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astrid Jun 2018
You are both
morning coffee
and bedtime tea.
You both rouse
my tired mind
and calm
my anxious heart.
Kali Jul 2016
My Best Friend

It's cliche to say I'm in love with my best friend,
Or to say that she's my soul mate.
But those are the only words humanly possible to describe it.
I can tell her anything
If I have a random thought at two in the morning
And I wake her up,
She won't be mad.
She's half awake but she listens. She'll tell me it's okay
Hold me until I fall asleep,
Wait until she hears my steady breaths
Wait until I stop shifting.
It's so intimate in those moments.
When there's nothing around us but the soft whir of the A/C and the warmth of her love.
Or when she's crying in her room and the only words she can muster are apologies for things she didn't do and can't control.
And I sit,
The only words that calm her down.
She knows them well.
I sit with her,
Sometimes unsure of what to do,
Doing the only thing I know.
And wait.
I wait until it subsides.
And I wipe the tears gently from her eyes.
Push her hair out of her face,
Kiss her sweaty forehead,
And whisper lightly in her ear
Everything is alright.
Letting her know
I love her,
And I will always be here for her.
For she is my best friend
And my soulmate.

-1:30 a.m. K.E.
Kali Apr 2016
I love her smiles oh her smile

It lights up a room, brightens my day

Her laugh, it’s contagious, rich, deep, sweet and pure.

I love the way she steeps, soft, still, peaceful, content.

Her pacing breath a metronome, in out in out in out

Lost in a sea of dreams, her eyes shut tight, her lips a smirk.

I love her eyes, a soft brown, the way they show the way she feels

Lively, burning with passion or solemn, humble and kind.

I love how they light up when she’s talking about things she loves.

I love her hugs, they send tingles up and down my spine

The way her arms fit perfectly around my waist. Her hugs are tight

Like she means it, filled with her passion for me.

I love the way she mindlessly plays with her hair,

Looking off into space, deeply lost in thought.

I love the way she sings to every song that

comes on the radio. The way she opens up and lets the lyrics take her away.

I love when she’s half awake, teetering on the edge

of dreams, how her voice gets higher and her thoughts lose meaning.

She’s so innocent, vulnerable at most. I love how she

trusts me to see that side of her. Her trust in me runs so deep.

She trusts me with her hopes and dreams, her deepest, darkest fears.

It takes so much to open up and she trusted me to break down her walls.

She trusts me not to hurt her, to hold her close and

take away her fears, scare away her demons.

And I will. I promise I will

*Because I love her.

— The End —