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Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
I would beg darkness to crush me...

Except your love made me whole

I would beg hate to rage through me...

Except that your love made me hold

I would beg heaven to save me...

Except I knew heaven when you held me
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
Say my name from distant horizons
Let the lonely miles know
Say my name in cities of light and dazzle
Let the lonely crowds know
Say my name when your heart aches
Let your agony know
Say my name when the sunrises
Let the wind know  
Say my name when I hold you tight
Held in angels wings
Say my name
  Jul 2017 Mariah Cuch
Paul Jones
There are some who walk      calmly through darkness
because they know how      to kindle a light.
00:00 - 23/06/17
State of mind - calm; thoughtful.

Thoughts: from thinking - about creativity and how amazing it is that human's can bring such wonders into this world.

Also from conversations - on talking about extroversion and introversion with my friend. I put it so introversion is like kindling a light in darkness and extroversion spreads that light. They are both instrumental and equally valuable qualities in a person.

Questions: can it be said that creativity is the instinct to create a nature of our own?

...Or is it that our nature creates us specifically as a creative tool of its own?
  Jul 2017 Mariah Cuch
Akira Chinen
Whisper to me of soft sins
and hard moans
I want to know
who you are in the dark
When you are naked and alone
I want to feel the stain
of your wet kisses
up and down my kneck
Push me onto my back
and carve your name
into my chest
Sink your teeth
into the corner
of the inside of my thigh
There is no pain
when I have the pleasure
of being in the reflection
of the carmel desire in your eyes
Pull me under the secret universe
you hide in the mad love
within the pulse
and rhythm of your stars
Drown my breath in the colors
and pallet of the beauty
of your blood red lips of lust
Leave the scent
and taste of your flower
To haunt the eternal hunger
you have seared
into the marrow of my bones
It is only by the warmth
of your breath
that I can enjoy death
and rise and die again
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
If you have fight in you,
fight for love.
You'll never lose.
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
The beauty of the world is continual
Neither darkness nor light stops the dance
The beauty of the world maybe subliminal
Neither cares nor waits to the end of the trance
June 28, 2016
Mariah Cuch Jul 2017
The epoch of humanity ended, torn from a single atom.

In the burning moments the pendulum of creation stopped.

Held for decades in the darkest moments of all that was.

The seed of creation required fire and destruction.

For in all creation, it was humans who could hold both, darkness and light, give soul to creation. That was the anomaly the single opportunity.

No other races of beings held such potential, such risk.

Just as the splitting of the atom, the harnessing of the single point of creation.  Only man kind could seed evil, bringing it to the relms of matter.

Pendulum held, in the darkness evil arises and released on to the holy planet, Earth.

For one purpose, for one function... a trick, to end all imbalance, the next epoch of humanity and creation swings from the darkest hours.

Hold tight, burn to the truth of being and see that creation knows your agonies, your living nightmares raging across our Mother Earth, the legions of god are amongst you and no darkness will remain, when we are born.

Arisen of all sacrifice, all creation watching and knowing the truth of creation will bloom.

Soul seed, wake.
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