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Amy May 2020
Yes I feel it too,
The twoness that defines
my role and expectation
cemented in their minds.

Yes I feel it too,
the twoness that is there
but my twoness doesn't keep me
from freely breathing air.

Yes I feel it too,
the twoness that burdens me
Though being paid less is not the same
as being pinned down by his knee.

Yes I feel it too,
the twoness he wrote about
My double conscious thinking
but pale skin is my clout.

Because Yes I feel it too
as a woman I am less,
but if I get pulled over,
my life is not in distress.

I can't imagine your kind of twoness,
what is constantly on your mind,
when you see both red and blue lights
flashing from behind.

For how is it you can be
both black and American
when life is always fleeting
because the color of your skin.
Hailey Jujubeen Dec 2014
what am I
to carry these insides
that tread in the wrong places

I feel this

After the first wake
of devotion.

Any spark
burns bright then dims.

Each me
is the shadow
of one anothers

We still try
coagulating the unknown known,
and your close drippy beam
destroys me.

All ripe is rotten
through a feigned gaze.
Musings123 Dec 2013
To be one with my beloved was not my destiny.
Had I continued living longer, it'd have been the same waiting!    

2. I lived on your promise, thus-beloved, I knew it to be false.
For would not have I died of happiness, in case- I had faith!

3. Your delicacy made me understood that you have made a loose pledge.
You could have never broken it, had it been firm!

4. O’ someone should ask my heart about your half-drawn arrow.
Where would this pricking have arisen from, had it pierced the liver!

5. What kind of friendship is it, that friends have become critics.
If there had been someone as healer, if there had been an assuager of grief!  

6. Blood would’ve unceasingly dripped from the veins of stone,
Had it, which you are considering grief, been a spark!

7. Grief is, invariably, life-consuming; still one cannot escape as 'tis a matter of passions!
Had there been no grief of love, there would've been sufferings of livelihood!

8. To whom would I confide that the distressing night is a severe catastrophe!
Would death be bad for me if I died once and only once!

9. Since my dying disgraced me-- why wasn’t I drowned in the river?
Neither my bier would ever have been carried, nor would anywhere be a tomb.

10. Who would ever be able to see Him, for unique is His Oneness!
If there had been even a sign of twoness, somewhere He’d have been encountered!

11. These inquiries into mysticism, this eloquence of yours, Ghalib!
We would’ve regarded you to be a saint, had you not been a wine-drinker
Translated from the original Urdu verse of Ghalib written around 1857.
RJ Days May 2015
With an archangelic blessing
they stand open naked exposed
one gaze of longing
one gaze of wonder
there is need of nothing
save one another
beneath stark colors
beneath fluttering imagination
beneath divine sky
neither highest peaks
over verdent fields
nor deepest riverbeds
under raging flows
prevents this sanctification
As trees may burn
As serpents may strike
As gilded beams beat down
Time halts or never was
Whilst raptured crimson wings
effortlessly suspend
any pretense of twoness
worshipping this momentary
cursing the ludicrous
notion of morrow
Their curving bodies are
but one--
*--at least for now.
This is the first in the start of a series I'm planning.
LL Hamilton Jul 2020
It is the absence of air - of space.
A twoness made out of oneness, that slowly becomes oneness again.

It is fire.
The light graze of HEAT along the edges of your suddenly tight knuckles. Every pore in your body falls in love in a vivid blur of life.
It's all-encompassing, like how the lazy sunset spreads and pools its searching golden fingers across every living thing, clinging to the earth.

It is a lazy ripple striating across the surface.
The stress leaving your body in waves as they rub your shoulder. It's an intense, firm awareness of every atom in your being, every breath and shift of your limbs a story waiting to be told.
It's a prison and a release when they hold your hand for the first time.

It's earthy comfort and flickering excitement. Heavy heat and grounding warmth. Lightning nerves turn to steady assurance.

Love Languages Series: I. Touch
acacia Oct 2020
I receive Threats from the Outside Invisible, For I hear them within my ears and I receive the messages within my Canals: but I am too strong, I am prayed inside and outside, I am prayed up and down. I possess a power within each bracelet, within my anklet, within each follicle porcelain of crystalled :

Frozen gelatin relaxes its edge around my throat and it soon comes out: A Fore, it will be activated. Saturn and Jupiter sees me now, yes, they see me now and Mars will help me Attack the World, the Enemies: I will Attack my Lovers with utmost Truth and give you all Beauty, Creativity, Fertility, Love, Wonder:

Universal, Transcendental. No Longer must I die while not alive: Now I can be A LIVE DEATH. A LIVE BEING. DEAD ALIVE. this is the Guru, this is the Sage. Detachment and Universal. The Spirit is Universal, the Body is not. The Spirit is All Encompassing, for my Body is Not. It is Ruined, my Spirit is never. I have consecrated this body and made it like my bed in preparation for the celebration of Me, of Us :

I will not have it any other way. It must be this way. Tell everyone through the vines : For what could this mean for You? You must give away your belongings, your hair, and let your Smile transform you: drink of Kava, grow scales, shed the old and Return with a New: A new World. Newness. Only the Jah dreams and speaks of the Newness: the Newness. Only the Lost and Imbalanced speaks of the Ever-Presentness. Speak of the Ineffable does the Wise and True.

With Love I send you all: One Love, Oneness, Twoness, Loveness. Love. Universal bad. Walk away and with a sway of my hips, You stare at me, Enticed and hypnotized: this is me within a concealed silk, dreamy and hazy lust you have wrapped in, entered in: came in, am stuck, Give it for I require it to Live . . .

you Dream of me as your *****, as your spilled, as your personal object: For I am the Mother, but yet you still see me as your own ***** . . .

— The End —