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Stone Fox Oct 2015
"The thought of  the future we will never have was pollinating foul fuzzy particles in the air, slowly following the wake of all those tasseled dreams I had held onto for all those years but had to let go."

The most intimate revelations can often expose plagiaristic suppressions that we've most likely tried to already forget. Suggesting to anyone on the outside looking in, that there is a rancid cowardice secreting from the pores of all those who would deny the most basic of fundamental decencies to their fellow man.

All the while, boasting a loud tolerance that would be found on the very last Autumn-the very last colorful arrangements of watering oranges and smothered reds our world was ever going to be privileged to witness again.
The thundering drumming of my own beating heart gave my freshly dead and bland reaction a neon personality, with a few extra *******, lingering, successful gestures that reflected a sparkly prism of tracers.

Tracers that were birthed from the most brilliant of lasers, as I was radiating something that was blindingly gorgeous, something that was heightened with more sensitivity as it shadowed over the complexity of every kiss that I had ever been given in my life..

Spinning a silk and gold web around me that was almost as intricate as an alarm sounding earth quake.

This flaccidly tight response came at a price, leaving nothing but whispers and the wrong kind of impressions at the sight of  it's unwanted face..

The time of dignity and grace felt decades away as your tiny little temperaments began to attempt to soothe me into a very still silence.

"Wooing" me and "seducing" me with such a strong touch of romantic readiness, I knew it would never be matched or found again causing me to feel a stroke of sadness at the single sentiment.  

This dramatic departure killed any interest that might have supported the abortive sorrows and short winded elation’s of men, but instead the idea of a possibly new tasseled dream, sparked me into a shimmering prism bouncing glittering, glimmering, glowing rays off my skin, as I put the shine in the sun.
The story behind this poem is to never put your hapiness in someone elses hands. People will come and go in and out of your life but you will always be stuck with your own reflection for company.
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2011
Weighing brutality's candour is taxing
Feeling the certainty, heavily dark,
Sonorous mutterings echo in twilight
Whitely, loquaciously, utterly stark.

***** ***** in a temperament simmering
Stalking through rage in a judgemental way,
Lurching for conflict from deep in the mindset
Locked in a skirmish of consequence play.

Searing white pain of brutality's candour
Reeling from obvious lack of control,
Obliquely collapsed beneath blue jackaranda
Flaccidly spent, I surrender my role.

In absentia
7 December 2011
Hoover Feb 2012
So numerous were the pits and gashes dotting Walsutaddel's frown that, looking at it, one was tempted to apply to it a thin coating of crushed shale for the purposes of examination (at the natural but, sadly, not at all deterrent horror of Walsutaddel himself). Endearing as this characteristic may have been, however, the deep pits of his eyes caught one slightly off guard, and so it was that many a potential acquaintance was driven away after an initially being so taken fascinating molding of the poor wretch. This is mind, it should be no great mystery that the face that delighted and lured in so many passers-by was contorted in such an expression of sorrow, but it was rare, one having seen the eyes of this beast and thus having the information absolutely necessary for this inference, that one gave the creature a further thought, to the exclusion, of course, of the universal and, one might say, basically human, shudder, if that can be considered a thought at all. In addition to the marred canvas of his face, the only other qualities to which one could apply the term «alluring» were a severely mangled spinal column, at some points reaching the regularity of a helix and at others simply resembling the path of a garden hose draped haphazardly over a stretch of hilly terrain, and a pair of wrists somehow more flaccidly attached than if they'd lacked bone and ligament altogether. The rest of his physiognomy was of such terrible shape and demeanor as to be totally unworthy of description.
Behind sullen doors
Taking a deep slumber
A slumber in a somber shade
I heard faint euphonious whispers
Whispers from nearby woods
Thus lured to wake up
As to gravitate on yonder
To where I was embraced with
Ultimate darkness darker than
A lonely silent grave
Though sauntered by gallantly

Out of kilter was the avenue
Hence wandered whilst wondering
If I could at least find a way
My way back home
Though all in vain
But as luck would have it,
Darkness commenced fading
And in a mean time it dawned

Oh how I longed to hear
Hear early songbirds
Whisper the dawn chorus
But not a single bird chirped

Only to peer through stunted trees
Yonder edge of the mystique woods
Than when I feasted on a sea
A halcyon sea which sparked
Magnificently whilst kissed by rays
Rays of an arresting dawn sun

Oh how I longed to hear
Hear the sound of waves
Splash about my feet
As I stood by the sea shore
But not a single wave ebbed

Whilst flaccidly sobbing in dismay
Serendipitously there I beheld
Beheld a ship amid the sea
Beauteously alluring yet distant
Though couldn’t help it swim
Swim towards such a marvel
And at some length,
There I was onboard

Oh how I longed to rise
Raising her sails as to set sail
But no winds were there
To render me set sail

By a strange dark fate
A great crash of thunder
Came from the purple clouds
And crashed in the skies
Thus lightening flickered
Split up the sky in half
And lit up the vast heaving
Waste of grey black sea
And in a mean time,
For it began down pouring
With stinging rain that fell
Every now and again
Thus everything on the ship
Began to fall about
Though at great length,
For it ceased raining

Oh how I longed for a companion
Whilst quivering at the restless sea
But not a single dolphin could jump
Out of water whilst I sailed on yonder

The sun was now almost gone
And the first star was shining bright
Just me alone, on the mighty sea,
On a voyage, on a quest for the unknown
Just sailing by and by with a lull stiff breeze
To where the sea seamed kissing the skies
As the clouds sailed athwart the moon

Oh how I longed taking a sight
Sight at land where I could seek shelter
But not a single island was there
For me to feast about

By serendipity’s sake,
Soundly I fell into a deep slumber.
Only to wake up,
Not far off were islands
On yonder amid the sea
Blue and misty in the distance
Thus swiftly drifted yonder
Sailed ashore to glamorous shores
Where I was welcomed by sea gulls
Big white gulls that swooped around me
Carried me to the queen of the realm
A queen whose beauty was nothing but
A reflection of novelty pulchritude
Pulchritudinous than any creature
My poor eyes had ever feasted on
A queen with starry bewitching eyes
Long curling glossy auburn hair
An opalescent skin which beamed
With magnificence of a sea
Kissed by the dawn sun

Oh how my eyes beamed with sheer joy
Feasting about such a beauty
That never ceased stunning me
But not a single creature around grinned

No sooner had I sat onto her marble
A glamorous marble beside her porch
With my chin on my knuckles
Whilst narrating to her my indelible adventure
Than when she busted into squeals of laughter
Clasped her snowy hands to my *****
And there was a creek
Like a galleon beating against a gale

**Then I woke up
Not a pie in the sky just like i depicted it but an imaginary scene im still garnishing with the best of stunning imagery as to embed it to my adventurous movie script by the title of "Chronicles Of King Kiko"
An adventurous script pervaded with excruciatingly exquisite stunning imagery which never cease to stun whoever lends me his or her ears.
Graff1980 Jan 2019
The flag flailed flawlessly
then fell flaccidly
under the bushy
grey brow like clouds.

Restless winds
settled in
to a plain old boring
temperate temperament.

Then the dull day
gave way
to much ado
as the clouds grew
dark and heavy with
evaporated wetness.

The calming clouds
could not contain
their weighted frame

Soft trickles
turned to
a thick downpour
my dry skin
till I was soaking.

Thin T
to me,

but the water felt good,
so, I sat and basked in
the rushing rain
that was falling.
Till, the earth beneath me
began sinking

Then, I sloshed
my soaked self-home
spreading all the muddy
mess around me.
Graff1980 Dec 2019
Welcome to another year
of pursuing my supposed
state of physical and mental

Welcome to another year
of watching the world
dissolve right before me
as morons run it straight into
another apocalyptic attitude.

Welcome to the cessation
of deep and thoughtful creation
as each heartbeat breaks down
and each friend falls flaccidly
to feed this already rotted ground.

Welcome to the fruitless
endeavor to enlighten the clueless
as I become the best useless artist
of my dying generation.

All ego and fluff as I stuff
each page with my grand intent
to pursue the betterment
of every single human being
that could be served by my creativity.

Then, I welcome myself
right back to this reality
remembering that nothing I do
really matters to the universe.
I am just a speck in the cosmos
with a slightly bigger ego.

— The End —