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Casey Feb 2014
She used to be strong
You couldnt see her flaws
she used to be breathtaking amomgst
Them all untill she let you in.
You bring out the fear the insecurity
You make her feel beneath
The words you scream hit the core.  
You're making her contimplate death.
Acting like she's just crazy.
Remember when you used to call her baby.
When you said I love you no matter what.
That you would be there
We can get through anything
She ****** up yea, how bout all those times you asked for forgiveness.
Now you claim to wanna still be friends
Yet you write songs about her
That compelled love
And tell her you dont want revenge
You dont wanna hurt her.
Yet you always do.
The things you say the **** you do.
Youre a fool.
She thought she didnt deserve a man like you.
Now you make sure she wont be happy
Anytime She is you try to sweep her off her feet
Just to treat her like a stupid peice of meat.
She loves you you see.
Because what yall had was true
And your a good hearted man
A warm kiss at night
A protector of her  and you make her heart skip a beat. . But you hide youre heart or hate her or pretend she doesn't matter
Your a boy
Who thinks he has notuing to loose
But your loosing everything you see because she cant sleep in a puddle of tears
Wont eat or anything because you made her gave hope and then you took it all back
Acted like you found better
Said oh well.
Not knowing that she already hates heself not knowing shess a little to deppressed.
Nd you just keep digging her grave.
One day youll be the one closing her casket.

Maybe youre just my bad habit.
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
The things I have been through
Make me question why
Why can't I die?
Why can't I just grow wings and fly
Float away to the sky
Leave earth with relieved goodbye
But no I have to stay
And watch the threads of my life fray
Until the long awaited day
Where I hear you say
See you later one last time
When my pen hits the paper
For one last rhyme
And then I lift that pen
After that one last line
Then I can take that peaceful flight
With the Gates of Heaven in sight
I'm hoping I accepted
After all I might
But I haven't done that much good
And never once did I fight
For something worth while
So now I'm setting everything right
With a soft warm smile
But no one sees me care
They say it's not my style
They say my heart is too bare
And my mind is too wild
I'm not trying to convince everyone
I just want to undo
The damage I have done
On my own life
I'll continue to bet
And through out life
I'll continue to repay that debt
Until its my time
And death I have met
So all thats left for me
Is to lie in wait
Contimplate and calculate
On the arrival of
That so atticipated date
Where for one last time
I can attempt to defy my fate
Anthony J. Alexander 2006
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
Your voice so bitter sweet
Hurls me into painful reality
Everytime you speak
You don't see
The things you say eat me alive
They rip me apart and **** me inside
They beat and abuse
This weather worn hide
I looked at you seperate
Something you unique
There was something about you
Something mistique
Your love had me spinning
It pinned me down
With sintrifical force
I was stuck to the ground
Overwelmed by sorrow
As I rise with a frown
I make my way to the door
No longer stunned by your love
My feet flat on the floor
I wish we could have worked this out
And made everything good
Now I'm walking out
Like I said I would
On our Paradise
The door I now close
It was all a waste of time I suppose
As nightfall settles down
All is froze
Frost bites the trees, flowers
And the tip of your nose
My footprints echo in your mind
Like a stomp
Our crystal clear creek
Now a bubbling swamp
That's haunted by the sounds
Of the frog
Our once was Paradise
Covered in a solid white fog
You must have put forth a tremendous effort
To turn a place like this
Into the horrid, dreadful mist
Our Paradise's destruction is done
You broke my heart
Because you thought I had none
But I do have a heart
Just a chipped and cracked one
You thought that I feel no emotion
But I do and they flow
Like a storm plauged ocean
It's just anger is the only one I put into motion
You just never bothered to look deep inside
And try to find the feelings I hide
As you contimplate on the damage of your dents
You look down and see tear drops
Next to my footprints
All stops
And everything makes sense
You drop tears next to mine
And step into my footprints
Then dark turns to dim
As you begin to follow them
Anthony J. Alexander 2006
Kimmy-Nichole Apr 2011
im scared.
But  "I know I will be okay... "

(The quote that seems to make it all okay in the mind of Kimmy)

the seconds till sun sets feels like a lifetime.
I hear the whistle, but dont have that kick.
I feel the pressure; but there's no release

my break time, has turned into lunchtime and my style has changed from super so cal cute to what the **** am i doing out here?

i seriously contimplate playing with death. i think to myself how id do it and what the aftermouth could be.

its as if my skin is crawling with uncomfortableness.

this city isnt for me. im not for me.
i know who i am.
what i enjoy.
what is wrong and what is right.

but oftenly enough, my behavior has trashed all previous  teachings once learned. I cant take myself seriously i cant take life seriously. I am in a relationship that is remaining consistant because its one less thing to add to my table platter of life.

sometimes i wish i could just walk away after being served, but it just doesnt work that w ay. I get that.
Kimmy-Nichole Feb 2012
Is it bedtime ?
or is it just the beginning.
When I am asleep my mind is a movie reel projecting role after role
I feel like my mind is like James Cameron in the production of Titanic.
I dream of the unknown, and the past
I predict the future and contimplate lifes problems best when I am asleep.

I will figure it out, on my own, in my mind
when I crawl under my sheets hit the lights
lay my head down
everynight at bedtime
Ashley Campriani Mar 2013
One sure thing in this life is true,
Everything changes, and so do you.
The course of time will take it toll,
make you weak, or make you whole.
You choose and decide that fate,
with what you sit, and contimplate,
I myself don't have all the answers,
I just learn from my fellow advancers.
I look at everything as a learning opportunity,
good or bad it joins in unity,
Into all the knowledge I've gathered and who I've become,
based off what rules me and what I've overcome.
Valarola Nikola Jun 2018
Sometimes it's so hard, to breathe past the thoughts in my head,
And sometimes it's hard to imagine my story's end,
And no one quite knows that I want the same thing,
As everyone else, everyone who's supposedly sane,
And so I wish with all my heart through my insanity,
To have a good ending, and a bed surrounded by family,
A smile playing at the corner of my lips,
So because of this time and again, when I crawl and I slip,
I keep going even though it's getting harder to take a breath,
To even contimplate taking one more step,
but I keep moving, yes I keep moving,
Even when ahead there's nothing,

Pain is a motivation just like joy,
You put out your bowl and you ask for more,
Because feeling something,
Is better than nothing,
Or so I tell myself every day,
That I can smile through the pain,

So for my Mom and my Dad, I'll live today,
Despite all the hurt and the shame,
Shame for all the things I have yet done,
Because let's face it, I'm kind of a ***,
I sit on my couch writing woe is me poems,
And yet no body quite seems to know it,
but I still fight to try to climb out of the pit,
Of despair I've seem to dug myself in,
I try and I try with dirt under my nails,
And even though on the outside all I do is fail,
Well that's okay because I'll pick myself up,
And quietly think, I can do this even though it's rough,

Pain is a motivation just like joy,
You put out your bowl and you ask for more,
Because feeling something,
Is better than nothing,
Or so I tell myself every day,
That I can smile through the pain,

— The End —