I'm here for you...I guess my cup of joy overfilled spillith over to make another's life brighter...because I have found my way, my love, a destiny I no longer fight.
Food is good...

For the body ...
Eat fish and vegetables.

For the heart & mind....
Consume poetry, art
and music.

For the soul...
Harvest from the trees
God's given you and
Share with the world
You'd be like heaven to touch...I want to hold you so much....

Too good to be true
© Frankie Valli / Four Seasons
Another song for my speed demon angel
So I'm yapping with
my nephew about you
He says you're too good
to be true....
"Ask her if she can fly
a fighter jet too!"
**** Gage...the poet that don't know it!
..      ..   .. . . Me..~~.
             the               )
4:00 am
peel on the
suit...just the
******* are out
and the sharks to boot.
Paddle out in between sets's a bit chilly, ain't ready yet............

gotta warm up, so I **** in the suit...

Here we go ready for flight..
Let the first roller cruise
right on by,.....the next one's breaking perfectly..10 feet high.

Tip the board on 180 and cup my two three strokes.... all the way to the sand....
cuz that's how we roll,
the dawn patrol band.
Surfs up Stu!....My nephew Gage threw the first line...I'm trying to inspire him to write... he's no Barney and Jeff Spicoli is a God.
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