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ConnectHook Apr 2016

Too little and of course, too late
they spend what’s left imprudently
attempting to alleviate
the love of God’s own liberty:
The world transexual one-party state.

They think it’s normal — right for all
lost in a prideful dying fall
their lions heed the sea-horse call
attempting to transgender fate;
the devil searches for a mate
his nightly Babylonian date:
the world transexual one-party state.

They’ll legislate the Lord away
(his fundie followers as well)
their hateful heaven, holy hell
shall wither up and disappear
before redemption can draw near.
Their myths no more shall obfuscate
nor dangle such celestial bait
that underwriters overrate:
the world transexual one-party state.

Their antichrist is overpriced,
the nations, globally enticed,
now glorify the deviance
in herd-like mass obedience
surrendering to expedience:
where good is bad, and bad is great
and Christ the only one to hate,
allegiances exacerbate
the world ******* one-party state.

Parties will form and parties end
but parties can no more defend
consolidation into one
than flip a switch and dark the sun;
the Caesars left this part undone
the Muslims are just having fun
with our ******* one-party state.

Bring on the night until we see
that dark means dimming by degree
two parties? Overdone by one !
So let it bleed and let it be
till One is All and all agree
that we are doomed to hesitate
when God cannot resuscitate
the late One-World ******* State.
a poem a day for NaPoWriMo2016

Long To Sail Jan 2014
Brick by brick. I have built a wall around you.
Alas comes he, demolishing what I've constructed.
Little does he know, I erected not one but a few.
Some walls, I doubt, even you knew existed.

Just like the rest he'll tear them down with kindness.
Cause, oh tender love, all you seek is some attention.
Estranged, these men truly think I have left you loveless.
Selfish me, only with me shall you embrace affection.

They pursue with presumption that they came to save you,
They pursue with presumption that they came to love you.
The robust walls they've destroyed imprudently to seize you.
Unknowing my intention was to protect them from yours truly,               **You
Pete Marshall Apr 2010
Within four walls I felt restraint

That pushed my minds own metaphor

And as my lips began to dry

Her scent entwined across the floor.

I dropped my stare as shadows danced

And felt those ills that burnt in me

As bile raised to rear itself

My heart felt pain so bitterly.

But all around were tiny views

That brought back doubts in magnitude

And then I saw the chimney breast

That signalled peace but hid regret.

And seas took hold in swirling rage

As gifts of love from other’s age

And eyes that winked as acid tore

Whilst ravaged hearts could take no more.

So when she spoke I heard a voice

That mocked my dreams forbidding choice

And as she threw those words at me

The slate felt cold on withered feet.

I felt her pain which frightened me

But slowly stood & turned away

I laughed at blame imprudently

Than face the truth we live each day……..
We are aware of the darkness that a judgmental mind could never interpret,
regrettably a sympathetic one whom may never understand,
the unfortunate occasion that you may never comprehend,
nevertheless, the inconsolable thoughts taking possession as we ill-advisedly perceive it all.

We plead with our wits next to the shadowy void to pull itself together for the considerate rope, thrown by the aiding, observant heart, whom questionably believes they may be witness to a faltering mind.
Observing the consciousness of the defeated soul that appears to be in despair without hope,
whos only aspirations seem simply to be a desire for a purpose, if not just appreciated for unobserved accomplishments,
but as the Darkness appears it’s difficult to grasp the disoriented, desolated mind that was ******, abruptly upon us.

As much as you try to alleviate the agony you attest to see, handing over your own strength you long to be received,
There is still the over-whelming pull of our defective mind,
discouraging thoughts that blind the help being offered that we push aside,
we feel the need of fight or fly, as we flee to our merciless evacuation,
It’s in that moment we freely descend,
Diving into the captivating abyss,
With the knowledge of knowing we may never ascend again.
You can’t hear the darkness’s dialogue, but we listen to the seductive silence as the chemicals misalign,
the reckless, misguided drop into the blinding dark hole that feels numb in awareness, but aching to touch,
the darkness can speak for as long as we reluctantly consent,
despite the fact it leaves us feeling insignificant,
we let darkness define us and at times its abundant touch is imprudently enough to keep us retreating to darkness’s lair for refuge from our detrimental behavior.

We reach, we scream, we dig our nails into the muddy wall, but the hole is too deep; the rope isn’t long.
Maybe it’s a test as you climb the roots; but the darkness is still there grabbing at your legs, whispering to you that you’re meant to be here instead.
“It’s safe here!” Darkness says.  “They can’t get you here! They may get past that concrete wall, but not in this destitute of twigs and straw, but if they do, they could get stuck, too, maybe I’ll haunt them instead of you?”
I should have known how easy it was to fall so gracelessly into a shadowy hole that I know shows when prompted by self-possessed triggers in life that you can’t help but let devour the night.
We find ourselves asking if we should even reach up.
We began to wonder if the hole was meant to collect what we feel is broken and left for dead.
Some find us weak, but they have no clue,
When we do choose to be, we fight this battle almost daily, so you can’t say what weakness is,
When you’ve never needed the strength to fight the dark to begin with.

Natalie M. Lawrence
I am a advocate for mental health and try to find ways for others who don't suffer to understand what it's like while at the same time letting those who do know that they are not alone.
So in this Darkness is the fight we are up against. Always.
Luis Mdáhuar Mar 2016
I never associate the plane with a hammock
The interest of my belly wins over any such
Discussion which might inevitably turn into sorrow
But, and I speak only for the asphalt, will
Innegably show disrespect to the other functions of the brain
Which astonishes me when it wants to sleep or take an independent
through the staircase of your lap
But if your lap denies the welcoming blood
Think of the shadow preserving human thought
And immediately
Imprudently all cities might fall inspite of all false pretexts
                 your leg is the salvation of man and his cubic head
You are me in the belief of nothing but pleasure
Of the heart and eyes, of the polished sword
Of the mighty octopus clinging to your mare
Of a highly anticipated degree of fresh air
Liberty draws attempts to carry all carcasses
Like a candle
Or a pill to sleep.
Arlene Corwin Jul 2017
Selfies & The (Selfish) Need

Rembrandt painted hundreds in one medium or t’other.
Thanks to photo’s techno-grams
Selfies of all kinds abound,
Home paintboxes thick on the ground
Which begs the question:
Exploration or self-love?
Motives passive and elusive, definitely inconclusive,
Probably a votive to self-love;
The selfie shows its needs up front.
Pretext for one’s vanity, its insecurity.

Then there’s the blog:
A kind of selfie, yes?
There to impress via modernity’s express
A world you hope
Is waiting for your scoop,
Your dope, your ****.

When you’ve seen a glut of bodies
Photo-shopped and chopped to please,
Is there more you need to see?
Or is it true desire breeds desire
And that fact a warning dire?

Impudently, imprudently
Continuing until we rue the days that bluntly
Lead us nowhere in particular
But to the usual, predictable, familiar wrinkling
And the loss of beauty’s pull.

Selfies & The (Selfish) Need 7.5.2017
Circling Round Vanities II;
Arlene Corwin
We need to question
Daisy Blevins Oct 2017
I get
only to have got
only to have lost
and O to have lost I will
only ever initiate gratified animation
when this tie of
anthropological operation
divides my
contemptuous feline inclination
where I want ease
where for scrutiny I plead
negligence reclining on any
every dream
imprudently high on benzodiazepine
I dreamt purity was conceivably
Tranquilized on
Horizons beach  
applicable as subjectivity may be
the fabrication of chemical composure
has emancipated its tie
to beauty
L Feb 2014
"Under everything, just another human being"
A brain, blood, a heart.
I'm the same as you, aren't I?
I'm not, though, and I wish you'd understand that.

"I don't wanna hurt, there's so much in this world to make me bleed"
There are so many things that could take me.
I panic at the thought of driving a car, for every nightmare ends with a wreck.
How would you react to my death?

"Did I say that I need you?"
You've become my lifeline, my crutch.
I've no idea who I'd be with you.
The smile on your face and the tears in your eyes are the only things keeping me alive.

"Oh, did I say that I want you?"
No, I didn't.
No, I haven't.
But I should before it's too late.

"Oh, if I didn't I'm a fool, you see..."
A fool --
'a person who acts unwisely and imprudently'.
Yes indeed, I'm a fool for you.

"No one knows this more than me"
Trust me, I know.
I live with this every waking moment.
I'm the only thing stopping the words in my head from releasing into the air and into your heart.  

"Stay with me..."
"Let's just breathe..."
lyrics (in quotations) by Eddie Vedder.
"Just Breathe - Pearl Jam
Aubrey Apr 2019
life being in a perpetual state of change.

i realize we both cared for each other.
the idea of reengaging appeals
the constant changes in my life
and your life,
would not make such union possible.
indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events.
reminiscing on past lovers,
how life would be if those relationships worked out,
gone by in time and no longer existing.
past had deadening effects on relationships.
but past wasn't past.
fantasizing about the alternate reality,
where things turned out differently.
perhaps inevitable.
such imaginations are something we all go through.
a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.
I wrote this over a few days, I hold this close to my heart.
Adam Kinsley Oct 2018
Do you see the dissension within my eyes?
I stumble throughout this feverishly manipulated age
The minds of children are enslaved by their reflective masters
We yearn to destroy what Reason had painstakingly divulged

My intention marinates in this silence
I deafen its egregious cries
This past will not pass
While the mirror mocks my demons and I

My once lively will recedes beneath my synapses
These demons wonder why they still wander
With two eyes, I had to see too much
Indeed, I sold their sense of solace

Our lives are fevered dreams
Unspoken in their indignant dejection
Filled with volition, we reap what we sow--
Imprudently awaiting our own funerals...
This pieces looks inward [within oneself], then outward towards society, and back again to the self.
HD Jun 2021
It’s a fallacy to believe that the summit is reached solely through persistent ascension. Life’s truest form is an enigmatic ruse. Struggle is a vertical nor horizontal bearing, ‘tis not dynamic or stagnant, it can be in one place or many, within or without, inside and out. Existing in everything and everyone, sharing an equal indifference to either one. Unconcerned. Unrelenting. Unindulgent. Yet, we who perceive continue to be deceived. What trick was ever so foul that could mortally wound a species founded upon its innate curiosity? Brash is the writer who lives vicarious through the sight betwixt his own. “Who am I?” He writes not to question why nothing is ever ours for very long; time is far too intelligible to entrust a dying breed with such revelations. Our sight is a gift that’s far too often squandered on such a patient foe. Instead the question is if time is really even our own to begin with. You are here because you feel as though you are, but where exactly is here and who exactly are you? We mustn’t waste the brief life we’re given on recounting the passing moments that we’re allowed to see. We’re given a telescope to view into the vastly infinite abyss that was forged for us, yet seemingly forget that it was not forged by us. As far as the eye can see, is not far enough to see the eye in the sky that watches us squiggling about beneath a microscope. This is the struggle we face. Not who we are, why we’re here, what is life; time will make sure we fixate ourselves on these trivial matters and never truly utilize our gift. Instead we must use our sight to write. Eloquently. Passionately. Imprudently. Who is out there to take offense, when life has been designed to offend us. This dalliance is not personal to the constructs that were designed to keep us here. yet we are so easily slighted by every inconvenience we encounter along the way. Do not go directly towards the summit. The questions you face and struggles you embrace are not solely your own. They’ve been conceived and pursued by the generations that have come and gone before you. Those who failed found a place to rest their burdened minds, and those who succeeded have yet to reach the summit. If it were an obtainable destination and one did make it there, surely they would come to share its glory with us, if not for their own vainglory. Despite it all you must live in spite of it all, for those who take on the toughest plights will soar. Not for wanting, but want for something, I’m sure there is no greater height to implore. Although I’m filled with a sense of doubt, I’ve found the strength to scribble this out. Telling you who’s so concerned with the summit of what this life is all about, that you may forget to appreciate the meaningful certainties along the route.
Buckle up b*tches

— The End —