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82 · Dec 2020
Interesting facts
You are made of stardust.
2. Dark matter makes up 80 percent of the known universe.
3. It would take 1200000 mosquito bites to completely drain the average human of blood.
4. There were many horrible injustices in the past.
5. In the past, you could see the stars.
6. Starfish arms can regrow new bodies.
7. When you have done something wrong, do not make excuses.
8. Goosebumps evolved to warn off predators.
9. I hate that I don’t hate you.
10. All things end in blood.
81 · Jul 2020
i loved you
i loved you.
you loved rock and roll,
and vintage flashlights,
and cash,
and not me.
inspired by
80 · Oct 2020
You know what?
I'm too tired of your BS
to be afraid of you.
74 · Nov 2020
stories and real life
In stories, things end neatly. Everything is ******* with the ribbon of the last sentence.
But things do not end neatly. There is only one story, with almost-endings and sort-of beginnings of words and characters, and there is always another page to turn. There is always another and then.
72 · Sep 2020
Probably never
They probably won’t apologize.
But the chance they will crushes many more hopes
Then if i was sure they would not be sorry.
69 · Oct 2020
Did you ever
You ever just eat a piece of chocolate and suddenly realise
They never loved you
And you don’t know what you’re doing with your life?
Do you ever just look out the window on a beautiful day
And want to disappear, and not spoil the morning’s beauty?
Ever walk your dog and wonder if everyone knows you’re a pretender?
Have you ever been reading a book and think maybe you should get help?
Ever been feeding the birds and notice maybe you aren’t a waste of space?
65 · Sep 2020
The world won't end
The world won't end because of our mistakes,
But it might be easier that way because now
We have to own up to them.
Inspired by something on Asofterworld
64 · Jul 2020
Inspiration, pouring now,
into the *** of my own head,
An idea is formed, one drop,
eventually,i overflow,
but inspiration's slow-
and so-
i'll wait some more, and then i'll go.
my conceptualization of forming ideas is something like those fancy fountains you see in hotels.
63 · Aug 2020
dance with demons,
smile wide,
and show the devils
what hell looks like.
61 · Oct 2020
The leaves are falling.
so am I.
61 · Oct 2020
Unanswered messages
And I’m sorry for all the unanswered messages you left me
I never responded to
I was too busy trying to forget i existed,
hiding from myself under blankets.
61 · Aug 2020
remember me
"remember me is all I ask,
and but if remember be a task,
forget me."
- William Percy French
57 · Oct 2020
the world didn't end
You made a horrible mistake, and horrible things happened to you.
But did you realize something?
The world didn’t end.
55 · Nov 2020
Rage is a good thing.
It is not anger-anger is a child demanding candy and throwing a tantrum when it is not given to them, A man who is in power of the country screaming when he is told killing is wrong, Someone who is rejected from an art school and decides to geneocide those with less power.
Anger is annoyance and entitlement blown to gigantic size.
Rage is just.
Without rage, without rising up, nothing changes, and those in power pat themselves on the back.
It says:
What has been done to me, to others, to us is unacceptable. This is unjust, and I will not stand for it.
Rage is not petty. They call our rage petty, and demean us. They say that we are just naturally like this, as though they are not the ones hurting us until we have no choice but to be. They say we just don’t know any better, as if we are not both intelligent and correct.
This is wrong.
Rage keeps us from getting hurt again.
52 · Sep 2020
blue ribbon
If a blue ribbon is first place,
What does second place get?
Not the slight pity for third, nor the admiration of first-
So what do we,
Who are neither prized gems nor coal,
But simple rocks,get?
What do we in-betweens get,
But a shadow of a life?
47 · Oct 2020
I don’t collect rocks, nor art, nor broken pencils(though I come close.)
I collect things.
They can’t break all of you if they don’t know what to break.
They can’t take everything away if it is truly everything,from the piece of lint on the floor to the sticks and dead leaves and dirt stuck in my shoes to the bedroom wall with the paint chipping off to the leaky faucet i always say i’ll get around to fixing but never will,to the windows that haven’t been opened in so long they might as well be completely covered in spiderwebs to the ceiling that’s actually okay to the sky.
47 · Jul 2020
a haiku
we loved each other
at least i thought so at first
but it was not true
experimenting with format
45 · Jul 2020
how to get though this
if you are having trouble, and are afraid to talk to anyone,
make a schedule to do something the next day, where whoever you make the arrangement with will  need you to come.
keep doing this until you realize that
people will always need you.
how i keep going

— The End —