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ern kingham Aug 2014
I remember the first time someone explained to me what the word gay meant.
We were in middle school
Playing on the swing set behind Stoy Elementary
"He’s so gay," she said
Bitter disgust poured out of her mouth with every syllable
I could not think as to why being happy could be such a horrible thing
And so I asked
My exact words being
“Whats so wrong with being happy?”
Now both my friends looked at me weird
“Don’t you know what gay means?”
“Doesn’t it mean to be happy?”
“You’re such a little kid, gay does not mean happy. Gay is a boy who likes another boy”
I stood there wondering why it mattered so much that a boy liked another boy;
why it was such a distasteful thing.
And why it meant gay couldn’t still mean happy.
ern kingham Jun 2015
I remember the first time someone explained to me what the word gay meant.
We were in middle school
Playing on the swing set behind Stoy Elementary
"He’s so gay," she said
Bitter disgust poured out of her mouth with every syllable
I could not think as to why being happy could be such a horrible thing
And so I asked
My exact words being
“Whats so wrong with being happy?”
Now both my friends looked at me weird
“Don’t you know what gay means?”
“Doesn’t it mean to be happy?”
“You’re such a little kid, gay does not mean happy. Gay is a boy who likes another boy”
I stood there wondering why it mattered so much that a boy liked another boy;
why it was such a distasteful thing.
And why it meant gay couldn’t still mean happy.
Reposting this because equal marriage on the U.S. Now!!
Alicia Oct 2013
The taste of your lips was almost as good as the last sip at the  bottom of the bottle
But the difference is I can forget that
Your words were almost as sweet as the coating on my pills
But atleast those were there to make me better
Your look was almost as bright as the sunrise
But I still see that daily
And your goodbye was almost as great as the scars
Both of which I feel forever
Shona Dec 2020
To the people that have lost someone to an OD. I want you to know that they are watching over you everyday. This is about my aunt she would be 23 on December 10th and she would be a mother for the first time. But her stoy should be told. She grew up in a foster home wasnt until the age of 3 she got adopted by her forever family.  As a child my grandma said she was sweet and lovely. When she hit her teen years thats when things took a turn. She was getting into fights with my grandma and running away. Until she came upon some nasty drugs. That lead to her 6ft in the ground and a  family left in grief and sorrow for wishing they could have helped her more. Unfortunetly some people don' t want the help until its to late. I remember the day like yesterday when I found out my aunt/2nd mom had passed away. Its a day that haunts me the most. But I have learned to get through the days one step at a time. So please all I ask is check on your loved ones frequently make sure there mental and physical health is doing good. Tell them you love them because one moment they are here and the next they are gone.
Please take the effort to tell a loved one that you love them.

— The End —