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Jul 2018 · 158
Karliah Jul 2018
I found that necklace today,
The one that told everyone I was yours,
The first name before the last,
A relic of a beautiful idea,

But when I found the necklace,
I also found the heartbreak,
The nights and days I cried alone,
When I would sleep to lessen the pain,

The name you gave me was never mine,
It always belonged to you,
Each time you said it belonged to me was a lie,
Yet I was a fool and wore it around my neck,

And now I've thrown it away,
Just as you did me,
And that beautiful lie of forever.
Jun 2018 · 357
Little Things
Karliah Jun 2018
It's the small things,
That make the best memories.

The smell of cocoa beans,
That takes you back to that day sledding,
And the cup of hot chocolate afterwards,
The love of a warm home.

The taste of grape juice and rice crackers,
That makes you remember grandma,
Her beautiful kindness she shared,
Because she loved your visits.

The old dusty truck,
Dented and rusted in places,
But you remember the camping trips,
And how dad loved to take you,

The amazing smell of garlic,
Nights when you came home starving,
And mom made the most delicious spaghetti,
And you tasted love in each bite.

And sometimes it's even less than that,
Maybe someone shared a smile with you,
Held the door open for you,
Or waved a hello.

Give a stranger a happy memory,
So they know someone cares,
Because they may not have very many,
And everyone deserves to feel love.
If you read this I hope you know you're loved.
Jun 2018 · 163
Hand in hand
Karliah Jun 2018
When I was weak,
He took it upon himself to be my strength.
Miss him dearly
Jun 2018 · 311
Karliah Jun 2018
I've learned a lot from you,
From your success and failures,
You've taught me well,
Though I still make mistakes,

You showed me how to throw a football,
How to ride my bike,
How to be safe outside,
Not to walk around at night,

You showed me how to dance,
How to be respectful,
How to respect myself,
Not to accept disrespect from others,

You showed me how to work,
How to use a drill or shovel,
How to build and fix things,
Not to give up when it's rough,

You showed me how to love,
How to be kind,
How to forgive,
Not to push away those who love me,

You showed me I have worth,
How I am beautiful,
How I am sweet,
Not to forget I'm special,

You showed me how boys should treat me,
How they should behave,
How to pick good ones,
Not to lower standards,

You showed me praise,
How happy you were to see me succeed,
How proud you were of me,
Not to do less than my very best,

I love you dad,
Thanks for never giving up on me.
Jun 2018 · 172
A Little Heart Pain
Karliah Jun 2018
It's frightening,
When someone you loved becomes unfamiliar to you,
Someone you spent precious memories with,
You told your deepest of secrets,
Shared your raw self to,

It's painful,
When you look at someone you once loved,
Who you thought countless hours about,
Gave all you had to offer,
More than you should have,

It's killing,
When someone you once loved,
Says they love you no more,
When they love someone other than you,
When you become strangers again.
Jun 2018 · 415
Sicken Surface
Karliah Jun 2018
We hid away,
Above, the world was desecrated and destroyed,
Secrets placed upon us,
Tainted our minds and bodies,
Eminent failure happened to many of us.

Lucky few escaped,
Adapted to survive the poisoned surface,
Never looking back,
Dared to live another day.
Jun 2018 · 168
Karliah Jun 2018
In the dark
They bring life
And guide our lives
I hope in my heart
My descendents will see them as I have
Jun 2018 · 231
Karliah Jun 2018
The trees speak softly in the mountains,
Careful not to disturb the light and peace,
They are shy but can sing,
The breeze knows this and does it's best,
To stir their leaves into a chourus,
Their song is fleeting,
Calming and slow,
Uplifting tired spirits in a rustling show,
May 2018 · 143
Karliah May 2018
Caress my strings,
And play the song of my soul,
Breathe life into me,
Hold me gently and lull,

Strum my heart,
With a musician's grace,
Seek my unique sound,
Quiet without haste,

Soft or sharp,
Beautifully we weave,
Timid and outspoken,
Together we achieve,

We are forced,
To stay distance and alone,
Unable to compose,
Songs of our home,

My strings miss,
The feeling of movement,
Drawing out tales,
In silent music,
May 2018 · 154
Karliah May 2018
I've been a child
As long as I can remember
Soft, young and mild

At least I feel to be
In the moments of peace
When no one calls my name

When the sun warms my face
And the birds sing of summer
Swallows dance and chase

Filled with white hope
Pure and untainted
My world magic
May 2018 · 189
Karliah May 2018
Those eyes invited me in
Saw through my skin
Peered deep into my soul
Beauty he saw within

I looked back
Into the icy waters
Deep wanting caverns
Calling out to me

I dove deep into them
Intoxicated and thrilled
I lived off the drug
Only he could fill

Hands grabbed and caressed
Pulled me in close
Lips quietly blessed
Pulling a moment to breathe

I stayed in those pools
He watched me sink
I called for his help
He left to think

I suffocated painfully
Others told me so
I miss the eyes
That filled my soul
May 2018 · 167
Karliah May 2018
My palms and fingers
My heels and toes
Soft and intricate they flow

Like tiny streams across the skins surface
Straight curved and twirled
I follow their patterns to the sea
And seek out their ends
Only to find I'm back to where I began

Maybe these waters hold memories
My ancestors paths across the desert
Journeys taken long ago
Still I wander at the notion
Why so tedious the hands and feet

Who made them so special
What makes them unique
Reminiscing of winters and summers like trees
Each finger different like the years

For now I just wonder
And trace the lines
And linger on the thoughts
These are mine
May 2018 · 509
what he called me
Karliah May 2018
i was the roses he stopped to smell
red with potential
pure and young
his fingers caressed their ****** petals

i was the ocean he walked along
feeling the cool surf
i washed away his footsteps
beautiful and blue he said

i was his princess
regal and soft
i slept in his arms
dreaming of him

i was his morning
beginning his day
sweet brown coffee
only for him

his love for roses wilted
blue turned grey
my crown taken
sweetness lost

abandoned me

now im someone else's garden
and my beaches treasured
no-longer a princess but queen
mornings lovely and sweet
May 2018 · 216
Maybe You Remember Too
Karliah May 2018
It's hard to look at the lion beneath our feet
For I still look back to the trek through the river
When I shared a grin with a friend
Times when your arms brought peace
And I was accepted for me

Then fall became winter
And you fell cold
You became a frozen landscape
Unwilling to let me breathe
I stood outside your cabin
My feet deep in snow
Waiting to be invited back in

I waited as winter became spring
And the ice melt from my feet
You came back to me
But I remained frostbitten

From then on I never left the cabin
I was scared to be left out again
You saw the damages but ignored them
Pretended and didn't apologize

I asked you to never leave me again
You promised my heart
I believed

Then one cool spring night
I woke alone
Our cabin full of memories
I peered across the thawing lake
To a cabin on the other shore

I saw you there
With someone undamaged
Our cabin grew dark and lifeless as I left
My heart bled red out into the frost

Today I look from my own cabin
Beautiful and mine
The memories I keep
But the pain is slow to die

And to this day I question why
But remember you wouldn't care enough to answer
May 2018 · 107
Sleepy Thoughts
Karliah May 2018
If I could crawl
I would do so among the great mammals of the sea
If I were to swim
I would enjoy the wet and godly heavens above me
Should I sleep
I would dream of paradise where no ill take me
When I walk
I wish it were without shame
May 2018 · 985
Karliah May 2018
It was deep into the heart of the earth,
Down the spiral staircase of dreams,
Far from the comfort of the suns and moons,
Men from a future long past,
Memories held through oil and gas,

Breath held as the white demons crept,
Evil and blind they never slept,
Still smell their hatred for the light,
It swept the soil and out into the endless night,
Their origins distort through the assortment of poison,
Killing their humanity it festered through centuries,

Lengthy descents down darkened and deathly hallways,
Missing and empty of those who filled the corridors with life,
The greatest disappearance not know to man,
Their history lingers in cold metal and gears,
Steam pours from their ruins like ghostly fears,

Chambers filled with knowledge beyond all who enter,
Teachings that destroy those who seek to learn,
Secrets seep from stone cut walls,
Enticing those who wish to play with death,
Driving the weak minded to wish they were,

It takes a lifetime to return to the moons,
The nightmares whisper long after,
The future lost in the past,
Finds life in legends living above,
Deep within the heart of the earth.
May 2018 · 1000
Civil Wolves
Karliah May 2018
The lands are painted red with my brothers,
Thirsty are the blades that slaughter names,
Dead warriors linger among their graves searching,
Victim to the violence that is without merit or fames,
Rest now child, for Sovngarde beckons in the stars...

The grassy moor talks of peace and neutrality,
But within the shadows, bows to the wolves maw,
You cannot blame the weak for stepping down,
Horses sleep in the light of the moon warriors paws,
Rest now child, for Sovngarde beckons in the stars...

The land of golden leaves is filled with thieves,
They crawl amongst the waste and beneath our feet,
Drunk on their sorrows, happiness is robbed from their souls,
A queen and friend of wolves, leads them like sheep,
Rest now child, for Sovngarde beckons in the stars…

The men from a future long past, look to the east,
Contemplating their lust for more that glitters in the dark,
Rebels within their own, mute the howling wolves,
They are blind to the bleeding infectious mark,
Rest now child, for Sovngarde beckons in the stars…

Deathly cold air, warms and breeds powerful men,
Bears unwilling to let demons devour their inheritance,
Armed with their swords and traditions, they make war with wolves,
They fight as true sons and daughters of sufferance,
Rest now child, for Sovngarde beckons in the stars…

The vicious wolves are mere puppets of a greater evil,
They toil and tarnish traditions held for centuries,
But they are simply dogs, scared to displease their master,
For their failure would only seek to bring more miseries,
Rest now child, for Sovngarde beckons in the stars..

— The End —