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Bella Jun 2018
I want to write a number poem

1) the number of boys I fallen in love with

2) the number of houses you lived away from me

3) the years it's been since we broke up
I know this isn't how number poems work but let's skip,
to five 5

5) the months we were together

7) the days a week I think of you

how about 12)
the month you broke up with me

21) the day you broke up with me

22) what would have been our 6 months

183) the number of days we were together

1,000,000) the number of times I've come back to you

3,159,353,015) a number I will always remember for you

∞) the amount of people I tried to replace you with

∞) the number of times I've cried over you

∞) the number of people I've dragged into this

∞) the number of poems I've written you
letters I've written you
texts I've written you

∞) the number of hours we spent on the phone

∞) The number I hold in the pit of my stomach because I know it will never be us.
The first number poem I wrote (a while ago)
Bella Mar 2018
How to destroy your daughter in 14 easy steps

Give her a pretty good childhood
let her fall in love with playing outside
with running and exploring

let her fall in love, with a boy
let her see him everyday
let her text him every second
let her love his every movement

take him away
ban her from ever seeing him
talking to him
loving him

watch her cry--
and pretend it's not your fault

take away her outside
she might see him there
take away her exploring
she might find him there
take away her ability to run
she might run, into him

tell her ‘you were too young’

tell her ‘you were too naive’

tell her ‘he wasn't right’

tell me I'm old enough to date

tell me/ her* she's not allowed to date


wait for her to fall apart so bad that she doesn't realize she is broken
for 3 years
until she asks for therapy

pretend like you care

pretend like you don't know why this is all happening

it doesn't matter what you do next,
she's broken--
I'm broken.
Claire Walters Jul 2015
It was 1 o'clock am,
Way 2 late to be up,
I have already had 3 glasses of your favorite wine and,
I was wondering about number 4,
I woke up at 5 today and still asking myself why I hadn't fallen back asleep until 6 but,
That was the thing I couldn't sleep,
Sleeping till 7 was a stretch so I didn't even try,
But then 8 went by
And you left by 9 and I,
Just couldn't seem to get you off my mind
By 10 I was back asleep
And 11 back on my feet
I called you 12 times
But by the 13th time you had finally answered and I
Just simply couldn't remember what I had to say
But to hear the sound of your voice brought me to cry
And I had cried 14 little tears, and then,
I was out of them,
I was out of tears,
I was out of breath,
I was out of wine,
I was out of love,
I was out of answers,
And questions because,
You, broke all my 15 heart strings.
Claire Walters Jul 2015
It was 1 night
But that one night happened 2 much
There were 3 of us
And it happened be 4
Almost 5 nights a week
Almost had 6 slices
But I want 7 of you
Ask me if you can come in so you can 8 with me
It's almost 9 every time I order
And sometimes 10
You are at least an 11 out of ten
You stop making pizza at 12
I wish I had found you at 13
It's been almost 14 days
I hope I'll see you again and in case you didn't know I'm 15
And I'm hoping that maybe you're 16
But maybe 17 that's what I'm guessing
Just please don't be 18
And please don't have a 19 year old girlfriend
Let's exchange our 20 digits between each other and give me a call
So we can spend 21 years together
But let's try to get past our 22 word conversation
Or more like 23 characters
Should I try to call you tonight on the 24th
Or tomorrow on the 25th
So I can get that slim chance to see you and my delicious pizza

— The End —