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Danielle Alyse Sep 2013
I came to the Relazation,
I don't give a ****.              
Only when I'm
high as ******* some                            
Man made ether-                                                           ­    Now, etherized
it's easier to comprehend the demensions that led to my mental demise.
Yet and still.
I don't give a ****.


No need for the clenching of hearts or
worry some eyes-
This is a different "Numb".

Confusing your senses to where you
Hear color,
Taste sound
See beauty in all belonging to God
An feel only with your heart-

I'm riding on cloud 9 -
Yea, high...
Surfacing on a pen that's barely scratching
The surface of my potency.

My being is being caressed by night fall,
Stillness finds space to
fit and slip down shoulders
once burdened with all
but a dream.

Reality never touched me here
So it's easy to imitate a crescent
for my lips main wear.

Corners peaked
Gracing cheekbones once hidden
Now amplified by rose colored bliss.

I wish I could stay here -
Live within my imagination
Because in this realm-
Creativity added to a heart of gold
Not affiliated with currency
Is riches.

I can't stay trapped in this... dream-
Because like that 14 year old school boy
My imagination too,
has a curfew.

Only is at 8 a.m.
When the alarm sounds for me to mask my desires
In a blue collar-
To work the "grave yard shift"-
For a dreamer.

I guess my stress will greet your relief again at 5.
Or if I can't wait to embrace that comforted race-
I may have to show face on my next lunch break.

- Danielle . A. Watson

Katlyn Orthman Oct 2012
Reborn by the stars
A lone soul
In an endless fall
Cold demensions
My finger tips burn
With my pain
With my hope
Brushed away tears
Muffled cries
Touched the seam of paradise
Before it was snatched away

A lone soul
Waiting for some one to look inside
The windows opaque
With fake smiles
Fake laughs
Fake words
I'm sorry's
I'm alright's

A lone heart
Beating alone
Bleeding on its own
Surrounded by its own walls

Until the lone soul
Loses itself
No longer a soul

And the lone heart
Stops beating
Stopped by pills
Jammed down its throat
And wrist bleed out

Never give up
Hope is in the dark
You don't always need a light
To see
David Nelson Jul 2010
Orbitally Re-Arranged

she was sitting there, right in front of me
I reached out, but could not grasp
music floating, from the vision that I see
touched her hand, try to attach a clasp

everything was modifed, not the same as before
orbitally re-arranged, from versions that proceeded
I listen intently, for a knocking on my door
hoping to absorb, her strength I so desperately needed

she is from another place, another place in time
her voice so soothing, accent like ye of times past
trying to remember, when old tree I try to climb
reaching ever higher, a stone I strain to cast

if only she could breath, the sound to mesmerize
she sometimes seems orderly, so meek and yes so mild
the lashes of extreme, try to cover up her eyes
you wonder if beneath it all, there might be something wild  

shifting in demensions, monotomic elelments survive
shaping our minds, with auburn colors on the crown
pure honesty, pure love, no nothing is contrive
waiting for the man from Zaga, to finally touch down

Gomer LePoet...
Ash Apr 2018
You are not meant to live in stillness collecting dust
you are a concotion of wild adventures and day dreams

Explore foreign lands of make beliefe
travel through space and time to other demensions

Talk in languagues centuries old
make friends with the poeple who love with broken hearts

Create your own realm of magic and beauty
flight the darkness live to love another day
find what makes your soul burn with a passion  

David Ehrgott Feb 2016
dad said son i threw out your cards
i wept and cried with tears
then my head
got smashed
in tree
along with all my dreams
lost in time
well it caught up
paid for all my demons
could die wasted
plastered faces
seen with broken miles
drove my cab
three million miles
three million miles
jim, harold, patrick
gone forever
well, maybe not
spock, can you hear me
I gave up on destiny
and shooting stars
and all that misery
I learn to dry my tears
upon the open wind
and wash my mind
with breath of broken sea
and now i've got to go
charge the three point per
and the extras keep coming
yeah the extras keep coming
to keep me
they make me sleepy
but i don't sleep
Butch Decatoria Nov 2016
A Revelation unto me

Speaking feeling into words

Within me saying

Without doubt or fear


"At your mortal sunset
       Your immortal star rises"

"In demensions of spirit and light
       Rules all the realm"

"A-new dawn is also there,
       In the dark opposite-sides"

"Two are One and the same
       Two eyes One cosmic mind"

"The birth of your love,
       A Light come to Life!"

--Spirit of All that is You...
tom krutilla Mar 2016
It wont matter much, staring
coldness of winters breath
eyes water are icicles
seeing in three demensions
like prisms that bend light
what person shows up
are the angles of you align
perfect in semmetry
has a particle bounded off
to a distant
and scattered your love protons
to an unknown place
Beleif Jul 2014
Part II

Beyond my view of comprehension;
The questions of mine,
The eye of the jigsaw.
Above the stars of three demensions;
The blade of a saw,
Man surrounded by awe.
Magical wires
They move as they think.
The People of Grand
May scatter like lead and ink.
The Monsters of Earth
Run away, I won't seek.
For I have not seen the stars of Orion.
Ryno Mar 2015
Words do more than just make noise
They can be silent
They can even touch
Is it hard to believe we share similarities
They do more than rhyme
They don't even need too
But when put together in more than a thousand ways
They bring us together through different demensions
Its all about how far we are willing to travel
Scenic flavor, I thought I was sitting in a friend's living room, but when the molecules began reflecting light in a different way, I wasn't sure I was any where, or if I ever had been.
Saturation glows like lightening bug abdomen but its coming from the skin.
I would expect everything to glow in the dark but when it does I can't believe it.
Suddenly dreams don't seem so abstract and life not all that real. A play I've been confused by, until those fleeting moments when the molecules reflect the light differently, and my eyes catch the glimmer and everything seems the same, but the demensions are different.
Byron Feb 2013
What of that day a came to seattle to visit? What bearing will I let it have on me and on you. We are iregular people and we are drawn tot he familiar sounds of death and resentment. We have no honest intuition to share. If you could see the music in my fingers  you would be scared and asumsed and would cry all at the same time. I feel it as adrum beat in my mind ba ba boom, She said. When did my words and mind and grasp and launguage beome so ******. To think of the world all like this at once, i understand the increasing need for addiction in our youth. I am of the youth! I said it! I am difinitive and a light to all the dark lowley soon-to-die air brethers. They need me, they all need me. See there t is again shittty thought and a ****** exicution. I am rabling again aren't I, you who is reading this, pay attention when I talk to you. It's more about the stream of thought now than the actual quality of my writing. Because good writers are good magicians, right? Good writers don't talk about themselves in such a revealing way. They would be out of a profession, and passion then wouldn't they? They cannot see behind the secenes can they? I understand fully and fully wel that I am incapable of using my mind to the highest capacity. I understand that and I will simply move on from my understanding to the immagined, created hillside in the disutopian future of calky, grainy perception. Where all is understanding the outer demensions and sci-fi **** that scratches at a truth many do not wish to open. Just filling u a page right now I am going to stop.

— The End —