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Discoboli of African poetry has now sparked above aphasia
The aphasic silence today breaks eardrums with cacophony
Of the world audience in the by standing duty of workshop tubes,
Executing poetic experiment on the origin of **** poeticus
To link the archaic baboonish proteins to the black chimpanzee
Cradling African man, the sire of all and their poetry.

That when the Chimpanzee blood we poured
Into the African veins of vena cava and aorta,
Feeding the heart with viscosity of nutrition,
And the Chimpanzee blood fell into deadly
Tomperousness like Shakespearean impetuosity
Once seen in Romeo and Juliet, giving timely Birth
To untimely half the yellow Sun
That juxtaposed planet of poetry
Behind the star of tribe as a priority
Condemning to stark oblivion all the fated,
in full uniform of tribal dimunitions, or mimesis.

Ever predated on when tribes form nations.
A time to try the chimpanzee blood in the veins
Of white humanity, battling cynosure
Historically evinced in Antony and his father,
Or Tybalt and Mercurial of mercutio,
Or Macbeth and counterparts
Or Hamlet the Danish and the inheritors of his mother,
As the white blood cells of the white blood,
Militantly attack the white corpuscles
Of the misfortunate chimpanzee,
Converting the later into
A chewer of misfortune.
sobroquet Oct 2013
I'd last about an hour as a clerk inside a store
invariably I'd shoot my mouth off
about someone's daughter dressing  like a *****
or making comments about the dreadful things  consumed
which would include a good 99% of the people in the room

I'd eventually end up getting my lights punched  out
after  *******  someone as  a fat ***  undiscerning lout
or cracking  some aside regarding what comprises that crud
and making faces of revulsion "you'd be better off eating mud"
ewwwww, you really eat that stuff?
this store should be sued for selling such bluff

children with diabetes, a third of adults obese
the courtesy clerk dies a little  for lack of surcease
line after line of vapid consumers
mindless knee-**** impetuosity belay the rumors
what's an adulterant, what's a filler?
propylene glycol alginate, yum yum
sorbitan mono sterate, shut up and eat it, its fun!
I can't even pronounce it, much less do I  care
need I be a scientist to enjoyably savor fare

Go ahead and poison yourself
the quirky clerk exclaimed
its ever so clear you're stupid and lame
stay mired in your pig-headed muck of  ignorance
you're exactly what they want
another brain dead consumer
a regular culinary savant
stuff  your face with no remorse nor heed
no worries, the clerk of little courtesy knows your need
he'll limply wheel  out your cart of miserable choices for you
and wise-crack some snarky rejoinder
then promptly get  beaten,  black and blue
The silent musings of an overly sensitive, audacious,  contemptuous, impudent puritanical bag boy.
EgoFeeder May 2013
The practice before me was something so foreign
Their tempo of chant was that which evoked my adrenaline
The circle they worshiped began it's eruption of colors;
spewing a spectacle of radiance that was a spectrum of some other

The hexagram itself began to shine with an ominous gleam;
All but one vertex was a blaze; what could that mean?
Perhaps, their party of six was too small in number;
To awaken the demon from it's monotonous slumber?

To complete the ensemble of seven must be my own task;
The sprites were fixed in trance; I had no reason to ask
So, I sprang into motion and joined in their ritual dance
Finalizing their sacred rites and granting myself with reverence

The echoes of recitement deluded into something more strange;
One that my mortal ears could do naught but re-arrange
Into a bric-a-brac of non-sense derived from the past
I needed to contribute to the intonement for our progression to last

How could I ululate with the rest in my simple irrelevant language?
I inquired to my friends in hopes of restoring the veracity of my courage
The imp at my front spun his attention to answer my doubts;
For what truly matters is that which exhibits the earnestness of your quotes!

Aha My Brothers! I can now see without my cloudy vacillation;
The next verse I cast shall be the epithet of an immaculate alteration!
I must exalt for my falsifications and this facade of reverendum
These letters fixed in stone are merit-less and de omnibus dubitandum!

There shall be no greater wisdom than the acceptance of that fact
To dwell on the word of man is to dabble in what you've always lacked
Our deficiency of distinctive beliefs and the privilege of identity;
Every truth conceals it's delusion in a seemingly flawless sincerity!

I repeated my genial perspective several times until my breath was gone
The numbness in my torso was then expressed through a re-habilitating yawn
Followed by an out-pour of blood;Spewing from the confines of my lungs
Oh! What a righteous taste this is to speak in the devils' tongue!

For the throes of a sinner are not that of the wicked or holy blaspheme;
They are simply the inverted inquisition of the unanswered question maybe!
The concepts of free will and of good and evil are truly incomprehensible
as our minds are merely aware of relevance; Ignoring the unintelligible

Being enthralled by the dizziness of this new found anemia;
I commenced to utter the defeatists' call into the absence of Elysia
Witnessing no reply I fell to thy knees - cupping the blood I had spilt;
Raising the crimson liquid to thy mouth - consuming the life i'd built!

Which my new fraternal comrades admired with a fixed curiosity;
For I had undeniably turned water to wine and it was merely an impetuosity!
Laughter ensued and the fire of our ceremonial ring blazoned it's approval;
What a way to end an evocation! We had set the scene for our lords' revival!

To state his name for certain would be to use it in vain.
As the out-right ruler of this plane goes by many a name;
And none all the same ; How could a god be labeled as something you say?
If I may conclude in all modesty he is you and he is I. If I may ...
zebra May 2017
there's a crazzzy devil
the white house
twisting our nation
into a denizens den
a tub of **** in a suit
ascending ***** matter
a clogged toilet
a black plague
we have a president with the attention span
of sea clams
an emotional ******* drip of impetuosity
a spiraling fit of rage
a snarling delusional dog
narcissist in a warping mirror
a pathetic complainer
a cyst on the body politic
open sore
seething pustule
piggish **** lover
gangsters dupe
fascist wana be

heil heil
god your a pile

making Russia great again
licking Vlad's *****
protecting your assets no doubt
and hissing tweets
at war with with only everything
and figments of a disturbed imagination
a real windmill killer

his mouth
the devils mark
a yapping compulsive lier
forked tongued fury
possessed to a fault
by the vainglories
of money and ego out of bounds
the biggest and the best
at being
the very worst and a pest
grand royalty of ridicule
a ham ****** cartoon nightmare
and clumsy stumbling bore
a seething volcano of perpetual excrement
reading from the book of chaos
aberrations of enemies
a war room president
at war with his own citizens
huddled in a panic chamber
burns and cuts himself
with his own hot sharp words
as there thrown back at him
a bully getting bullied
a ripper getting ripped
the brains of a lizards eyelid
in a shadeless socket
pulp hearted orangutan
menace to society
his mottled soul
like a black sun
on the verge
of a black hole
a hell mill of decrepitude
a dark creep creeping
tarnishing our beautiful country
lights dim

there's a devil
in the white house
Mike T Minehan Mar 2012
Hello, whale,
yes, you there wallowing
and swallowing crustaceans
with all your calliousity
and my insatiable curiosity.

What a laugh that calf
of yours was
when it frolicked up
to us diverse divers
wanting to be survivors
of its childlike impetuosity
and eighteen foot
preposterous, gargantuan monstrosity.

When you rose up underneath us
I thought you were going to eat us.
You scared me, whale,
when you flicked us with your tail -
the one you splinter yachts with
when you act as Davey Jones' locksmith.

Of course, I retired then
from my dive-in on leviathan,
happy to survive
your forty-five
tonne introduction.

Then you glided into gloom
and sang your eerie song
about your alien, baleen life
in vast, mysterious,
deep areas of oceans.

Good luck along the whale's road,
you mighty minstrel, you diva of the deep.
This diver hopes all humans and harpoons
will spare you and you can share
your song again.
God speed, whale.
For G.S.L.

Write, we must of the moons we spent
Weaving our alien languages together
Deriving meaning from each other
by what it meant for us
to be home in our shell.

Words we've bound each other with
With histories of our forefathers,
How we delved in the intricacies of the mind
Carefully, and as surely as the waves
Caressing the shores from distant seas.
Coupled with the cresting of the wave,
An ocean's promise lies in wait.

To you I am like the soil that does not empty
Its thirst for answers from the rain.

Yet you cannot give me access to your inner paths
So instead, I have knelt down in silence
and cupped your hermit house to my ear.

You have found speech for words you cannot say.
And I am like the shallow portion of the sea
Where you can clearly observe the rocks and stones
That cut, as well as the coral that thrives
Like fiery corals attracting fish.

We are of different tongues,
Yet despite the separateness
Our strangeness connected us to each other.

You have raised old foundations
And pulled the sea to come to me.
There i knelt on uneven sands
Confident that your own voice
Will lead us to the birthing dawn.

Now it is not just the sea that divides us
but the very same wildness, that impetuosity
that gleamed at dawn, Which led me to you.

Where now is the cradle
for the pearl of the night?
How you have drifted away
I cannot know.

Birthed from sand, Foundations crumble.
Your words are carried away with the rising
Of the tides. Numbing the island in me
Leaving a mark visible only in old maps,
Which sunk the moment you left.

On the very same shore
I found you searching
For what you have lost.

- 13 November 2015
Pretend Poetry Jan 2019
For a while
I was silenced
by me
for all
but I'm back
To write about.

Kinsey Clark Jun 2010
Summer’s silence sent your whispers up my spine
Lightning flashed, in fluorescent twists
The night you made me unwind
Our pretentious walls and our secret codes—
The ones we’d crafted with time
Washed away that night in the storm
When your eyes burned into mine

And with the bed as my frame
I painted you a picture
Of my diaphanous figure
An arousing compunction that caused you no shame
Our friction
Your aggression
The contours of my thighs
The grinding of our hips
My concupiscent sighs
That penetrated your skin, burning like a flame
As you released your ambitions and moaned my name

Fall’s fleeting force sent my heart flittering to the sky
Skipping beats sporadically
At the thought of saying goodbye
You were my baby; I, your sweet girl
Your yearning gaze tangible before I’d caught your eye
Intermittent kisses, giggling all the while—
Finding fruition in simply making me smile

Your touch gentle and my movements slow,
We melded together in hedonic harmony
Your body, a piece of me—
Like an anomaly I’d never known
Your inhales
My fingernails
Our internal temperatures heating a degree
You whispered, “I love you”
A curiously rational impetuosity
Your love, a beautiful and delicious glow
Tempting me into oblivion below
Copyright Kinsey Clark
Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
Hypocritical catastrophe,
Irreverent duplicity,
Luminarial ludiocrity,
Nonsensical impetuosity.

Flippy floppy, slippy sloppy,
Blamey gamey, shame, shame, shame.

Constitutional incongruity,
Jesuitical dictatoriality,
Oxymoronic partiality,
Nepotistic surreality.

Materialistic abnormality,
Monetaristic conviviality ,
Ritualistic mediocrity,
Histrionic philanthropy.

Gotten rotten, misbegotten
Seldom truthful, lie, lie, lie.

Misdirection genuflection,
Malefaction justification,
Incarceration implication,
Resignation profliferation.

Prevarication reiteration,
Damnation indication,
Malefaction direction
Undetected discretion.

Flippy floppy, slippy sloppy,
Blamey gamey, shame, shame, shame.
Gotten rotten, misbegotten
Seldom truthful, lie, lie, lie.
ionized Feb 2012
i wanted you more than the power of a natural disaster ravaging entire continents


within milliseconds i was sent to pure ecstasy, a state of delirium, passion, mania, vehemence with our every shared breath in the ardor of our movements- the voracity i felt to induce pleasure upon you was boundless, is boundless

the fervor of our bodies shimmered in streetlight illuminated glazes, and our flickering eyes shimmered with careless impetuosity for anything but inducing pleasure on one another

the absolute delight that comes with inhabiting your existence is ample for my eternal contentment

your beauty captures me,
beauty like yours resembles the feeling of relief,
the feeling preceding extreme pain
when your body sends out a warm embrace throughout your body
like a comforting hug from mother nature to ensure you
that you are still alive,
the pain is gone,
and you are still breathing

your beauty is warm
and envelopes me whenever your benign eyes glance in my direction
grasping around my body and then you blink,

i tear through time,
lacerate every last second that holds us from each other
there is not anything that holds me from you but wasted time, corroding away and creating a gap in time in which i am once again in your presence.

all i ask from you is your lips holding onto mine, and for the seconds that i experience you to drag out across days and days.
Erica Tang Mar 2018
To know you,
I have forgotten my impetuosity.
Silk reeling off from cocoons,
layer by layer,
as I spend every second unveiling
your happiness,
your stumbles,
things you despise,
things you love,
and things you live for.
I've gone from being infatuated
with your smile
to falling in love
with every facet of you.

Even the most ethereal semantics can not conjure
the lovely wishes we share:
maple-tinted sunsets,
heart-shaped pancakes,
kisses on the neck,
sporadic dances on the kitchen floor...

You strum the strings of a guitar
improvising a lovely tune
we heard
as we passed by the record store.
An enthralling picture,
how I long
to lay my eyes on you
for a lifetime.

One day,
I will show up in your city
wearing my prettiest dress
with all my butterflies
and dewy flowers
and fallen leaves,
a destination for all my wanderings.

I hope the breeze
caresses your eyelids like velvet
when you gaze into my eyes.
Irregular heartbeats,
interlaced whims,
entwined arms...

You smile.

the world fades.
stars align.
I can't believe I just wrote a poem about a boy! This poem is for a special person I met three months ago but I already feel like knowing him for years. When he reads this, he will know instantly that it addresses to him. I'm so silly. I hope you laugh. I can't stop thinking about you ever since. :D
Look into those eyes,
And try to interpret what they see.
Feel a spirit so bright,
I can’t tell whether it’s him or me.
As the dawn of the moment breaks,
I can feel myself start to shake.
So he asks me what is wrong,
And I try to remain strong.
With impetuosity,
I tell him the truth ruthlessly.
To a bench he beckons,
We are there in seconds.
But as we start to chat,
My heart begins to splat.
He pleads that there must be another way,
To fix the problems that I say.
When the bullet dives into his heart,
I can tell this was a bad idea from the start.
He kisses me one last time,
I just wish he could be mine.
Just as he gets up to leave,
I feel myself not able to breath.
So as I look into those eyes,
I know this isn't wise.
Without hesitation,
I force myself to believe this is his destination.
Just as I reach into my purse he hugs me,
And I know I’m his curse.
But without despise,
I reach for my knives.
With a look of surprise,
I see the life leaving his eyes.
Slowly the blood takes over his ****,
And I wonder if I should make a dash.
But instead his body falls to the ground,
And I feel unbound.
I kiss his pale lips as the blood,
Stirs on mine with a hiss.
As I turn to leave,
Finally my slate is now made clean.
Down my cheek resides a tear,
As I reminisce when we were a pair.
I bite my lip as my mind quarrels,
And I question my true morals.
I bend down to the earth,
And I hope I can be re birthed.
The knife slips into me like a glove,
As I think of how he’s above.
Hence I do this for my love,
As my spirit flies up like a dove-
Walking on a street's path
A distance as far as I've been back
Lessons and retrospects carried in an heavy backpack
Streets lights off standing tall under the sky'
s dark
Dark as panther in a zoo or a park
O' peace of sight
Rare are you in my days
Endangered sanity at night's plight
The glory of day uplifted and dropped in an emigrant's flight
Walk on keep
A voice passes me by
In dark knowledge of my start
Not even enfants it has been
But grown exceedingly pass my reach
Still walking yet destination awaits me
Legs crumbling head unarmed
Growing older yet they passed me
Ha' you famous of sight haven't you grown
Said as they were inferior now superior
I am as they were before
Lights inplaced at my backpack
Never knew I these lights is a collection mindless to my knowing
The lights of conquest and triumph which beam is essential
Lightings of value and dignity exuding inevitable shine
Lights of blunder rays so repeat them not
All these lights never knew I
The inscrutability invades my mind
Evoked my soul to it's captivity
O' spirit of exigency,deceit, corruption and unpatriotism
Can't thy be exhumed
Control my mind ignore the lights pack
Walking through out the darkness you caused
Growing older moving backwards
Retrospects of who I was
Doctor now patient
Teacher now student
Long gone host now parasite
Too late to back
Extremely damaged to front
Can't just find a way through this darkness
Old lady of Africa
Treasured by history
Record as a routine I've broken
Adrift till I've broken my self
About to none
That's for the others impeccably
Imperiled by a spirit in mind
Collecting the strings yet I play not any
Evinced impetuosity mischief set in motion
Can't desorb in this modern solvent
Peter natural to be seen as such
I should be the star that parties with the moon
The zephyr that coaxes the tree leaves in mobility
Being not the sun that chases the moon away the sky
Nor the fire that burns the trees
This darkness drives away my delight
Impute backwardness
Lest I think those lights I ignored years long
This journey seems impervious
This dire adventure is far from the abyss of remedy
Impetuosity creates murky waters,
Through which we move, blinded.
Restraining rules allow time through which
We move still sightless, yet reminded.

Let those you love be perfectly themselves,
For one’s own image they must not bless,
Else, the reflection of yourself seen in them,
You’ll love of your own best.

Physical relations we must bestride,
For skipping ahead means missing some.
Prevailing beauty such as yours,
Of you I shall miss none.

Any beauty within my heart is from that,
Which I see, smell, hear, taste and touch,
That of you, by whom I am overwhelmed,
I never deem too much.

Pay heed, More haste, Less speed; no waste.
Only that of time could be argued,
But when we relate with our utmost love,
It is time, but only used.
Chuck Kean Jan 2022

     I was walking a path in the woods
When I came upon a peculiar pine
It had a warning of no trespassing
Order of the Kingdom of Eberwine

Nothing else looked out of place
And I became overwhelmed with curiosity
So much so that I couldn’t control
The persuasion of my impetuosity

So I entered through the gate without a
Fence across the boundary of Eberwine
And suddenly I was whisked through
A portal to another place and time

To a world within our world where everything
Is unimaginable but so very real
My heart was racing and I had much anxiety
Beyond what I ever thought I could feel

My eyes gazed upon a huge mountain
That no human could possibly climb
As I pause to take in the beauty before me
In a near distance I hear bells begin to chime

I realize now that I may never see home
Again and I may be stuck here in Eberwine
From the mountain a water fall cascades
Into a river as mighty as the European Rhein

I’m sure out of the corner of my eye
I saw a large creature of some kind
But I’m no longer sure of my reality
Eberwine may be playing tricks on my mind

As I’m walking I notice strange wildlife
With unfamiliar and familiar traits
Like horses but they have camel humps
And one seems trapped and in dire straits

As I was heading towards him to attempt
A rescue on my shoulder I felt a poke
Startled I turned around to find a four
Winged Owl and I stopped and he spoke

He said you don’t belong here and you’re
In great danger, didn’t you read the sign
Warning the other side of trespassing
By order of the Kingdom of Eberwine

I said yes but curiosity got the best of me
And there appears to be no danger here
He said that’s the problem nothing is what
It seems and you’ve yet to see what we fear

When night falls all the gentle beast
Become evil and are fixated on the ****
There’s nothing we can do to fight it
Though it’s the opposite of our will

Our days last five times that of yours
And our nights do too so beware
This is the first day but we must find where you entered, we must get you safely there

He added there’s also the creature of
The trees who is swift with his doom
But his weakness is that he loves eating
What we call the sleepy time shroom

Even though I feel compelled to venture
Further to unravel this mystery
I must leave this strange enchanted place
I know that I must cease my inquiry

The gentle beast all know I don’t belong
Here in their place and time
So I said my goodbyes and thanked the four winged Owl, and I’ll never forget Eberwine

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/23/2022
All rights reserved
Bombus Jan 2021
Of my bold adoration
There remains - a certain -
Slant of Truth
That teases the Sun’s notice
With its retreat to solitude
And - advancements deeper - Within
I still admire her
Even if the six feet
Of silence between us
Blurries my restraint
And holds my thoughts - Aloft
Away - from grasping reach
I Cannot see a better way
To rejoin my own
That plunge straining with impetuosity
That dive that’s bound for Death
The train horn - hollers - overhead
The ropes they bind my flesh to steel
My heart considers this - and then
Resumes her steady throb
And dastardly hurries on
With nary a glance behind
To peer at it - from growing distance
That thought of expiration
Total adoration
Simply holds my head from burning temptation
The possible return to her soothing voice
Taunts my steadily descending mind
And keeps my soul - Alive.

— The End —