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dj Mar 2014
xeroxed, RT'd and plagiarized
so many times on so many blogs
tween blogs to republican blogs
to blogs in Russia and
blogs no one ever scrolls though...
original content is prey
but I have a warning for they:

overrated, over-shared
content aggregators beware
the lines you swap can
rot and ware
the World Wide Web
does not care.

original content
original contests
original continent
original controversy
original coordination between strangers
original calvary riding their connection into the battlefield of internet memes; creating nothing and sharing everything

original nothing, nowhere, nobody except facebook "Funny Vidoes!" & "Cool Quotes!". 'Like' pages whose sole originality lies within their own existence but nothing they share. They steal from the rest of the web and re-post what they find for out-of-the-loop troglodytes; often done so in inferior context and with no perspective. The 'refried beans' phenomenon, I call it. I find it fitting because 'refried beans' are a double misnomer. The name comes from 'frijoles refritos' - which means 'well-fried' not 'refried'. They are also never traditionally fried more than once. Yet the name sticks, it gets repeated, it gets re-shared and now that's what they are: refried beans. This phenomenon is why I believe art and all original content eventually become so over-shared and overrated that it's no longer interesting but irritating. These three parts of the poem "Original Content" are separated in abstract authorial presentation. The author has clearly expressed his dislike for the disjunct un-imagination of the internet and presents it as such.

original authors losing control of their audiences who believe they are the creators and the artist's art is somewhat shareable
original miscommunication between web 1.0 and web 2.0 reality
original alphabet they use to type on their keyboards
original grammar they learned in school
original money their gov't printed
original content they re-post
original refried beans
original content
orginal contet
ogrinal cotent
ognal ctt
Steve Jong Un Apr 2015
xeroxed, RT'd and plagiarized
so many times on so many blogs
tween blogs to republican blogs
to blogs in Russia and
blogs no one ever scrolls though...
original content is prey
but I have a warning for they:

overrated, over-shared
content aggregators beware
the lines you swap can
rot and ware
the World Wide Web
does not care.

original content
original contests
original continent
original controversy
original coordination between strangers
original calvary riding their connection into the battlefield of internet memes; creating nothing and sharing everything

original nothing, nowhere, nobody except facebook "Funny Vidoes!" & "Cool Quotes!". 'Like' pages whose sole originality lies within their own existence but nothing they share. They steal from the rest of the web and re-post what they find for out-of-the-loop troglodytes; often done so in inferior context and with no perspective. The 'refried beans' phenomenon, I call it. I find it fitting because 'refried beans' are a double misnomer. The name comes from 'frijoles refritos' - which means 'well-fried' not 'refried'. They are also never traditionally fried more than once. Yet the name sticks, it gets repeated, it gets re-shared and now that's what they are: refried beans. This phenomenon is why I believe art and all original content eventually become so over-shared and overrated that it's no longer interesting but irritating. These three parts of the poem "Original Content" are separated in abstract authorial presentation. The author has clearly expressed his dislike for the disjunct un-imagination of the internet and presents it as such.

original authors losing control of their audiences who believe they are the creators and the artist's art is somewhat shareable
original miscommunication between web 1.0 and web 2.0 reality
original alphabet they use to type on their keyboards
original grammar they learned in school
original money their gov't printed
original content they re-post
original refried beans
original content
orginal contet
ogrinal cotent
ognal ctt
No copy pasterino pls
Sophie Herzing Dec 2014
Be the barcode on my bra strap so maybe
I can finally be sellable skinny. Be my relationship goal,
the text to check outside my door, the 5k, 140 character post
about a teenage dream ****** through low brightness screens.
Be the slam poet screaming whiny, new written love songs
on the shareable Facebook post. And maybe I’m just as bad,
but at least I recognize when my eyes fall numb from staring
at self-expression turned self-obsession. Maybe it’s Jack talking back
through my shot glass or maybe it’s the blacklight absorbed
into my skin. Or maybe it’s a girl in a “vintage” dress just sizing out
bigger than the edges already cut out for her. Maybe it’s me
bending backwards over chivalry and **** coming back from the 90’s.
Don’t blame me for biting into the media sandwich that is magazines
and the indecision of being too clingy if I just freakin’ called you.
Cause picking up the phone is a lot more risky than the kissy-face emoji
at the end of a message. Don’t blame me for consuming
tissue paper lies designed to target my own vulnerability, or my lack
of understanding the truth because all everyone
has ever told me is just a step in the manipulation blueprint
to get what they want, or just get me to bed. I only trust old photographs,
things I wrote down when I couldn’t sleep, my mom, and the dirt
I used to bury my own reflection. Be the 50% off on my receipt
just so I know I got something off. Be the nicotine in my cigarette,
the Blink 182 voice inside my head, the joints that hold me up
where I stand, and maybe I’ll finally know who I am.
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2015
It's 5:00 pm,
any poems to share?

my watchwoman, Seamless Siri,
my conscientious conscience,
gives said inquiry daily,
at the precise heure de rigeur,
with the perfection of a
mechanized soul attending to her
imperfect human programmer

poetry, a sometime thing,
comes when it comes,
what the query,
my godmother faerie,
truly seeks knowledge of is
something she cannot measure,
like my counted steps and distances travelled,
what this overseer mine truly seeks to know

why am I here?*

Here. On this earth.  On this site.

have you any new written proofs,
your existence on this day to justify,
were your failings and flailings,
surpassed by any acts of kindness,
this new, freshest penmanship, a reflection,
an accounting of grace and worth,
blogged and logged here
as if only I had
one day,
one poem

at tabulation time, the incisor bites,
are you juiced or morbid,
this, your essayed life,
are the words,
deemed shareable,
is their value,
calculable palpable?

Siri inquires but you are jury

at the late afternoon
trial by fire,
wherein my singed bunt offerings
are produced
at the
wake of when,
my nom I do append

am I deserving
of your recompense
of one more day,
one more poem?*

~~for Harlon~~
5:13 pm
November 21, 2015

It's like sitting there and explaining how to you everything works
painting this picture in reverse I have to rehearse
and practice and rehearse and practice


imperfections affections towards perfection
in the one thing, reason, I can't sing freely
Just let me be. I have to practice
because that's, that is, what is, what's make perfection


I know you know he knows they know
just know that knowing is knowledge
passable shareable keepable loseable  
be responsible
Morgan Rain Oct 2016
down arrow
down arrow

letters to words to sentences
making thoughts readable
to my eyes from strangers minds

from my mind
to clicking keys
to lines to paragraphs
to "posted"
to your eyes

Hello Poetry
from hearts
to screens
after scrolling through poems for a half hour or so i realized how beautiful this whole site really is
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your deserving personal appeal
Inspires my liveliness
Calms my mind, body, and soul
Shows me a better way
To elevate my foundation

When I behold your dope
Glowing showiness
The way you walk
With stupid smooth slickness
The way you talk top-notch street slang

How you get to me so deeply
Make me so insanely speechless
Trapped in hauntingly
Dauntless and momentous thoughts
Of exciting lustful ecstasy

So transcendently full
Off your infectious and wondrous sexiness
Your suaveness, your tallness
Your knowledgeableness
I dig your cherishable shareable immersiveness
Anais Vionet Mar 2022
It’s a beautiful day, like a hole in perpetual winter. We rode bikes around campus - everyone was out. When it’s cold I just go place to place but today reminded me that outdoors can be fun. Of course, it’s supposed to snow tomorrow night - just a few snow atoms, I think.

Lisa was laying on her back in the grass reading. She rolled over and smoothed the book flat. In the fleeting, golden moment between dusk and evening, the edges of Lisa’s gold hair looked almost green. I’m right there next to her - we’re sharing a towel-like blanket.

She takes up a pen and writes something in the margins - leaving stray thoughts like breadcrumbs. Then trades the pen for a highlighter and colors several phrases. We’re poking around the edges of our chemistry midterm. Her face has tightened in concentration. I could imagine her wearing a similar expression while taking the test.

Later, we’ll combine our little scribbles (her handwriting is awful) and highlights, class notes and charts into something collaborative and shareable. She passes me a note, like a riddle, which I read and hand back, annoyed. “That question doesn’t interest me.” I say nonchalantly.
“You mean you don’t know the answer,” she guesses correctly.
“Not yet.” I admit.

Rumor has it that Putin will attempt to salvage his reputation by saying his ill-fated invasion of Ukraine was an attempt to stop the new season of “The Kardashians.” While we can ALL embrace THAT goal, I think it’s just an excuse (politics).

I love classes - the ideas that we’re exposed to, like Agential Identities or Nominative Determinism Hypothesis - ideas, some ½ stupid, some profound but things I wouldn’t have thought of in 200 years. I constantly find myself thinking “Who THOUGHT of this?”
BLT word of the day challenge: Riddle: A riddle is a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved.

Slang: politics = lies

Song Suggestion: Broken People by the Narcissist Cookbook
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2022
The Confrontation

he is stirred by buzzing thoughts, irritating him to wakefulness;
mobile, random and annoying for they last but a moment and
his sticky flypaper hands cannot capture and eradicate them into
existence fast enough to make them permanent, shareable and eased.

Tue., the seventh day of the sixth month of MMXXII


he desperately fails to recall the world word labyrinth that urged him to rise and capture the wild animals that roared and removed his half-notions from the lifting fog of consciousness. Alas, they are just like specks of new sunlight upon a linen of grassy, newly watered wet greens; here today, instantaneously, gone and gone and gone. Instead,
he writes of their early death and mourns the brevity of their beauty,
and thinks not of the wasted times of the last seventy years.
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015
I have been acting more mature since going to different states I have been rejected by hot men in those states and told I was certain words so bad not shareable on HP due to the fact their may be children online I learned that adventure is meant to be spent on your own or it isn't as adventurous and falling in love is an adventure but should be experienced when one isn't depressed or hopeless but when the time is best such as when adventures are complete I think that everything by men and abuse i have received was intentional but it hasn't effected me it's made me stronger so strong to tell those men to go where they shouldn't want too I think going to different places in the world made me realize every thing in life isn't about the men who treat women wrong or about the money which isn't enough it's about living a free life and experiencing what the world has for us humane people and I think that we'll I am strong and free and I won't let depression overcome me like it has in the past I will let my heart fly to where it belongs and it belongs to freedom
Freedom is worth everything and that's exactly what I believe in.
Every expectation
Falling from formation
I need to leave this place soon
My life gives way to more room

Mist in the eyes
My friends sticking by
My side
Lost in the gray
Today I walk away

Smiles are unbearable
Maybe shareable
But nothing is comparable
To my false hope in sadness and
Being recognized for it

I seek an embrace that'll help me face
Each day with grace
Making me found
Bound to light
Breaking out from this night
Of silent pain
As it drains

Travis Green Jan 2023
You are so exceedingly delicious
Like hot greasy fried chicken
Like fresh grilled catfish
Your unbelievably intriguing sweetness
Pleases and seizes me
Gives me a thrill

Lush southern grandeur
I love how your bang-up tight game is framed
How you excite me
Like a grand and festive bonfire
A truly towering invitingness
A jaunty jaw-dropping showstopper
With your rare legendary laughter

I yearn for your insurmountable shareable masterfulness
Breathe in your sumptuous ***** flesh
Feel your gorgeous moist hotness
Touch the hardness of your crushingly monster muscles
Such relishable compelling perfection
I long to caress your strongly saucy architecture

Feel your distinctive handsome beard
Your heavenly kissy lips
Unalterably charming eyes
That make me hanker to hide
In your astonishing and sprawling heartland
Rife with quaint high-ranking delight
Travis Green Feb 2023
I wanna be his only
Red-hot gaudy star
Feel his regal rich realm
Reverberating in my vessel
My dreamy sensuous gem

His angelic romantic voice
Entrances my essentialness
His broad heart-stopping enthrallment
Guides me into his man-sized mesmerizing seas
Of impressive measureless rapture

His immaculate radtastical masculineness
Has a tight hold on my gaytasticness
My statuesque sweet-smelling Daddy
I will never let him go as long as he keeps me
Enfolded in solid gold smoking hot suaveness

He arrests and compels me
Propels me into the depths
Of his unfettered treasured finesse
Luscious, oiled-up hot stuff
I am so wild about his all-out high-demanding enticingness

I wanna lock with his jolly hypnotic sauciness
My knightly knockout eye candy
He is a sexually digestible confection
Uncontested cutting-edge perfection
Shareable satisfying star attraction

Skillful attention-getting mister
I love his self-made sensational straightness
His sharp, state-of-the-art hot sauce
His top-notch stalwart work
Of all-inclusive art makes me wanna
Be body to body with ultra rude smoothness

Just to have a taste of his favored first-rate freshness
Has my head swimming all over the place
Dwelling on his delectableness
How he feels in my reach
How I wanna be everything to him

Service his fearless fervent universe
Pour out my feelings to his deliciously fulfilling sweetness
Give him everything he needs
Make him feel more liberated than he has ever been
Love every inch of him endlessly
Travis Green Mar 2023
I am hungry for his unfuckwithable monster pumper
To kiss and spit on the tip, to slide my tongue all over it
Go down on it to the base, slay his space, in his embrace
I taste his mad splashy grass, grab and mack with his sack
Place passionate rapturous kisses on his thick ripped thighs

Trace his shiny ankles, set his mind’s frame aflame
Blanket him in my majestically sexalicious homosexualness
Feast on his savory salacious takingness
Taste the nape of his thick, sun-kissed neck
In his captivating waves of radiant intoxicating elation

My gayness swaying with his straightness
My adventurously appealing lips touching
Every fraction of  his smashing masculineness
Grab his sturdy shimmering rear end
Let my gropers console his dopeness

Tune in to the musical, sensual rhythm of his heart and soul
My lustrous thuggish muscleman
My shareable honeyed treasure
My mind spins a thousand times the more
I embrace his devilish measureless incredibleness

Let him carry me to the most tender tempting dimensions
The more I play with his impressively hard snake
Let it dance and tantalize my tongue, devour my throat
Draw me deeper into his undoubtedly magical
And incandescent fire, make me submit to his brilliant
Wicked intriguingness, stare at his enticing, all-powerful splashiness

My fierce ecstatic smash, he brings me pure absolute joy
He lives in my dreams, a dynamic craveable sensation
That leaves me breathless again and again
Delightfully defined and shining delight
I wanna belong to his five-star disarming machoness

My pretty young stunner swirls me around and around
Renders me dizzy and squiffy, got me swimming
In his electrifying tide of lurid torrid hotness
Take in the unconquerably hypnotic and strong taste
Of his refined, satisfying enticingness

Feel how he awakens me more and more
As I explore his ardent uncharted starriness
Wanting to connect with his expressive selective majesticalness
Coalescing with the warmth of his wondrousness
I am absorbed by every part of his alluring and flourishing charm

I melt away into the blazing hot gates
Of his contagious breathtaking sensationalness
Never wishing to stop ******* on his intensely succulent lollipop
So amazed and carried away, merging with his muscularity
Deepthroating him passionately, ensnared in his ****** attraction

Beads of sweat build on my flesh
I relish every second he blesses me with his sexiness
Locked in the heartland of his steamy entrancing grandness
As he holds my head down on his firm serviceable turgescence
And spurts out his rude man fuel down the rollercoaster of my throat

I behold his potent mind-blowing showiness
Pining to be with him for a lifetime
Entwined in every ounce of his profoundness
My heavenly pleasurable Zaddy, there’s nothing sweeter
Than drinking down his glistening river
Of legit explicit slickness until I am replete
Travis Green Jan 2023
There are moments when I feen
For a chance for you to romance
My brilliant significant existence
Dive into your fervent headline-worthy wonderland
Where your dreamy-scented transcendency
Entrances the depths of my benevolent reverent feminineness

You are the sweetest irresistible gent
With all-out ardent content
That sends me into the hottest all-star alternate universe
Where you unearth my inner person
In the incomparable magical January
Sojourning in your shareable worshipful mantuary

I yearn to marry your mad merry rarity
Taste your uncontestable edible lips
Trace your sheer, beardiful, and imperial beard
With my cleverly incredible and velvet hands
Slither my delicious, exquisite fingertips
Against your firm, spectacular cheeks
Your distinct, elegant eyebrows

Kiss the shimmering surface
Of your forehead and temples
Feel the eternal effervescent rhythm
Of your intriguing and thrilling virility
Voyaging to the core
Of my foxy four-star flawlessness
Travis Green Sep 2022
Rich earthy superjock
Delectable athletic majesticness
Arresting dopacetic finesse
Your king-size powerhouse entrancingness
Magnetizes my homosexualness
Warm enrapturing biceps
Indescribably tight and confident chest

I hanker to caress and plant rapturous
And searing kisses on your impossibly
Brick-solid shoulders
Juicy, loving, and untouchable lips
To feel them is a fire hot moment
That I don’t want to miss
Feel your surging myriad allure
In the core of my scrumptiously
Ardent and chocolate candy store

Play with my salacious life savers
Feel their intensely lingering warmth
Make my tingling points rock-hard
With how your keen pristine teeth sink into them
Make me feel the sweetest steamiest release
Of intriguing mind-gripping ecstasy
Weave your aromatic mantastic dreams
With my sexually arousing and proud dynasty

Hold me lovestruck, make me erupt glorious flowery lust
Take me down with your pleasurable shareable immersiveness
Dominate me, nasty rad Zaddy
Trace every **** space of my gayness
Let me feel your pulsing pulchritude
Taste every verve verse of virulent verbs
Surfacing your sculpted muscled structure
Travis Green Oct 2022
I ache to taste your sizzling summer sexiness
Like succulent cotton candy lollipops
Pure, astonishing, and crash-hot marvel
Everything in nature fades into the background
When you grace my gayness
With your crazy sensational straightness

Tall, built to last, and swagged out attraction
Saucy, take-charge, and extraordinary **** boy
So engaging and intoxicating
Indestructible rock-hard grandiosity
Red-hot toned up top dog
Sexually potent machoness

You are a full-bodied and flourishing joy to my heart and soul
A surprisingly spectacular sweet treat to eat
To dive into your high-quality
And high-proof excitingness
Unbelievably breezy and riveting litness
The illest sweetest heat

Fervent beard-worthy rarity
A pleasurable and shareable body
Of sparkling and evocative awesomeness
A transcendently sensual kingdom
Of creamy, tender dreams
That gets me impossibly sauced
Cyclone Dec 2019
Freestyle to release these streets, calm beats speaks deep in the sleep, neat inside streaks where we peaked, some diamond and gold, times unfold, rhymes behold bold messages froze, cold shoulder told the lower grower heat is unbearable, sharing 50 parables, made them comparable, inside where hearts are terrible, variables is marital, divorce is like a force, of course the course is seen clerical, shareable, concerns in turn can burn up a swear, catch a smile from when you dialed, but when I answered, you dared, put the cares inside the words I bare, I'm equally broken, outcasts never gasp till their past is spoken, hold a token till I open what its value will mean, sea breeze in the air, when it's fair, it's clean, and the theme STILL demeans that preaching for peace, freestyle for a while, RELEASING THE STREETS.
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your highly effective and impressive masculinity
Makes my homosexualness go crazy
Makes me ache to go all the way with your straightness
Taste your full-flavored sensational radiancy
Extra creamy and enhanced manfulness
Beefy brick-hard hotness, so enjoyable and extraordinary
So ultra cut and luscious, so ***** and lovable
Commanding and enchanting fantasy romancer

You are incomparable and shareable perfectness
Sweet, rich, and moist gloriousness
Yummy rumbling thunder
My thrashing chocolate factory
Me edible, heavenly, and velvety freshness
You are earthy, immersive, and mantacular
Rude pulchritudinous smoothness
Sticky sugary hottie, the best sexiest
And chewy hoodness

Hot off the fire, melt-in-your-mouth delight
I wanna be all over your intensely
Beauteous and triumphant flesh
Smell your refreshing **** armpits

Bathe in your fragrant celebrated takingness
Massage every part of your unclothed, potent dopeness
Fall into your diabolically heart-stirring wonderment
Be in your screamingly adventurous
And characterful mantuary
Revel in your devilishly pleasurable and ****** finesse

— The End —