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jerely Jan 2014
Exotic & dangerous

Life is shorter than what we know or think
so i must enjoy my life freely
do the extreme things before i die

Had to do  things that i want
and dreams that i want to fulfill
even from my last breathe

Because i want to
Because im curious of every single thing
Even from the way you breathe or ****
Then i want to spread this
and lend me a hand

Then come with me!
And make this world worth living!
then we can jump to tallest building like hell

This things that i wanted really so bad

To fly somewhere
were everyone can't recognize me

To play in the rain
and be a kid once again

To travel around the world
were i can find myself
and perhaps discover something knew
that i haven't been before

Go picnic and eat some snacks with friends
were i could laugh on top of  my lungs

Go partyin' late at night
were i can control and make some noise
like a dj bass

Go to a concert
to a great rock band

Go shopping to the mall
and be a fashion clique

Produce a music
were birds could come and go with you

Represent to your country
and be a world champion human beatbox

Write stories
and be an author
of my own journey

Cause YOLO
you only live once
in your life
and there




                 A        D       V           E       N        T        
© 2014 January
antxthesis Aug 2015
Only thing I’ve ever been really scared of is this cage
Been feelin this way since a tender age
Cooped up in this house and now I’m at this stage
Filled with “attitude” and unnecessary rage.

“No you can’t go there”
“Don’t cut your hair”
“Stay right there and don’t you dare give me that stare”
"Can't you see that we care?"

I’m 18 and I’ve never celebrated a birthday,
Yes, I get you, Jesus wasn’t grown that way
But are you gonna die if you say
“Yay, happy birthday,
Glad you’re a live to see this day
Keep on being strong, and never go astray,
Oh and here’s a small little cake” ?

And no I’m not upset, neither am I mad
But it makes my soul a bit sad
When friends boast and brag
Saying :”hey look at my new bag”
Showing it off as if they’re in some silly ad.

Never have I been to the movies or a play
I don’t even have to ask, it’s always nay, never yea
And it taunts me everyday
Then you have the audacity to ask why I am this way.

And no, I’m not asking to be like those kids that spend days partyin
Getting high and drunk to make their hearts feel  
In fact I doubt it’s even my scene
Doubt it ever will be
I just want to at least peep and see
If what I imagined is what I'll see,
Please, I want to get rid of this sense of curiosity.

I don’t beg but right now I’m going down on my knees,
For heaven’s sake, I just turned  eighteen,
This is my cry, this is my plea
Prison guards, can I be free?
Colin Kohlsmith Feb 2010
The wedding partyIn garden’s twilightThe gowns, the flowersThe flashbulb’s bright lightBeyond the fountainThe horizon’s edgeAnd a chain link fenceAt the cliff’s top ledgeAnd down belowShimmering in wavesA final presentOn a perfect dayDancing moonbeams Of a full orbMesmerizing, beautifulThe scene absorbsAnd all who gazePonder the sightOf the kiss of wavesBy soft moonlight
SK Fisher Feb 2013
Schools out, Suns out
No shoes, no shirt
Shades on, music loud
Rollin in the Yeep, with my windows down
Burnin one, drinkin two
Bikini ridin shotgun,
With a few
More in the back
With my board
Headin for freedom
She just gave me the look, Oh lord
Like ice in the cooler
I play it cool
Wheres the next party?
The beach is a bust
She wants to be alone
I can see the lust
But it’s the first night of summer
Partyin til this vampire turns to dust
Dusk to dawn, woke up on the lawn
At least I still have that beautiful babe Summer
Cuz the bikini is gone
I am referring to girls as bikinis through out  the entire poem, even the end,
Kimmie Mar 2018
Third Wheel is OKAY
Third Party is not OKAY
But Third Wheelin'
While Third Partyin'
Jon Shierling Nov 2014
Lived my whole life
near water or mountains
and lemme tell ya,
there's nothin like wakin up
next to something beautiful.

I spent all of this weekend drinkin,
partyin and just havin an all around
great time with people I love.

This past month, man oh man,
did I seriously have to revisit
some things that I thought I needed
to stay the hell away from, but
whoh how wrong I was.

Jimmy Buffett songs and
Brand New shows,
takin life as it comes
and givin up everything
for a chance at love.

I can write about God
and morality and whatnot
but if I really dig deep down,
what really matters to me
are the quiet moments.

Those seemingly insignificant
memories, such as teaching
my very young cousin #3 how
to fold toilet paper, so that
his *** didn't itch, evidently
his dad couldn't teach him that.

Am I still a boy?
Hell yes I am, and hopefully
always will be, never giving up
that magic, that wondrous sense
of possibility.

Is it a bad thing, that in moments
of forgetfulness I greet my grandmother
as Wendy Lady and she replies, "Hello Boy."?
Do I still watch the Goonies with rapture
and bliss and yell "Hey you guys!!!"

And yet I have walked through fire and death,
seen darkness in all his guises,
lived and ate and breathed horror
as only Conrad can recount.

I can cook, and clean, and provide for myself;
having lived off and on alone for years
so dare you not think me a child,
but my god I'll never give up that
sense of life, that belief and hope
that any and every day may yet be
and adventure worth the telling.
Matt Holton Dec 2016
Wish I was out partyin' on this Saturday night,
But instead of livin' it up, I'm just gonna write.
I'll keep typin' poems 'n' listenin' to music,
Or perhaps I'll go to sleep quick.

Not gonna lie, it ***** to be spendin' the night alone,
Got nobody to hang out with, nobody to phone.
All my mates got somethin' else goin' on,
They can't go party all the way until dawn.

Ah well, don't feel like goin' into town on my one,
Cause man, that sure as hell wouldn't be no fun.
So I think I'll write poems instead.
Travis Green Apr 2021
He was a **** sauce, makin’ me hot,
Partyin’ nonstop to bangin’ beat, so turnt and yearnin’ for more
Gettin’ me crunk and drunk off his savage hunkiness
So swagalicious and thugalicious, freakalicious and delicious
Couldn’t even miss one minute of him

Dude had me stupid groovin’ and losin’ my stance
On the dance floor, our bodies hip-hoppin’, poppin’,
Wildly movin’ our arms, rockin to the astonishin’
And melodic beat as he beckoned me for more

He was thrillingly rude with truth, steaming my cool
Soothin’ me, callin’ me boo, wantin’ to cruise the block
And find a spot to search my heart
Wantin’ to test drive my vessel
Crank it up and inhale the passion from my engine
Wantin’ to get it on and make the feelings so strong
Wantin’ to play my tambourine, *** me, and fulfill his dreams
Bard Jul 2020
Cut off some friends haven't been out in a week
They out to party like life isn't aboutta end
Say I'm paranoid, Say I oughta take a break
That's stupid, not sorry and I mean to offend

I get outta bed gas mask on the bedstand
Light up a match flag burned and trash canned
WW1 ain't **** to an anti-science fascist land
A rancid maggot-infested wonderland

Don't ******* tell me to chill cuz your blind
Eyes pecked out by shills now you just unwind
Your ironed out wrinkle-free smoothed out mind
Hunned K dead tell me what do you intend

With all this mask hatin and beach partyin
Blue suits over human life you ain't kiddin
Eat my **** and die this last year meant nothin
******* and all the fun we had we ain't talkin

I'm not perfect I suffer my addictions
But I would never **** some to perdition
Cause of prejudice to a skin condition
If loyalty to pigs is your position

We are through we ain't crew you ******* tool
I know I'm a bad person but you're worse than
An ex dealer while I grew you stayed a fool
It stings losin a friend but you ain't a man

— The End —