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Zina Jan 2016
Make me feel special
Like I am your own treasure
Make me feel the pleasure
That I can find it in your broken look
oh baby, you are my favourite book
Iit is really difficult to change
And turn the page
To stand in the stage
And say 'I love you'
Richard Graydon Mar 2022
I stand triumphant, my words
echo here across the world of ours.
The woes that once plagued me, all
fall into towers of salt and sand.
A voice beckons to me, birds
come here across to see the truth.
One once great empire of words, fall
Into the ruins of what never was.
Jousts is not a common word, but refers to a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
Darkly Nov 2017
"Waiting for a gallant knight in shining armor to arrive and sweep you off your feet?

Sorry, but those ******* don't exist.

Mine does."
As you like it.
The words
I should
Have said
Sit in my gut,
Heavy and blunt,
And all I can do
Is tell myself
That I don't have to
Hold onto
Words unspoken
As I try not to
Spill them
On the floor
At your feet
Jouska (n.) a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head
Ash Young Nov 2020
Was it not enough to be fighting my brain?
Now I’m fighting a body that’s giving up too.

It’s crazy to be pushing for survival when most of me has already been broken beyond repair.
will she even want me if I'm only living to make her happy?

— The End —