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Mane Omsy Oct 2017
Threatening the mind of a brave soldier
The dark forces will remain unexplained
Tell the generations ahead what’s colder
Tyranny or democracy, peace maintained?

Hell may fall upon those who tears apart
He chose to dispatch the strength acquired
Howling the deeds he did from the start
Heathen, called himself to meet the required

Eventually, we will foresee the future now
Evolving a supernova to explode by then
Even the universes need a leader to bow
Ever will you believe the lord by then?

Vanished theories, then will rise from
Vegetating brains, once hesitated to form
Vigorous thoughts, soon will drum
Violently, watching the prophecies form

thanks to Elizabeth Squires

Trolaan, created by Valerie Peterson Brown, is a poem consisting of 4 quatrains. Each quatrain begins with the same letter. The rhyme scheme is abab.

Starting with the second stanza you use the second letter of the first line of the first stanza to write the second each line beginning with that letter.

On the third stanza you will use the second letter on the first line of the second stanza and write the third each line beginning with that letter.

On the fourth stanza you will use the second letter on the first line of the third stanza and write the fourth each line beginning with that letter.

— The End —