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Audrey Aug 2014
I am Christian. I believe in the
Trinity of the Holy God, The Son, and The Spirit,
I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of mankind
I own more than three Bibles
I teach Sunday School every week and
I pray every night.
I am Christian,
And as such I
Hate queer....

Phobia. I can not stand intolerance
And I cry at hatred,
Blood running in the streets,
Fear running in veins,
Running away from the truth.
I am Christian, yet
There are bloodstains in my Bible
And the prayers on my lips
Are for forgiveness for who I am.
The entire story of ***** is
Crossed out, blacked out angrily
In the dead of night
In all 4 versions,
Leviticus is blurred,
Wrinkled with my tears,
Soaked with my pain.
I am Christian
And I am not homophobic.
I know my church won't recognize
Non cis-het marriages,
Leaving entire worlds of rainbows in the dark
The higher-ups insist
Weddings are white, shiny, husband-and-wife, happily-ever-after affairs
That shove me and my friends, my  family, my lovers,
Into closets of heavenly wrath and
Fire and brimstone sermons,
Locked into personal hells of shame
And confusion.
I am Christian
And I am not straight.
My God doesn't hate me for who I love,
He loves me because I try not to hate.
So to the homophobic Christians, I ask:
Who is your God?
Who is your God that supposedly condemns people He has created in his own image?
Your rainbow picket signs are nothing but a cruel mockery of a covenant
Not truly shared by you.
Your tongues are no better than the viper's who called Adam and Eve to sin,
You are the vipers of my world.
Do you think you avoid judgement
When trans teens are killed
By the bullets you spit with your words?
Who is your God,
That tells you to picket the funerals
Of those you hate?
Who is your God,
That refuses to let you open your heart to differentness?
I am Christian,
And I don't need your permission to
Love my God.
Take my scars and tear-stained Bibles,
Listen to my fervent prayers,
Watch my lips tremble when
I listen to my pastor.
I don't need your permission
To love who I want,
In fact I don't want it.
Take my midnight screaming and fear of coming out,
Listen to my frantic pleading for a hand to hold,
Watch my eyes linger on her chest.
I am Christian.
My God doesn't hate me for who I love,
He hates you who refuse to love
While you carry His name, if
Not his blessing.
So I ask again
Who is your God?
Because mine loves all of me,
All 5'6" of queer pride.
Who is your God?
David Johnson Nov 2013
Most of the etchings were solid colors.
Some roofs still damp,
From the over excited rainfall.
A cup,
That spilled from heaven's table.

The afternoon light was frosty.
A cold, glare snuggling under layers of little nothings.

Life was this way.
The smolderings of landscapes & relations.

The irreplaceable differentness,
Woven to merge,
With separate features.

Like a squirrel,
Who is born learning to not get caught.

The afternoon was nearly a snowy fog.
My exhale,
Made a frozen ghost, in the wind.
Slowly creeping away.

November was here,
Sooner then time could make it.
Lydia Samantha Aug 2011
Sometimes I feel like closing my eyes
Shutting out the world
But the world will not be shut out
It bounces the walls of my mind.

Sometimes I feel like a stranger
To myself
Therefore a stranger to all
Yet somehow everyone knows me.

Sometimes I feel like I'm fighting
For everything
For nothing
For myself and for you.
But why should I fight for you?

Sometimes I feel like I'm not
worth it

Sometimes I feel like I
really deserve everything
that's happened to me.
Or will.

Sometimes I feel like I
Should have done things differently
I never should have told you
I never should have told you
That day in the park.
That day on a walk.
I told you so may times.
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me?

Sometimes I feel like
You didn't hear me.
You listened
But you didn't hear me.
I have to believe that if you heard me
Things would be different.

Sometimes I feel like
You heard me.
But you didn't care.
You didn't believe me.
You thought I was kidding.

Sometimes I feel hurt.
When I see you and you smile at me
While you hold onto her hand.
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
Look at her at me.
What do you see?

Sometimes I wonder.
What did I do wrong.
Everyone said we'd be so right.
What did I do?
What did I do?
What did I do?
Is there anything to do?
What can I do?

Sometimes I want to know
Why everything?
Why are the tears welling up in my eyes?
Why am I here?
Why did I do this to myself?

No good will come of this.
I've been here before.
Or so I thought
You're different
from everyone else
that has never made me feel this way
like I matter
like I'm important

Sometimes I speculate
Is it different?
Oh it is.
I've lost my filter around you
you make me
things I wouldn't normally.
I can
things I always think
but never say
and you accept them
you welcome them

Better question
Do you even know what you do to me?
Do you even know?
I don't think you do.
It doesn't matter if I've told you or not.
I don't think you really know.
I thought we could be something.
Maybe I'm just impatient.
I'm impatient.
I'm a hypocrite.

I can feel the tears
they are behind my eyes
threatening to well up.
But they will not fall
because i refuse to cry for you
i will not cry for you
i will not cry for you
because i do not regret this
learning experience.

it takes two
i am one.
i cannot do this
i cannot keep
of you

I need you
out of my head
out of my heart
not that you were ever there in the first place
because you didn't want my heart
not yet?
Not ever.

I wish I would let myself cry.
because then you could be like everyone else
just another night
till I
But you have to be different.
I'm resigned to sleepless nights
this nonsense of thoughts
that have been piled in my head
waiting for me to throw at you
like little daggers
but these words don't hurt you
they only hurt me
because you feel nothing
did you hear me?
what did i do?
what can i do?
I want you to be the same
because then i can get over it
the same way i do everyone else
but you are not everyone else
you are different.
why are you different?
please stop.
i need you to be the same
i need you to not care
i need you to make me cry.
because the fact that
i can feel these tears
but they
It makes me mad
but not sad enough to
I want to cry myself to sleep
but your differentness keeps me awake.
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
I want to write a poem
About my teeth hurting
And my fingers burning

Of my heart braking
From loneliness, to cause
In which is my differentness

To pen in script
What it would be like
To lie in a crypt

I need to brake the oppression
Of my life and escape the depression
Holding me tight.
Alex McQuate May 2018
Sitting here alone,
Atop a pile of ash and burnt paper encased filters,
As Plant tells me of a girl long past,
Causing me to reminise.

Met by chance,
And instantly captured by your pure differentness,
The tint given to you by the city seemed to almost glow off of you in amber waves,
So different to what I was use to growing up in the Midwest.

Your starkness in the way you went about things,
Your personality drawing me deeper still.

Guilt I felt upon realizing what these sensations were,
For you were the sister to a man I could easily call a brother,
And tales told seemed somewhat tainted,
I knew some of your story without you knowing,
Like an invasion of privacy without doing anything wrong.

I'd come to visit you and the family,
My first trip to a place so large,
Everything so tall,
Nothing but in person did it injustice,
But alas I was only passing through.

I'd end up nestled into the mountains and lakes of the deep north,
And sometimes when flying I'd imagine I could just see the tips of the scycrapers on the horizon,
Like fingers on a hand waving a hello.

Plant has already left,
Waters, Gilmore, and Wright take his place,
Telling a most mournful tale,
The mound is growing quicker by the minute,
Teeth were unconsciously being ground.

When returning sometime later,
You could instantly see through the ruse,
Of the damage being hidden,
That the smile wasn't quite reaching my eyes,
But you said not a word,
For you knew I wasn't ready to talk.

I look away ashamed at our last meeting,
Hurting and lashing out,
Acting in a way quite opposite of the way I was raised.

I sit here now alone,
The guise long gone,
Leaving me with a parched throat.

Stepping out to the porch,
I look to the east,
To where the woods lay,
And imagine the glow of the city lights on the horizon,
So that New York Girl doesn't seem so far away.
The X-Rhymes Nov 2021

'neath full white moon, from wolfsbane bloom
there came a gloomy cry
this haunting tune of doom and tomb
made Tom assume he'd die

at first a growl and then a howl
what prowled beyond his sight?
the noise had fouled the evening's cowl
and scared an owl to flight

as if a hound was gaining ground
somewhere around the trees
these kinds of sounds can make hearts pound
and blood's been found to freeze

and though the thud of feet on mud
said likelihood a dog
still there Tom stood, scared in the wood
in scuds of misty fog

but who'd have guessed, a man, quite stressed
would crest atop the hill
who's vest did wrest, 'til bare of chest
and undressed, fell dead still

then with a moan, a snout was grown
while other bones constricted
just as was shown in films he'd known
or Twilight Zone depicted

like wolfman lore from days of yore
claws tore through finger tips
then paws to floor, down on all fours
teeth poured from jaw through lips

and with fur grew, transition through
it's blue eyes flew Tom's way
to seek a clue, accrue a view
if Tom knew what to say

Tom felt a chill, a deadly thrill
his heart stood still, a while
but soon wolf's will seemed to distill
and was to **** it's style?

it had not leapt or even crept
just kept Tom in it's eye
a slight misstep would be inept
it said "accept or die"

this lycanthrope was out to scope
how modern dopes react
how would Tom cope with this tightrope?
his only hope was tact

and thinking through what best to do
Tom soon came to this sense
where once was due a scream or two
might now construe offence

should Tom address it's differentness
and call it pest or clown?
or treat as guest this man cross dressed
with no thoughtless pronoun?

a quick brainstorm then Tom got warm
how he'd perform it's test
accept the norm that folks transform
to which form suits them best

a gypsy spell or silver shell
could mean death knell incurred
now Tom could tell how to do well
- just yell all the right words

best not hold with thoughts of old
be controlled by the past
forget what's told in books once sold
don't scold it an outcast

Tom did not dare to curse and swear
turn to the air his nose
was well aware it's wrong to stare
at men who wear wolf clothes

he'd tow the line, not undermine
so opined joyously
'if you define yourself lupine
or canine, fine by me'

the tension eased with wolf appeased
so pleased it wagged it's tail
it's test not breezed with expertise
he'd teased a pass from fail

so off Tom skipped (more likely, slipped)
his hat tipped in 'goodnight'
and though equipped with puns and quips
to stay tight lipped felt right.
I liked writing it.
Arlene Corwin Aug 2018
I Still Have Ego Left

I still have ego - all its parts.
Is it the ‘smarts’?
Is it the ‘dumbs’?
Something to succumb to?
On the good side ego gives me self-esteem.
On bad, it gives me self-conceit,
Leads me to think sour is sweet,
Leads me on a road that’s wrong:
Vanity, a false self image;
Is that knowledge or mirage?  
Singing a wrong, woeful song?

Do I want to **** it?
Subjugate it?
Maybe, just an itty bit!
Why quash, why squash
Distinctiveness, uniqueness,
And the differentness
That makes us us,

Even when peculiarity,
You are you and I am me.
We do not want to change that, yet
The ego fools us masterfullly.
Wresting honesty from wisdom.

So with ego left, the outcome is:
Learn to distinguish real from false;
Take the pulse of life each day
And play the game of authenticity.
I Still Have Ego Left 8.14.2018 Circling Round Reality; Arlene Nover Corwin
An enclave of vast differentness
From almost everywhere.
A place where
The mainstream has diverted
And left a backwater
Of rebel flags on pickup trucks and
Department stores that
Don’t sell any ladies dresses.
A place where t-shirts loudly shout
“It’s my right to make you sick -
The Constitution says so.”
A place where thinking’s so alike
It could be called homogenized.
Where rumors suddenly become facts
And checking them anathema .
Where tennis shoes are worn to church
And cargo shorts to weddings.
A place bathed in self righteousness
With tolerance a myth.
A place that’s situated
On a small but mighty river
That ebbs and flows
From day to day at the whim
Of men in shirtsleeves
Who control the dam,
And leave their trucks parked just outside
With the flags still proudly flying.
An observation of a city in Arizona

— The End —