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Veda Laurenski Jan 2020
The quiet hum and midnight darkness
Cool and contained you sit, sealed tight.
Cool air on my face and there you are
Illuminated in the blue fridge light

I roll and turn you in my hands
And hold your glass up to my cheek
Vinegar stings my fingertips,
But the brine is salty and the onions sweet

I replace the lid and seal the jar
I place you back with care
Until my lips taste you again,
I’ll remember you there.
Veda Laurenski Feb 2020
Take your time.
I’m in no rush.
I will show you that I am there
When you need
I’m always going to be responsive to you.
If you come to me, I will always receive
If you touch me, I will touch you back.
If you kiss me all over my face,
I will lean in to your mouth.
If you tip my fingers, I will take your hand.
Every time you call, I will answer.
I will arrive each time prepared to be set
To have you let me go, or set me adrift.
I accept that this can happen.
But until you send me away,
I will always come to you
and I’ll always be early.
I’ll be here steadfast as a lighthouse
in the ebb of your tide.
Shining my
until you come to me or pass me by.
Whichever way you go, I’ll show you to safety
Even if it’s to point you over the horizon.
And I would carry you there if it made you
You know I would.
Veda Laurenski Feb 2020
Little by little your tiny hands
And soft cheeks, you're so close to me
Unravel into each other

Remembering the every day magic
Ernest and shy.
Nervous and happy.


Lovely alone time with you.
At last a moment together
You and a view, take me now.

Kisses so soft and gentle
Under the sun setting sky
Nearly sixty thousand people cheered for us
Veda Laurenski Feb 2020
When I told you
I had looked up the time of the sunset and the point that was scored when everyone cheered.
                       When we first kissed because I was sure
                        It was at the same moment.

You told me that
You had searched medical record for the date and time
Of the patient you saw
                      When we met that first time.
                      Because you needed to know.
Veda Laurenski Feb 2020
An onion can grow from a seed,
            From a tiny place and start its  life  
                                                   from the beginning,
                                                      ­                         to its end.

Or an onion  can grow from a broken piece of itself.  
           If it’s tended to carefully
                                and the conditions are favourable.
                                                                ­          And go on again

  To begin again.
Veda Laurenski Feb 2020
When you talk to me
My Broca’s Area fails
And makes me so dumb
She doesn’t know she’s my future wife yet.
Also, the onion poems are all for her too.
I’m not creepy I promise.
Well, maybe she knows
We talk about our Advanced Care Directives a lot.
****** lesbians.
Veda Laurenski Feb 2020
When I look at you
My Occipital Lobe makes
My pupils dilate
Tori Barnes Jun 2018
with you
it's slow like the syrup I
drowned the waffles
my mom used to make on
Sunday mornings in
the way you tilted me sideways
and let my sighs build up on the
plate’s edge only to drop me
at the last second
and let the puddle settle
before tipping me once again
Tori Barnes Jun 2018
10 pm in front of Chipotle
and you said, this is my [rusty] Chevy [something],
which had a radio that played exceptional static
for us to tune out on the trek to Mount Washington.

It was raining, but we had already driven all that way
and so we stood outside anyways
in the low hanging clouds above Pittsburgh.

I said, I’ve never been on a date
         with a girl      before.

And you said, is it everything you thought it’d be?
And with that

we decided to see who could throw a rock the farthest
[which you won]
and who could name more constellations
[which nobody won, because there
were no stars in sight on that Tuesday night].

Then the couple next to us left
and a new one arrived
and the blanket of fog temporarily lifted
to reveal the UPMC logo.

We watched as the number of tiny office lights
diminished, looking a little bit like an end of the world
power outage in slow motion—

and we silently shrunk in the weight of the moment
as the Earth turned and dragged the seconds along,
and the water of the Allegheny and Monongahela
merged into the Ohio the way our bodies connected at the hands;
two posterchildlesbians showing a city
                                 in love.
first date magic, a homage to a tony hoagland poem i once read
Tori Barnes Jun 2018
My girl has the gravity of Saturn
Endless layers I have yet to discover
Her eyes, a smeared palette of every color
A surface it’s easy to get lost on
One large ring I often fantasize about
Wearing on my finger
my first girlfriend
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