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Dear poet's  of Hello.
After some thinking ive come to realize  theres one thing this
site and a few of my friends here really need to embrace more often.
The truth.

Im known as a clown but I do not fear speaking my mind.
Ive faced far more challenging things in my life than worring
over if people like me or not  what has this place become highschool?

I read comments well to be honest I know  that people dont mean
theres poems on here ive seen on the charts for months that to be honest dont desserve the comments they get but people are to scared to  be honest and speak there mind.

Thats the big question and I see no clear answer.
The backstabbing and ******* here makes me really rethink
just why im here.

But ive met some good friends here and I respect them no matter if i like there work or not.
I dont expect people to lie and say they like something when they dont  just speak your mind use some manners of course  but what are you all so scared of?

Look theres alot of crap here that makes little or no sense.
The charts are a joke.
And I have friends here who talk about how much they hate something only to comment on it and be two faced.

Im not gonna call people out you know who you are.
Do you really think your helping anyone by blowing smoke up there ***?

Im sorry if I offend people with this but feelings will always be hurt
and  not everyone is gonna get along.
Writting is not my hobby it's  not something I do  cause  im some moody  spoiled snob that thinks his life is so hard cause in reallity.

Ive lived a life I wouldnt wish on anyone I know the true meaning of pain  I didnt grow up having **** handed to me.
Yet no life is easy.
Writting to me is like breathing  I have no choice.  

But the stuff im seeing here is straight up *******.
People kissing each others ***  then talking about how they **** behind there back.

Saying what friends we are only to secretly despise each other.
I speak my mind if i tell you i like your work it's cause i do but really honestly how can you criticize someone's self expression to me you cant.

Im no better than anyone else and after posting this I figure alot of people will probaly think im a **** but  at least I have the courage to be myself.

Lets try to at least not turn this place into Poetry Soup.
That place is a highschool of clicks  and  sad people who act like children  hell the kids there act more mature than the adults.

People fear honesty and I know coming fro0m me this is the last thing you expected  but i had to get this off my chest.
Great writers  werent worried with if you liked what they did or how many people  liked them.

I respect you all but all I ask is  to be more honest with each other.
Cause this place is turning into a zoo and no one seems to be running the asylum.

Speak your mind cause if you dont know one will ever know your true voice.

Thank you and  if I offended at least I made you think.
Any comments good or bad  are welcome sorry for the rant.
No body Feb 2018
I'm sorry
I'm not perfect
I'm sorry that I let you down
I'm sorry that I push you away
I'm sorry for the tears that I have cried worring about you
I'm sorry for the late texts to make sure you were ok
I'm sorry that I couldn't make you happy
But I'm more sorry that I belived you
When you said you were ok
When you said your fine
I'm sorry that I couldn't see your pain
Like you seen mine
I was blind i'm sorry
you are a captive of your own thougts
A prey to your own worries
hunted like antelope
worry the silent killer

you start worying you stop living
you stop worring you start living
life on ,worries off
worries on, life off

walking worring equals walking dead
worries drain energy
worries the fear we manufucture
better stop worrying and start living

keep it real, dont make time to worry
of things you worry, 97% dont happen
never allow 3% to take control over you
chase away this serial killer.

you ar here for a short visit, dont worry
Enjoy the moment, just feel the beauty
raise your faith, let God take control
life is short, worries make it shorter.
I use to worry about the next day
I use to worry about my grades
I use to worry about my friends
I use to worry about the scars on my arms
I use to worry about graduating
I use to worry that no one would love me

My skin is a mess
My job chaos
And my mind in pieces

When did I go from worring about life
To being the punching bag?
Jonas Sep 2023
Polaroids on the window
in the wind

Light shining through memories.
A puzzle of moments of us,
rays of the past
shininhg on my pillow
where my head rests at night
worring, spiraling,

without you.
maria Apr 2022
I stand here
worring about 4g running out
and all the love messages I can't send
and all that
for a boy
who finds
I wear ugly
and compliments me as
a 40 years old lady
while I'm in my 20's

And that's on how lame I am
Written on April 9, 2022
Archit Feb 2020
Worring all night cant let me survive
All the dark past eating me from inside
Cant share with anyone only choice is to cry
Cause all things looks so haze everyone left me in despair
Became quite feeble want to free bird
Cant free myself from this demon
Maybe i am bad so people left me alone
Or became dead serious for people to talk
Only thing i need to free myself all the guilt
No power left to resist want to fight back
With a novice hand only problem is fear to loose all courage seems to loose
Want to talk only choice is isolation
Cant find any solution
Need a shoulder to cry but left with rejection
Seen people changing faster than chamelion
Become alienated feels like i aint be good again fear of failure hitting like a train
Feels like life is stopped
Feels like always be alone
Trusting can be painfull
Tears will break u
Time will remold

— The End —