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Mon masque !
Je voudrais que cet *****
Soit une longue, lente et délicieuse homélie
Longue, lente et délicieuse
Lente, délicieuse et longue
Dé-li-cieuse, longue et lente
Résurrection de l'âme et de la chair
Interminable chant grégorien
Messe quotidienne trois fois répétée
Et solfiée par nos peaux jumelles et complices
Sous le haut patronage des mânes et des muses
Des saints et des divinités
Qui gouvernent nos mythes.

Je voudrais que nos ombres respirent
Sous nos masques divins et angéliques
Et délient leurs langues de papier mâché et nous instillent en riant
Au nez et à la barbe du Docteur La Peste
Voluptés, petites morts et paix plurielles .
Rambus Jan 2017
Come on and dance with me
It’s easy if you try
Come on and dance with me
Follow my lead and glide

Slip in the mud
Racing through your blood
You’re as good as gone
Drifting away with eyes half-shut

Come on and dance with me
It’s easy if you try
Come on and dance with me
You’re stepping out of time

It’s a living Hell
Cold sweats, puke, and pain
Your skin goes blue
When you drink the blackened rain

Do you want to dance with me?
It’s easy if you try
Come on and dance with me
As we fall down from the sky

Oh, come on and dance with me
It’s easy if you try
Come on now, dance with me
And I’ll shiver down your spine

The warmth is gone
The rush is fleeting away
You’ve nodded off
For the last time

You’ve come here to dance with me
So give me your best try
You've tread upon my dancing shoes
It’s now your time to die

Come on and dance with me
It’s easy if you try
Now, tell me 'bout your dance with death
Was it worth the high?

Come on and dance with me--
Title obviously a play on Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death." Where Poe's piece was about plague and disease, this piece is such for drug use, namely ****** (hence "Brown Death," "Blackened rain" "mud," and other such references). Drug use and abuse is an epidemic here in the United States. It is a disease, it can almost be described as a plague. This is just a quick poem (song) about the true hazard of drug use. The high is not worth the side effects, the psychological and physiological addiction, the pain and suffering, and the effects on others the drug(s) cause.
(You know exactly what drugs we're talking about here.)

— The End —