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19 July 2012*

Don’t speak to me anymore
I don’t want to hear your voice
Those bitin' words feedin' on my soul
Unable to hate the sweet you
Your words are daggers buried in my chest
The pain is worth the risk I take

These words are hard to swallow
Poisonous, like the infamous red apple
Once again, one more time
How can it end like this?
I cannot believe
These memories become a blur
Slowly leavin', our time is dyin'

Countless promises have left me
I don’t know what to do, I die a little
Catchin' your breath, I’m blown away
Your touch is unstoppable
Like the wind beneath our wings

Coverin' my ears, I don’t wanna hear
Shuttin' my eyes, I don’t wanna see
I don’t know where we stand
There are no stars and the rain is fallin'
It’s dark, twisted and beautiful
But I’m home and coming
Home is where love is. L

— The End —