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onlylovepoetry Apr 2019
don’t leave me!
(the leaving is in the writing)

she whispers in his ear,
after they’ve climbed into bed,
their tiring bodies both embraced,
soft sunken into, by, a familiar mattress,
after a sophisticates city night out seeing stars,
stars, human and astral,
city lights dusk heightened the vocal sparking,
singers singing songs of love from
radio days long ago

don’t leave me

she intones, a prayerful demand,
equally a command and a begging behest,
puzzling what prompted this pressed request,
spoken with urgency born in her breast

don’t leave me
drifting off and into his thin place,
but tugged back by this cri du coeur,
unsponsored and unwarranted,
nothing recalled that justly provoked,
a statement topping of anguish and fear

don’t leave me
he repeats in a rising questioning inflecting
puzzling riddling unbefitting a mellow-toning sleepy ingredient,
whatever do you mean, I leave you only
to dream, to purify, refresh and deep rest reset,
and return come morning with new poems,
what angst comes to stir this asking,
delaying my adventure to nightly restoration?

don’t leave me
repeated and repeated, dressed in urgency,
for I see the little things,
the wavering walk, the slowing of the thinking,
the walls, black n’ blue, whining about your into bumping,
the instant eagerness with which your body accepts
your voyage to dream places where
one goes and gone and must go unaccompanied,
some who are chosen and some who choose, not to return

don’t leave me
for the signs are ample, a certain weariness
dresses your face and crowns thy graying mane,
the slight labored breathing from steps once
bounded and leapt, the seeing and the hearing,
each slightly weakening, two orchestral instruments,
together off key and lessened in their triumphal vigor,
these words of mine, a royal guard,
keep them in your dreams

don’t leave me
minor missteps in the elongated negated of dying gracefully,
my tuning forks are sensitized,
and any slowing motion
both visible and hearable, and filed under inevitable

I will not leave you tonight,
my body warming as per usual,
your cold feet intruders indicate it’s you have left
for your own nightly visitors, occasional terrors,
you’ve woken me from my allotted sleep hours,
many poems now retrieving and in need of scribing,
while the fingertip digit flys across the digital keyboard,

I am more alive than I have ever been;
the leaving is in the writing,
each poem a steppingstone,

but the poems come fast and furious,
sometimes two at a time, the muses are bemused,
the prognosis is for thousands more and warn:

do not wear out your olive oil anointed forefinger,
the lubricated pointer of the way, wherein is contained

through that index
your body of works in the
“yet to arrive, yet untaxed filling station,”,
must be seen to fruition,
for it is only then that,
only love poetry
is ready for long lasting
eternal realization

5:36am 12th April, two thousand nineteen
There can be certain potions
needled in the clock
for the body's fall from grace,
to untorture and to plead for.
These I have known
and would sell all my furniture
and books and assorted goods
to avoid, and more, more.

But the other pain
I would sell my life to avoid
the pain that begins in the crib
with its bars or perhaps
with your first breath
when the planets drill
your future into you
for better of worse
as you marry life
and the love that gets doled out
or doesn't.

I find now, swallowing one teaspoon
of pain, that it drops downward
to the past where it mixes
with last year's cupful
and downward into a decade's quart
and downward into a lifetime's ocean.
I alternate treading water
and deadman's float.

The teaspoon ought to be hearable
if it didn't mix into the reruns
and thus enlarge into what it is not,
a sea pest's sting turning promptly
into the shark's neat biting off
of a leg because the soul
wears a magnifying glass.
Kicking the heart
with pain's big boots running up and down
the intestines like a motorcycle racer.

Yet one does get out of bed
and start over, plunge into the day
and put on a hopeful look
and does not allow fear to build a wall
between you and an old friend
or a new friend and reach out your hand,
shutting down the thought that
an axe may cut it off unexpectedly.
One learns not to blab about all this
except to yourself or the typewriter keys
who tell no one until they get brave
and crawl off onto the printed page.

I'm getting bored with it,
I tell the typewriter,
this constantly walking around
in wet shoes and then, surprise!
Somehow DECEASED keeps getting
stamped in red over the word HOPE.
And I who keep falling thankfully
into each new pillow of belief,
finding my Mercy Street,
kissing it and tenderly gift-wrapping my love,
am beginning to wonder just what
the planets had in mind on November 9th, 1928.
The pillows are ripped away,
the hand guillotined,
dog **** thrown into the middle of a laugh,
a hornets' nest building into the hi-fi speaker
and leaving me in silence,
where, without music,
I become a cracked orphan.

one gets out of bed
and the planets don't always hiss
or muck up the day, each day.
As for the pain and its multiplying teaspoon,
perhaps it is a medicine
that will cure the soul
of its greed for love
next Thursday.
Phosphorimental Dec 2014
Do not look for revelation in an event,
look inward at the sum of your experiences…
then exhale –

blow them away like a fine powder
into the abyss of space.

Emptiness, silence…dissolution –
the unspeakable, un-hearable happens.

Your message finds you in the inhale –
and for a moment, you cannot move…

the next words you speak
are the truth.
llcb Nov 2014
I had a dream last night.

I was at your funeral and a your sad song was barely hearable, yet hearable. I laid myself on your chest and started crying. I just couldn't say goodbye to you.

When I woke up I started crying. I guess the dream just couldn't say goodbye to me.
She kept bringing
abstracts out from
a huge cardboard box
as the next artwork
revealed itself
the box produced another
more bizarre than the last.

Drawn on pizza boxes
maccaroni,glued and painted
kleenex box canvases
and a few done in ketchup.

She kept pulling them out
and she was loaded.

I drank my beer
and I sort of saw
I kinda felt where
they came from.

The Greek laughed
and cursed
I've thrown them away many times
but she keeps digging them out of the trash

I'll throw them away again
into the trash
with her wine bottles
and stripper clothes
he sat down
hit his joint.

Why don't you
let her keep these
I asked the Greek.

Because it's garbage
she too is garbage
her,and her art
both garbage.

She mumbled
something not hearable
while clutching her
baby doll.

I walked to the can
and threw away
my empty bottle.

I wanted to give
this to you and
I handed Frankie
the drawing I had made him.

He seemed pleased
and handed me another beer.

The Greek thought it
was **** I could tell.

He told me my garbage
wasn't any better than
her garbage artwork.

The energy's gotta
go somewhere
might as well be on these
canvases and pizza
boxes I said.

We sat there
for a few more hours
as Frankie finished
my Ruin symbols on
his large,silver grinder.

The Greek and the girl
finally left the
room and i was
relieved and the
room slowly
lost it's superfluous

I sat there in
Vegas staring
at the box of
Vinnie Brown Jun 2013
A piano was softly playing in the background of their minds
It's fullness delicately hearable in every keystroke
A beautiful autumn day with the windows slightly open
The music slowly drifting across to the playground
Two children lie in the leaves looking at the always moving sky
Make shapes in the clouds with their wonderful imaginations
A beautiful melody connecting him and her much more than their young minds could think
The music so lovely yet so underliningly disdainful
Her hand enveloped his as she rolled over to look in his hazel eyes

He looks out the window now a man of twenty five
To the playground where he met a girl very many years ago
He remembers this house from so long ago
The piano now moved to the window
He sits down to play but only one melody comes to mind
A haunting but beautiful melody with slight disdain
He cannot remember where he has heard it before but his hazel eyes start to cry
A beautiful autumn day with the windows slightly open
As he wipes the tears away he smiles for his daughter now lies with a boy in the leaves
Her eyes so dark and brown remind him of his wife he lost but only a few years ago
She asked him one wish to move where they fell in love
He remembered a melody where they fell in love
This melody forever haunting him
Inspired by The cloud Atlas Sextext for Orchestra. The melody I felt I had to write about.
Luna Casablanca Jul 2016
I don’t want to hurt you,
but I have no choice.
You have a better life,
and a hearable voice.
You got it,
and I lost so much more.
I will speak my hostility once,
and pray our intimacy will be
the way it was
It doesn’t work that way
yes I know.
Your being happy is just
screaming to me you have
pride and ego.
I’ll never have the plans and excitement
so I can never dare.
I hope for misery to happen to you someday
and that will get you to put it down
look at me,
and say you
I know you do but you have more
on your mind than I do in
my own.
Let me ask you this,
when is the last time
you were left
grieving and alone?
You’ll find me at
I will never be well
Yenson Aug 2019
No! off course they can't get over themselves!
It's an injury worse than death
Can't you see
Life has already humiliated them
and then
you go and tell them
how life has humiliated them
that my son, is a great mistake

You see, us in know all fool them
the Politicians do it all the time
they never tell them the truth
they offer platitudes, tell them they have power
make them think they are in control
they are sheep, you sing them nursery Rhymes
and read them bed-time stories
give them enough to buy their toys, food and drinks
lots of drinks keeps them happy and quiet, then pat them on the head

But son, you went and told them the un-hearable
you went and told them the unbearable truth
you informed them of their station
remind them of how life had humiliated them
and humiliated them telling them this
what they refuse to see or accept,
You bluntly told them and that coming from you
Christ, that's like triple whammy

Yes you have bothered the bee hive
they are swarming all over you
they did not need the truth, never want the truth
now they can't rest or maintain their blind slumber
Son, just pray the courage of Heraldry upholds you
and start believing in Divine Ordination
You have committed sacrilege
You have made them see themselves
and how life humiliates them
Dennis Willis Jan 16
You wrote me in
to your conversation
I wrote you in
to my conversation
Here is what you
had to say

I didn't say that

I've written
you differently
this time

More convenient
No longer irascible

Now what you say

This audience blinks and thinks
about hear-a-ability
and vanishes
Yenson Aug 2019
No! off course they can't get over themselves!
It's an injury worse than death
Can't you see
Life has already humiliated them
and then
you go and tell them
how life has humiliated them
that my son, is a great mistake

You see, us in know all fool them
the Politicians do it all the time
they never tell them the truth
they offer platitudes, tell them they have power
make them think they are in control
they are sheep, you sing them nursery Rhymes
and read them bed-time stories
give them enough to buy their toys, food and drinks
lots of drinks keeps them happy and quiet, then pat them on the head

But son, you went and told them the un-hearable
you went and told them the unbearable truth
you informed them of their station
remind them of how life had humiliated them
and humiliated them telling them this
what they refuse to see or accept,
You bluntly told them and that coming from you
Christ, that's like triple whammy

Yes you have bothered the bee hive
they are swarming all over you
they did not need the truth, never want the truth
now they can't rest or maintain their blind slumber
Son, just pray the courage of Heraldry upholds you
and start believing in Divine Ordination
You have committed sacrilege
You have made them see themselves
and how life humiliates them

Now they are all agitated
inflamed lusting for your blood
Son, you are in deep khazi,
these woken animals do not reason
that's how they are bred, they are primal scavengers
they smell their humiliation now
they cannot forget the smell

— The End —