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B E Cults Mar 2020
The days are becoming too many bricks
through one window
or too much hornet soju before hitting
the next noodle spot.

Old news like the petrichor.

The walls are screaming "pick up the pen"
like it's so simple to not sip the sickness
out of this distance and call it a friend.

Mentally melting,
sell it quick,
sell it quicker.
The market's on nose-dive.

Stuck and helpless but on a slow climb
to mindful of what "self-as-center" gets.

I guess this isnt idleness...
Amruth C Mar 2020
I’m sitting here counting the hours,
This isolation, it’s ominous
You have started creeping into my thoughts
A drug that I have surmounted.

I still remember the days,
It hurts, to open the boxes,
That I had put away,
Deep inside the abyss of my mind.

And I go outside and run, they're playing our song,
I reach the hill where we last met,
I scream at the top of my lungs,
Can’t handle this regret.

I look in the mirror,
And see an old man,
In a young man’s body,
This social distancing, it’s menacing.

I should have never left you,
I was a young and foolish,
I thought I could have,
Carried on without you.

And I shut myself in, they're playing our song,
I get high, why did you take that jet,
I scream at the top of my lungs,
Can’t handle this regret.
Mark Toney Mar 2020
help stop coronavirus - public service senryu

real danger that lurks
moments of forgetfulness—
wash your hands often

real danger that lurks
moments of forgetfulness—
cough into elbow

real danger that lurks
moments of forgetfulness—
stop touching your face

real danger that lurks
moments of forgetfulness—
stay six feet apart

real danger that lurks
moments of forgetfulness—
feel sick then stay home

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.

The 5 precautions are part of a public service announcement Google is running.  May we all keep ever vigilant in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3/18/2020 - Poetry form: senryu - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Mark Toney Mar 2020
Crazy COVID-19 has us all in a tizzy
Too much information making all of us dizzy
Most who’ve been exposed self-quarantine
Running out of toilet paper making us mean
“Social distancing” is the phrase du jour
Scientists now scrambling to find the cure

COVID-19 apolitical
Proper testing so critical
Slow response hypocritical
Naysayers hypercritical
Division and strife
Don’t take my life
Give it back!

What started out in China as an epidemic
No respecter of nations totally pandemic
All around the world countries shutting down
Even New York City looks like a ghost town
Is there no end to this viral mess
As our way of life’s forced to evanesce?

COVID-19 apolitical
Proper testing so critical
Slow response hypocritical
Naysayers hypercritical
Division and strife
Don’t take my life
Give it back!

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
3/14/2020 - Poetry form: Lyric - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
pearl Mar 2020
don't go outside
      dare you step outside of your dwelling
      you will fall victim to the pandemic
      it will take your freedom
stay inside, stay inside, stay inside
      foolish are you if you so choose to venture to the market
      everywhere you go feels abandoned
      all the shelves are emptied of things that were previously

— The End —